Kaydet (Commit) e6179182 authored tarafından Suleyman Poyraz's avatar Suleyman Poyraz

Inary system running with two different xml parser

üst 9556b46a
2018-03-18 Suleyman Poyraz <nipalensisaquila@gmail.com>
* minidom vs ciksemek:
minidom ile tüm inary sistemi yeniden yazıldı. Ancak ciddi manada
inar yavaşlıyor. Db initializing süresi 8 sn. Yuh yani. Ama minidom
uğraşımı öylece silmek istemediğim için minidom ve ciksemeli beraber
kullanma kararı aldım.
2018-03-11 Suleyman Poyraz <nipalensisaquila@gmail.com>
* colorized help output:
Colorized command names and now help screen look well.
......@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ import signal
import inary
import inary.context as ctx
import inary.cli.inarycli as inarycli
import ciksemel
#FIXME: Görünüşü güzel olsa bile kodda anlamsızlık yaratıyor
sys.stdout.write("\033[05;31mWARNING:\033[0m\n\t\033[02;37mCiksemel XML Parser not found!!!\n\tFalling back with minidom!!! :(\033[0m\n\n")
import gettext
gettext.bindtextdomain('inary', "/usr/share/locale")
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class ArchiveLzma(ArchiveBase):
from backports import lzma
lzma_file = lzma.LZMAFile(self.file_path, "rb")
output = open(output_path, "w")
......@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ class InaryCLI(object):
def __init__(self, orig_args=None):
# first construct a parser for common options
# this is really dummy
self.parser = PreParser(version="%prog " + inary.__version__)
opts, args = self.parser.parse_args(args=orig_args)
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ all repositories.
# print for all repos
for repo in op_wrappers.list_repos():
ctx.ui.info(_("Repository : {}\n").format(str(repo)))
ctx.ui.info(util.colorize(_("\n Repository : {}\n"), "blue").format(str(repo)))
def print_packages(self, repo):
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Finds the installed package which contains the specified file.
def run(self):
self.init(database = True, write = False)
if not self.args:
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ _ = __trans.gettext
import inary.cli.command as command
import inary.context as ctx
import inary.atomicoperations
import inary.operations.op_wrappers as op_wrappers
class UpdateRepo(command.Command, metaclass=command.autocommand):
__doc__ = _("""Update repository databases
......@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ _ = __trans.gettext
# standard python modules
import os.path
#for compability cross platform package managing
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
# inary modules
import inary.sxml.xmlfile as xmlfile
import inary.sxml.autoxml as autoxml
......@@ -39,6 +35,13 @@ import inary.data.group as group
import inary.util as util
import inary.db
import ciksemel
parser = "ciksemel"
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
parser = "minidom"
class Error(inary.Error):
......@@ -423,7 +426,17 @@ class SpecFile(xmlfile.XmlFile, metaclass=autoxml.autoxml):
def getSourceRelease(self):
return self.history[0].release
def _set_i18n(self, tag, inst):
def _set_i18n(self, tag, inst, parser="ciksemel"):
if parser=="ciksemel":
for summary in tag.tags("Summary"):
inst.summary[summary.getAttribute("xml:lang")] = summary.firstChild().data()
for desc in tag.tags("Description"):
inst.description[desc.getAttribute("xml:lang")] = desc.firstChild().data()
except AttributeError:
raise Error(_("translations.xml file is badly formed."))
