• Miklos Vajna's avatar
    Enforce coding style with clang-format for new code · 98f5f4d3
    Miklos Vajna yazdı
    - The actual blacklist has to be generated with
      solenv/clang-format/generate-style-blacklist.sh in a separate commit.
    - .clang-format is from
      - the commented out lines are removed
      - Standard is Cpp11 instead of Cpp03
      - explicitly avoid sorting includes (requested during ESC meeting
      - no indentation inside namespaces (lots of existing code in sc wants this)
    - The git hooks prints a diff when the style is violated, along with a
      command to fix up the violation automatically. It also enforces style
      only in new files and ignores all files listed in the blacklist.
    - To avoid introducing one more hard-to-setup build dependency for new
      developers, help them two ways:
      - if clang-format is not installed, provide pre-built binaries for
      - download/install of these binaries are printed as cmdline
        instructions, similar to how we have our own 'make' on Windows
    - As per ESC call 2017-11-02, currently don't do any checks if
      clang-format is not installed (as a first step).
    Change-Id: Iaa139c396337e8734aa1853305d808438260c41a
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/43736Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarMiklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.co.uk>
.clang-format 1.35 KB