Kaydet (Commit) 329bf314 authored tarafından Onur Küçük's avatar Onur Küçük

update-fstab script. I got Meren's script, did a few bugfixes, changed to…

update-fstab script. I got Meren's script, did a few bugfixes, changed to ntfs-3g, a few cosmetics etc.

The idea for now is to add this to mudur's post script. In installation, yali writes /etc/fstab before configure-pending so it should work.

If it causes trouble in pardusman, we can write fstab right before creating squashfs image

üst cc56c692
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005, TUBITAK/UEKAE
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
import os
import sys
import copy
import glob
import parted
class DeviceError(Exception):
def getPartitionsOfDevice(device_path):
"""Returns all partitions of a given device but swap partition"""
def getPartitionInfo(part):
partition = {}
if part.num >= 1:
fs_name = ""
if part.fs_type and part.fs_type.name != 'linux-swap':
return (device_path + str(part.num), {"mount_point": None,
"file_system": part.fs_type.name,
"options": None,
"dump_freq": None,
"fs_pass_no": None})
return partition
dev = parted.PedDevice.get(device_path)
disk = parted.PedDisk.new(dev)
label = archinfo['x86']["disklabel"]
disk_type = parted.disk_type_get(label)
disk = dev.disk_new_fresh(disk_type)
part = disk.next_partition()
while part:
info = getPartitionInfo(part)
if info:
yield info
part = disk.next_partition(part)
def getBlockDevices():
"""Returns a list of *non-removable* block devices attached to the system"""
if not os.path.exists("/sys/block"):
raise DeviceError, "sysfs not found!"
devices = []
for dev_type in ["hd*", "sd*"]:
sysfs_devs = glob.glob("/sys/block/" + dev_type)
for sysfs_dev in sysfs_devs:
if not int(open(sysfs_dev + "/removable").read().strip()):
devices.append("/dev/" + os.path.basename(sysfs_dev))
return devices
class FstabError(Exception):
class Fstab:
def __init__(self, File = "/etc/fstab"):
self.File = File
if os.path.isfile(File):
self.content = self.__emergeContent()
self.content = []
self.defaultMountDir = "/mnt"
self.excludedFilesystems = ["proc", "tmpfs", "swap"]
self.allDevices = getBlockDevices()
self.defaultFileSystemOptions = {}
self.defaultFileSystemOptions["vfat"] = ["quiet", "shortname=mixed", "dmask=007", "fmask=117", "utf8", "gid=6"]
self.defaultFileSystemOptions["ext3"] = ["noatime"]
self.defaultFileSystemOptions["ext2"] = ["noatime"]
self.defaultFileSystemOptions["ntfs-3g"] = ["dmask=007", "fmask=117", "locale=tr_TR.UTF-8", "gid=6"]
self.defaultFileSystemOptions["reiserfs"] = ["noatime"]
self.defaultFileSystemOptions["xfs"] = ["noatime"]
self.defaultFileSystemOptions["defaults"] = ["defaults"]
def update(self):
self.__allPartitions, self.__fstabPartitions = {}, {}
for p in self.__fstabPartitions.keys():
if self.__allPartitions.get(p):
def writeContent(self, File = None):
if not File:
File = self.File
f = open(File, "w")
except IOError:
raise FstabError, "Unable to write: %s"
for line in self.content:
def __emergeContent(self):
return [line for line in open(self.File).readlines() if not line.startswith('#') if not line.startswith("\n")]
def __emergeAllPartitions(self):
for dev in self.allDevices:
for info in [info for info in getPartitionsOfDevice(dev)]:
self.__allPartitions[info[0]] = info[1]
def __emergeFstabPartitions(self):
for line in self.content:
if line.split()[2] not in self.excludedFilesystems:
self.__fstabPartitions[line.split()[0]] = {"mount_point": line.split()[1],
"file_system": line.split()[2],
"options": line.split()[3].split(','),
"dump_freq": line. split()[4],
"fs_pass_no": line.split()[5]}
def getFstabPartitions(self):
return self.__fstabPartitions
def getAvailablePartitions(self):
ap = {}
for p in set(self.__allPartitions) - set(self.__fstabPartitions):
ap[p] = copy.deepcopy(self.__allPartitions[p])
return ap
def addAvailablePartitions(self):
"""Adds all partitions that have no entries in fstab,
into fstab with default parameters"""
for p in self.getAvailablePartitions():
self.addFstabEntry(p, self.__allPartitions[p])
def getDepartedPartitions(self):
"""Returns a list of partitions that have entries in fstab but also
they do not exist anymore"""
dp = {}
for p in set(self.__fstabPartitions) - set(self.__allPartitions):
dp[p] = copy.deepcopy(self.__fstabPartitions[p])
return dp
def delDepartedPartitions(self):
"""Removes partitions from fstab. These partitions have entries in fstab but also
they do not exist anymore"""
for p in self.getDepartedPartitions():
def getAllPartitions(self):
return self.__allPartitions
def addFstabEntry(self, partition, attr_dict = {}):
"""Adds an fstab entry for 'partition', with attributes given in 'attr_dict'"""
if not partition:
print "'partition' can not be null."
return -1
if attr_dict.get('mount_point') == None:
attr_dict['mount_point'] = self.defaultMountDir + '/' + os.path.basename(partition)
err = []
if not self.__allPartitions.get(partition):
err.append("'%s' is not an available partition.\n" % (partition))
if self.__fstabPartitions.get(partition):
err.append("'%s' is already in fstab\n" % (partition))
if [p for p in self.__fstabPartitions if self.__fstabPartitions[p]['mount_point'] == attr_dict['mount_point']]:
err.append("Mount point '%s' is already in use\n" % (attr_dict['mount_point']))
if err:
print err
return -1
if attr_dict.get('file_system') == None:
attr_dict['file_system'] = self.__allPartitions[partition]['file_system']
if attr_dict.get('dump_freq') == None:
attr_dict['dump_freq'] = '0'
if attr_dict.get('fs_pass_no') == None:
attr_dict['fs_pass_no'] = '0'
# convert fat16 and fat32 to vfat..
if attr_dict['file_system'] == 'fat16' or attr_dict['file_system'] == 'fat32':
attr_dict['file_system'] = 'vfat'
# convert ntfs to ntfs-3g
if attr_dict['file_system'] == 'ntfs':
attr_dict['file_system'] = 'ntfs-3g'
if attr_dict.get('options') == None:
attr_dict['options'] = self.defaultFileSystemOptions.get(attr_dict['file_system']) or self.defaultFileSystemOptions['defaults']
if not os.path.exists(attr_dict['mount_point']):
except OSError:
print ("Unable to create mount point: '%s' for '%s'" % (attr_dict['mount_point'], partition))
self.content.append("%-11s %-20s %-9s %-20s %s %s\n" % (partition,
def delFstabEntry(self, partition):
if not self.__fstabPartitions.get(partition):
print("There is not any fstab record for '%s'.\n" % (partition))
return -1
for c in range(0, len(self.content)):
if self.content[c].split()[0] == partition:
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
f = Fstab(File = "/etc/fstab")
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