• Kohei Yoshida's avatar
    fdo#75260: Correctly draw double lines for both Writer and Calc. · 2c62596c
    Kohei Yoshida yazdı
    Fix all sorts of incorrect double line handling in drawinglayer in order to
    draw thick-thin double line types correctly.  Also change handling of border
    lines in writer tables. There are still some outstanding issues but it's
    much better than how it was before.
    Also realized that Word and Excel handle simple thin double lines differently;
    Word varies widths of all of the lines and the gap whereas Excel only has one
    fixed size for its double line.  For this reason I decided to add a separate
    double line type (DOUBLE_THIN) to handle Excel's double line.
    Change-Id: Iaaa353b6e4f998b524262bea59260b4333e0cdb4
borderlineprimitive2d.cxx 16.3 KB