• Armin Le Grand's avatar
    Replace SVGFilter using SVGIO · 3ca7be09
    Armin Le Grand yazdı
    Target of this change is to get rid of the SVGFilter
    in current LO which is based on the standard-ODF importer
    using it's functionality by passing in/handing over
    temporary created XML-Stream-Data.
    First step is to alternatively import the given SVG
    file to a newly created Document and to strip the
    existing Filter-Code.
    Adding the first prototype of the changed import. It
    is capable of importing the given SVG to the created
    Draw/Impress document. It adds the SVG which gets imported
    by SVGIO as GraphicObject. It adapts sizes and positions of
    Page and GraphicObject to have a smooth import.
    Adding stripping of SVGFilter and used ressources. Done
    as deep as possible, hopefully all places found.
    Adapted now to create an Impress document. Also added needed
    adaptions to PageSize(s), including layout and PresObj stuff
    to make all MasterPages/LayoutPages work correctly.
    Added reaction on empty SVG. This is needed since the
    PageSize is adapted to the Graphic. With empty Graphic
    a Size(0,0) results and this goes wrong.
    Change-Id: Ia364a5783bee7dadcbe91e700efbabc121cf98f9
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/54096Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarArmin Le Grand <Armin.Le.Grand@cib.de>
svdmodel.hxx 28.9 KB