• Jan-Marek Glogowski's avatar
    OSX fix empty message queue handling · 272026d7
    Jan-Marek Glogowski yazdı
    For some (unknown) reason [NSApp postEvent: ... atStart: NO]
    doesn't append the event, if the message queue is empty
    (AKA [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask .. ] returns nil).
    Due to nextEventMatchingMask usage, these postEvents have to
    run in the main thread.
    Using performSelectorOnMainThread deadlocks, since the calling
    thread may have locked the Yield mutex, so we simply defer the
    call using an NSEvent, like the Windows backend.
    So we have to peek at the queue and if it's empty simply prepend
    the event using [.. atStart: YES].
    In the end this make the vcl_timer unit test pass on OSX.
    Change-Id: Ib41186425b2f76faa0e9f116f47fdcd60d878099
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