• Michael Meeks's avatar
    fdo#38513 - Accelerate non-poolable item add / remove. · 1ca7ac12
    Michael Meeks yazdı
    For large documents we create and destroy a large number of non-poolable
    SfxPoolItems, which get inserted into and removed from a vector.
    Unfortunately the performance of this (depending on pattern) is O(N) and
    this insert/remove/extend pattern can happen per text span we insert.
    This patch makes this O(const) via a hash. This gives a 5x speedup for
    the above bug; 176s to 34s or so, and moves the remaining performance
    issues elsewhere.
    Unfortunately, we have to retain the ordered array to keep the binary
    file format code (used for editeng cut-and-paste) in place, so have to
    keep both a hash, and an array, and a list around for free slots. cf.
    fdo#79851 where there is a start at removing that.
    This wastes space; but not that much - for a large open document
    collection we have O(100's) of SfxItemPools, and O(1000's) of
    SfxPoolItemArray_Impls; having fixed fdo#79851 we can consolidate this.
    Add skeletal unit test; translate several German comments; remove
    un-necessary include.
    Change-Id: Ie0de32b1a29217560c5591c71a6cd4e26d39a531
CppunitTest_svl_itempool.mk 883 Bytes