• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Turn PDF import from bundled extension to plain code · 7bf64a5a
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    No need for dirty hacks linking in basegfx objects statically any more.
    To avoid unnecessary confusion between the newly plain code and any instance of
    the old extension still installed (per-user or shared), I renamed all relevant
    UNO implementation identifiers from com.sun.star.comp.documents.* to
    org.libreoffice.comp.documents.*.  Also, existing installations of the extension
    are explicitly not migrated to new user profiles.
    The xpdfimport executable is now in program/, its xpdfimport_err.pdf in
    share/xpdfimport/.  To simplify finding the _err.pdf from xpdfimport, its full
    pathname is now given as additional second argument to xpdfimport.  To find
    xpdfimport executable from CppunitTest, CppunitTest creates a symlink from
    solver's unittest/installation/program to solver's bin, so that
    "$BRAND_BASE_DIR/program/xpdfimport" works there (as CppunitTest now sets
    BRAND_BASE_DIR to solver's unittest/installation).
    The sdext/source/pdfipmort/dialogs/ Basic stuff appeared to be unused (even
    though it was included in the .oxt) and has been removed.
    The --disable-ext-pdfimport configure switch is renamed to --disable-pdfimport.
    Having it still conditional requires some pdf_Portable_Document_Format vs.
    pdf_Portable_Document_Format_import foo in module filter.
    Change-Id: Iee58c2f6187142a418decc9ea3a5df10eb7e0523
Package_pdfimport_xpdfimport.mk 531 Bytes