• Michael Stahl's avatar
    tdf#123293 sfx2: fix metadata loss when loading from stream · 0a5ca576
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    The problem is that when loading from a stream, there is no BaseURL and
    also no storage for the document.
    Due to the lack of BaseURL, the sfx2::createBaseURI() throws and loading
    RDF metadata fails, which also pops up an annoying warning dialog.
    Try to handle this in a similar way than a newly created document (see
    GetDMA()), by using the vnd.sun.star.tdoc scheme URL for the document;
    this however currently requires that the document has a XStorage, which
    is also not the case here.
    So add another UNO method to tdoc UCP's tdoc_ucp::ContentProvider,
    to split out the creation of the tdoc schema URL from the creation of
    the ucb Content, to get rid of the XStorage requirement.
    Change-Id: Ica62743f9d21db0b1464b70db1a62ebc61989ef8
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/67882
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarSamuel Mehrbrodt <Samuel.Mehrbrodt@cib.de>
tdoc_provider.hxx 5.81 KB