• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Backport boost fix for threading detection in GCC 4.7 · 8ecf7e22
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    See http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk r76133 "Fix threading detection in
    GCC-4.7 experimental."  Without it, BOOST_DISABLE_THREADS would be defined when
    compiling with GCC 4.7, which in turn would cause
    boost/smart_ptr/detail/sp_counted_base.hpp to include a single-thread--mode
    boost/smart_ptr/detaul/sp_counted_base_nt.hpp which is not suitable in a
    multi-threaded scenario.
    Change-Id: Ia30a5c2c241e2e135858a5cab3dd855d05db50c8
boost_1_44_0-gthreads.patch 601 Bytes