• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    tdf#100501: Adapt to Java 9 (at least on Linux x86-64) · 52ffad9b
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    Checking with both jdk-9+181_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz and
    jre-9+181_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz as currently available at
    <http://jdk.java.net/9/> "JDK 9 Early-Access Builds":
    For one, make SunVersion::init understand <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/223>
    "JEP 223: New Version-String Scheme" at least insofar as to accept strings like
    "9" with less than three dot-separated segments (where the missing segments are
    treated like "0").
    For another, at least for Linux x86-64, libjvm.so is now apparently located in a
    path without an "amd64" architecture segment, "lib/server/libjvm.so".  (But
    could that also be "client"?)  Other platforms may need further adjustments.
    Change-Id: Idcebc833472c81a1dc74dcdd481b0a37274a8713
sunjre.cxx 3.23 KB