• S.Çağlar Onur's avatar
    Fix following valid sparse warnings; · 29080fd3
    S.Çağlar Onur yazdı
    comar/src/data.c:49:5: warning: mixing declarations and code
    comar/src/data.c:25:1: warning: symbol 'db_init' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/data.c:345:6: warning: symbol 'get_script_path' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/data.c:373:1: warning: symbol 'db_register_model' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/data.c:403:1: warning: symbol 'db_remove_app' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/data.c:481:1: warning: symbol 'db_get_apps' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/data.c:504:1: warning: symbol 'db_get_app_models' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/data.c:528:1: warning: symbol 'db_get_model_apps' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/data.c:552:1: warning: symbol 'db_check_app' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/data.c:574:1: warning: symbol 'db_check_model' was not declared. Should it be static?
    comar/src/utility.c:48:5: warning: mixing declarations and code
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