Kaydet (Commit) e8c2be32 authored tarafından Eray Özkural's avatar Eray Özkural

* dir'leri yeniden organize ediyoruz,

  bir sonraki adim python package'i yapmak tam olarak
üst bb82fd26
Like every serious project, there are guidelines.
Oooooo. "Coding Standards".
1. When using dirnames, don't expect the dir to end
with a trailing slash, and please use the dirnames
in pisiconfig
2. Python indentation is usually 4 chars.
3. Follow python philosophy of 'batteries included'
4. Don't make the code have runtime dependencies on
a particular distribution (as much as possible)
5. Don't assume narrow use cases.
6. If you are changing something, check if that change
breaks anything and fix breakage. For instance a
name. Running the tests is not always enough!
Unit testing
Unit tests are located in unittests directory. Running the tests is
trivial. But you must synchronize your code and data with the test
code, which can be a tedious work if you lose discipline.
Sample data files are located in samples/ directory.
For running the entire test suite, use the following command:
$ ./unittests/run.py
If you know what you are doing, you can run the tests seperately. But
keep in your mind that tests can depend on each other. (?) The unit test
system doesn't know about that. The following command will run tests
in specfiletests and archivetests in unittests dir:
$ ./unittests/run.py specfile archive
Misc. Suggestions
1. Demeter's Law
In OO programming, try to invoke Demeter's law.
One of the "rules" there is not directly accessing any
objects that are further than, 2/3 refs, away. So the
following code is OK.
but the following isn't as robust
As you can tell, this introduces too many implementation
dependencies. The rule of thumb is that, in these cases
this statement must have been elsewhere.... It may be a
good idea to not count the object scope in this case,
so in Python self.a means only one level of reference,
not two.
One quibble with this: it may be preferable not to insist
on this where it would be inefficient. So if everything
is neatly packed into one object contained in another
object, why replicate everything in the upper level? If
the semantics prevents dependency changes, then chains
of 3 or even 4 could be acceptable.
OTOH, in Python and C++, it's not always good to implement
accessor/modifier pairs for every property of an object.
It would be much simpler if you are not doing any special
processing on the property (e.g. if what the type system
does is sufficient).
The main rule of thumb in Demeter's Law is avoiding
putting more than, say, 10 methods in a class. That works
really well in practice, forcing refactoring every now
and then.
PISI is a new package manager implemented in python.
PiSi ToDo List
A list of tasks to accomplish, organized into priority sections
- Todo
? Not determined if/how we have to do
/ In progress
+ Accomplished
1. Pre-Alpha
+ implement reading spec file
/ implement install database
? transaction/locking for database
2. Alpha
3. Beta
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python standard library
from os.path import basename
import pisi.context
import pisi.util
import pisi.ui
from pisi.build import PisiBuild, PisiBuildError
def usage(progname = "pisi-build"):
print """
%s [options] package-name.pspec
""" %(progname)
def main():
import sys
import getopt
# wrapper for usage(progname) function
help = lambda: usage(sys.argv[0])
# getopt magic
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"h",["help"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "-h":
# pspec(PISI Spec) to be used for package
pspec = ""
# TODO: We accept only one pspec file (at a time) currently,
# but pisi-build may build many packages (pspecs given in order)
# sequentially.
if len(args) != 1:
raise PisiBuildError, "pisi-build expects one (and only one) pspec file currently"
pspec = args[0]
# What we need to do first is create a context with our specfile
ctx = pisi.context.Context(pspec)
# don't do the real job here. this is just a CLI!
pb = PisiBuild(ctx)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# sys modules
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import pisi.install
import pisi.util
class ArgError(Exception):
def main():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <package>"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage,version="%prog " + pisi.__version__)
parser.add_option("-D", "--destdir", action="store")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
dest="verbose", default=False,
help="detailed output")
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=True)
parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true",
default = "do not perform any action, just show what\
would be done")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# package filename
package_fn = ""
# TODO: We accept only one package file arg ATM
if len(args) != 1:
print usage
raise ArgError, "pisi-install expects one (and only one) package file currently"
package_fn = args[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
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