• Miklos Vajna's avatar
    tdf#112318 sd opengl: fix lack of initial animation · 3e009203
    Miklos Vajna yazdı
    Commit 881043d1 (#i98792# Allow frequent
    calls to slide show update()., 2009-04-27) added a comment in
    sd::SlideshowImpl::updateSlideShow() talking about an "above" case, when
    the slideshow update suggests to not wait till the next update,
    but later commit 12dcf5e6 (slideshow:
    cleanup main-loop usage, post-yield listeners, etc., 2015-11-13) removed
    that handling.
    That was fine till opengl rendering was introduced, which swaps its
    backbuffer in an idle handler. Given that OpenGLFlushIdle's priority is
    TaskPriority::POST_PAINT and SlideshowImpl::maUpdateTimer's priority is
    TaskPriority::REPAINT, the GL backbuffer is not always painted while an
    animation is ongoing.
    This is more visible when tweaking the bugdoc to have an e.g. 5 sec
    animation, then starting the slideshow results in waiting for 5 seconds
    and only then the slide shows up, without an animation.
    Fix the problem by re-introducing the handling of the fUpdate == 0, and
    processing idle events there, which means the GL backbuffer will be
    always painted, regardless if fUpdate is a small number or 0.
    Change-Id: I25b2dc0aa41af62d9bd89617178eb2e9997f5b17
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/70287Reviewed-by: 's avatarMiklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.com>
    Tested-by: Jenkins
slideshowimpl.cxx 98.4 KB