for summary in tag.getElementsByTagName("Summary"):
inst.summary[summary.getAttribute("xml:lang")] = summary.childNodes[0].data
......@@ -436,6 +449,21 @@ class SpecFile(xmlfile.XmlFile, metaclass=autoxml.autoxml):
def read_translations(self, path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
if parser=="ciksemel":
doc = ciksemel.parse(path)
if doc.getTag("Source").getTagData("Name") == self.source.name:
# Set source package translations
self._set_i18n(doc.getTag("Source"), self.source)
for pak in doc.tags("Package"):
for inst in self.packages:
if inst.name == pak.getTagData("Name"):
self._set_i18n(pak, inst)
doc = minidom.parse(path).documentElement
except ExpatError as err:
......@@ -443,14 +471,14 @@ class SpecFile(xmlfile.XmlFile, metaclass=autoxml.autoxml):
if doc.getElementsByTagName("Source")[0].getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data == self.source.name:
# Set source package translations
self._set_i18n(doc.getElementsByTagName("Source")[0], self.source)
self._set_i18n(doc.getElementsByTagName("Source")[0], self.source, parser="minidom")
#FIXME: How can we fix it
for pak in doc.childNodes:
if pak.nodeType == pak.ELEMENT_NODE and pak.tagName == "Package":
for inst in self.packages:
if inst.name == pak.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data:
self._set_i18n(pak, inst)
self._set_i18n(pak, inst, parser="minidom")
def __str__(self):
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ __trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import inary
import inary.context as ctx
import inary.db.repodb
import inary.db.itembyrepo
import inary.data.component as Component
......@@ -25,6 +26,11 @@ class ComponentDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def __init__(self):
lazydb.LazyDB.__init__(self, cacheable=True)
import ciksemel
self.parser = "ciksemel"
self.parser = "minidom"
def init(self):
component_nodes = {}
......@@ -43,27 +49,41 @@ class ComponentDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
self.cpdb = inary.db.itembyrepo.ItemByRepo(component_packages)
self.csdb = inary.db.itembyrepo.ItemByRepo(component_sources)
def __generate_packages(self, doc):
def __generate_packages(self, doc, ):
components = {}
if self.parser == "ciksemel":
for pkg in doc.tags("Package"):
components.setdefault(pkg.getTagData("PartOf"), []).append(pkg.getTagData("Name"))
for pkg in doc.childNodes:
if pkg.nodeType == pkg.ELEMENT_NODE and pkg.tagName == "Package":
partOf = pkg.getElementsByTagName("PartOf")[0].firstChild.data
pkgName = pkg.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data
components.setdefault(partOf, []).append(pkgName)
return components
def __generate_sources(self, doc):
components = {}
if self.parser == "ciksemel":
for spec in doc.tags("SpecFile"):
src = spec.getTag("Source")
components.setdefault(src.getTagData("PartOf"), []).append(src.getTagData("Name"))
for spec in doc.childNodes:
if spec.nodeType == spec.ELEMENT_NODE and spec.tagName == "SpecFile":
src = spec.getElementsByTagName("Source")[0]
partOf = src.getElementsByTagName("PartOf")[0].firstChild.data
pkgName = src.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data
components.setdefault(partOf, []).append(pkgName)
return components
def __generate_components(self, doc):
#return dict([(x.getTagData("Name"), x.toString()) for x in doc.tags("Component")])
if self.parser == "ciksemel":
return dict([(x.getTagData("Name"), x.toString()) for x in doc.tags("Component")])
return dict([(x.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data, x.toxml('utf-8')) for x in doc.getElementsByTagName("Component")])
def has_component(self, name, repo = None):
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ __trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import inary
import inary.context as ctx
import inary.db.repodb
import inary.db.itembyrepo
import inary.data.group as Group
......@@ -32,6 +33,12 @@ class GroupDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
group_nodes = {}
group_components = {}
import ciksemel
self.parser = "ciksemel"
self.parser = "minidom"
repodb = inary.db.repodb.RepoDB()
for repo in repodb.list_repos():
......@@ -44,6 +51,15 @@ class GroupDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def __generate_components(self, doc):
groups = {}
if self.parser=="ciksemel":
for c in doc.tags("Component"):
group = c.getTagData("Group")
if not group:
group = "unknown"
groups.setdefault(group, []).append(c.getTagData("Name"))
for c in doc.childNodes:
if c.nodeType == c.ELEMENT_NODE and c.tagName == "Component":
group = c.getElementsByTagName("Group")[0]
......@@ -53,6 +69,11 @@ class GroupDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
return groups
def __generate_groups(self, doc):
if self.parser=="ciksemel":
return dict([(x.getTagData("Name"), x.toString()) for x in doc.tags("Group")])
return dict([(x.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data, x.toxml()) \
for x in doc.childNodes if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE and x.tagName == "Group"])
......@@ -19,15 +19,21 @@ import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
import inary
import inary.context as ctx
import inary.analyzer.dependency
import inary.data.files as Files
import inary.util
import inary.db.lazydb as lazydb
import inary.util
import inary.context as ctx
import ciksemel
parser = "ciksemel"
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
parser = "minidom"
class InstallDBError(inary.Error):
......@@ -92,6 +98,32 @@ class InstallDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def __add_to_revdeps(self, package, revdeps):
metadata_xml = os.path.join(self.package_path(package), ctx.const.metadata_xml)
if parser=="ciksemel":
meta_doc = ciksemel.parse(metadata_xml)
pkg = meta_doc.getTag("Package")
pkg = None
if pkg is None:
