• Jan Holesovsky's avatar
    online update: MAR-based online update - initial import from Mozilla. · dba90c04
    Jan Holesovsky yazdı
    This commit copies several source files around the Mozilla's online update
    from the Mozilla sources to LibreOffice.  The hope is that we will be able to
    modify it so that LibreOffice can use the same update mechanism as Firefox,
    including downloading the packs on background, and applying them on the next
    changeset:   248917:ce863f9d8864
    The following locations in the Mozzila sources were copied:
    firefox/modules/libmar -> onlineupdate/source/libmar
    firefox/toolkit/mozapps/update -> onlineupdate/source/update
    JavaScript parts were omitted.
    Change-Id: I0c92dc0bf734bfd5d8746822f674e162d64fa62f
errors.h 3.3 KB