Kaydet (Commit) b1304955 authored tarafından Ali Rıza KESKİN's avatar Ali Rıza KESKİN

daha fazla modül hata gidermesi

üst 93b3304e
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Starting overlay scripts::
Wellcome to::
Running local initrd scripts::
Switching root::
Waiting for kernel modules::
Creating initrd::
Mount handler running::
UEFI mode detected::
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Starting overlay scripts::Overlay betikleri baslatiliyor
Wellcome to::Hosgeldiniz
Running local initrd scripts::Yerel acilis betikleri calistiriliyor
Switching root::Kok degistiriliyor
Waiting for kernel modules::Cekirdek modulleri icin bekleniyor
Creating initrd::Initrd olusturuluyor
Mount handler running::Baglama islemleri calisiyor
UEFI mode detected::UEFI modu tespit edildi
......@@ -37,15 +37,17 @@ overlay_mount(){
if [ -f /rootfs/$subdir/sbin/openrc-run ] ; then
if [ "${live.user}" != "" ] ; then
chroot /rootfs/$subdir/ useradd "$live_user" || true
if [ "${live_user}" != "" ] ; then
chroot /rootfs/$subdir/ useradd "${live_user}" || true
chroot /rootfs/$subdir/ useradd "sulin" || true
if [ "${live.keyboard}" != "" ] ; then
echo "keymap=\"${live.keymap}\"" > /rootfs/$subdir/etc/conf.d/keymaps
if [ "${live_keyboard}" != "" ] ; then
echo "keymap=\"${live_keymap}\"" > /rootfs/$subdir/etc/conf.d/keymaps
if [ "${live.locale}" != "" ] ; then
export LANG=${live.locale}
export LC_ALL=${live.locale}
if [ "${live_locale}" != "" ] ; then
export LANG=${live_locale}
export LC_ALL=${live_locale}
warn "Live config cannot works without openrc"
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