• Michael Stahl's avatar
    sw_redlinehide_3: SwAccessibleHyperlink listen at SwFormatINetFormat · 0b8965b7
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    There is an annoying problem here: how does a SwAccessibleHyperlink
    check whether its corresponding model hint still exists or not?
    The existing check via the hint-position appears not ideal, and with the
    MergedPara the obvious extension is to add a SwTextNode pointer (or
    node index?) which would make it even less ideal...
    Instead, do as a lot of classes in unocore do, and register as a
    listener on the pool item.
    There is another aspect there in how the SwAccessibleHyperTextData
    map gets disposed quite eagerly when anything changes, but the
    SwAccessibleHyperlink can live longer than this map.
    Change-Id: I7d0780cf28794b4ef68cff5d640190694f67530e
fmtinfmt.hxx 4.19 KB