# If package info is broken or not available, skip it.
ctx.ui.warning(_("Installation info for package '{}' is broken. "
"Reinstall it to fix this problem.").format(package))
del self.installed_db[package]
deps = pkg.getTag('RuntimeDependencies')
if deps:
for dep in deps.tags("Dependency"):
revdep = revdeps.setdefault(dep.firstChild().data(), {})
revdep[package] = dep.toString()
for anydep in deps.tags("AnyDependency"):
for dep in anydep.tags("Dependency"):
revdep = revdeps.setdefault(dep.firstChild().data(), {})
revdep[package] = anydep.toString()
meta_doc = minidom.parse(metadata_xml).documentElement
pkg = meta_doc.getElementsByTagName("Package")[0]
......@@ -147,6 +179,12 @@ class InstallDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
return found
def __get_version(self, meta_doc):
if parser== "ciksemel":
history = meta_doc.getTag("Package").getTag("History")
version = history.getTag("Update").getTagData("Version")
release = history.getTag("Update").getAttribute("release")
history = meta_doc.getElementsByTagName("Package")[0].getElementsByTagName("History")[0]
version = history.getElementsByTagName("Update")[0].getElementsByTagName("Version")[0].firstChild.data
release = history.getElementsByTagName("Update")[0].getAttribute("release")[0]
......@@ -154,26 +192,42 @@ class InstallDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
return version, release, None
def __get_distro_release(self, meta_doc):
if parser== "ciksemel":
distro = meta_doc.getTag("Package").getTagData("Distribution")
release = meta_doc.getTag("Package").getTagData("DistributionRelease")
distro = meta_doc.getElementsByTagName("Package")[0].getElementsByTagName("Distribution")[0].firstChild.data
release = meta_doc.getElementsByTagName("Package")[0].getElementsByTagName("DistributionRelease")[0].firstChild.data
return distro, release
def __get_install_tar_hash(self, meta_doc):
if parser== "ciksemel":
hash = meta_doc.getTag("Package").getTagData("InstallTarHash")
hash = meta_doc.getElementsByTagName("Package")[0].getElementsByTagName("InstallTarHash")[0].firstChild.data
return hash
def get_install_tar_hash(self, package):
metadata_xml = os.path.join(self.package_path(package), ctx.const.metadata_xml)
if parser== "ciksemel":
meta_doc = ciksemel.parse(metadata_xml)
meta_doc = minidom.parse(metadata_xml).documentElement
return self.__get_install_tar_hash(meta_doc)
def get_version_and_distro_release(self, package):
metadata_xml = os.path.join(self.package_path(package), ctx.const.metadata_xml)
if parser== "ciksemel":
meta_doc = ciksemel.parse(metadata_xml)
meta_doc = minidom.parse(metadata_xml).documentElement
return self.__get_version(meta_doc) + self.__get_distro_release(meta_doc)
def get_version(self, package):
metadata_xml = os.path.join(self.package_path(package), ctx.const.metadata_xml)
if parser== "ciksemel":
meta_doc = ciksemel.parse(metadata_xml)
meta_doc = minidom.parse(metadata_xml).documentElement
return self.__get_version(meta_doc)
......@@ -240,13 +294,22 @@ class InstallDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
return info
def __make_dependency(self, depStr):
if parser=="ciksemel":
node = ciksemel.parseString(depStr)
dependency = inary.analyzer.dependency.Dependency()
dependency.package = node.firstChild().data()
if node.attributes():
attr = node.attributes()[0]
dependency.__dict__[str(attr)] = node.getAttribute(str(attr))
node = minidom.parseString(depStr).documentElement
dependency = inary.analyzer.dependency.Dependency()
dependency.package = node.childNodes[0].data
#FIXME: Bir sakatlık çıkacak
if node.attributes:
attr = node.attributes[0]
dependency.__dict__[str(attr)] = node.getAttribute(str(attr))
return dependency
def __create_dependency(self, depStr):
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class ItemByRepo:
for r in self.item_repos(repo):
