• Caolán McNamara's avatar
    a11y crash on deleting certain frame in certain document · 04081b69
    Caolán McNamara yazdı
    I've an internal RH document which crashes in a11y when a paragraph with a
    graphic and a drawing frame in it is deleted.
    The SdrObject is removed and deleted, but when
    SwAccessibleContext::DisposeChild is called the object does not pass IsShowing
    so its not removed from the accessibility map. Leaving an entry in the map
    pointing to a deleted SdrObject
    So here take the route-one approach of always removing from the map
    accessibility children which depend on a SdrObject which is getting deleted,
    whether or not it is inside the visible area at the moment.
    The real change here is to SwAccessibleContext::DisposeChild and to
    Change-Id: I764cd54d6216d233756f52b5be66c80737b5e38d
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/26824Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarMichael Stahl <mstahl@redhat.com>
accframebase.cxx 12.5 KB