Kaydet (Commit) 7101a8aa authored tarafından Hakan Dündar's avatar Hakan Dündar

Improvements for opening default terminal application

üst 8f8d900b
......@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ def main_menus_gui_func():
checkmenuitem1001m.connect("toggled", on_checkmenuitem1001m_toggled)
def on_menuitem1002m_activate(widget): # "Open Terminal" menu item
if os.path.isfile("/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator") == False:
if 'subprocess' not in globals():
global subprocess
import subprocess
......@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ def main_menus_gui_func():
try: # "try-catch" is used in order to avoid errors and show an error dialog to user if default terminal on the system can not be detected.
(subprocess.call(["x-terminal-emulator"], shell=False))
open_terminal_thread = Thread(target=main_menus_gui_open_terminal_func, daemon=True).start() # Terminal is run in another thread in order not to wait end of the run which occurs in single threaded code execution.
def on_checkmenuitem1001m_toggled(widget): # "Floating Summary" menu item
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