if r in self.dbobj and item in self.dbobj[r]:
if self.compressed:
return gzip.zlib.decompress(self.dbobj[r][item]), r
return gzip.zlib.decompress(self.dbobj[r][item]).decode('utf-8') , r
return self.dbobj[r][item], r
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class ItemByRepo:
if self.compressed:
for item in list(self.dbobj[r].keys()):
yield str(item), str(gzip.zlib.decompress(self.dbobj[r][item]))
yield str(item), gzip.zlib.decompress(self.dbobj[r][item]).decode('utf-8')
for item in list(self.dbobj[r].keys()):
yield str(item), str(self.dbobj[r][item])
......@@ -15,16 +15,25 @@ import time
import gzip
import gettext
import datetime
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
import inary.db
import inary.data.metadata as Metadata
import inary.analyzer.dependency
import inary.db.itembyrepo
import inary.db.lazydb as lazydb
import inary.context as ctx
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import ciksemel
parser = "ciksemel"
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
parser = "minidom"
class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
......@@ -55,6 +64,10 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
## Generate functions look sooo ugly
def __generate_replaces(self, doc):
if parser== "ciksemel":
return [x.getTagData("Name") for x in doc.tags("Package") if x.getTagData("Replaces")]
return [node.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data \
for node in doc.childNodes \
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and \
......@@ -63,6 +76,16 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def __generate_obsoletes(self, doc):
if parser=="ciksemel":
distribution = doc.getTag("Distribution")
obsoletes = distribution and distribution.getTag("Obsoletes")
src_repo = doc.getTag("SpecFile") is not None
if not obsoletes or src_repo:
return []
return [x.firstChild().data() for x in obsoletes.tags("Package")]
distribution = doc.getElementsByTagName("Distribution")[0]
obsoletes = distribution and distribution.getElementsByTagName("Obsoletes")[0]
......@@ -77,6 +100,11 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def __generate_packages(self, doc):
if parser=="ciksemel":
for x in doc.tags("Package"):
pdict[x.getTagData("Name")]= gzip.zlib.compress(x.toString().encode('utf-8'))
for node in doc.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == "Package":
name = node.getElementsByTagName('Name')[0].firstChild.data
......@@ -85,6 +113,15 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def __generate_revdeps(self, doc):
revdeps = {}
if parser=="ciksemel":
for node in doc.tags("Package"):
name = node.getTagData('Name')
deps = node.getTag('RuntimeDependencies')
if deps:
for dep in deps.tags("Dependency"):
revdeps.setdefault(dep.firstChild().data(), set()).add((name, dep.toString()))
for node in doc.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == "Package":
name = node.getElementsByTagName('Name')[0].firstChild.data
......@@ -145,6 +182,11 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
return found
def __get_version(self, meta_doc):
if parser=="ciksemel":
history = meta_doc.getTag("History")
version = history.getTag("Update").getTagData("Version")
release = history.getTag("Update").getAttribute("release")
history = meta_doc.getElementsByTagName("History")[0]
version = history.getElementsByTagName("Update")[0].getElementsByTagName("Version")[0].firstChild.data
release = history.getElementsByTagName("Update")[0].getAttribute["release"]
......@@ -153,6 +195,11 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
return version, release, None
def __get_distro_release(self, meta_doc):
if parser=="ciksemel":
distro = meta_doc.getTagData("Distribution")
release = meta_doc.getTagData("DistributionRelease")
distro = meta_doc.getElementsByTagName("Distribution")[0].firstChild.data
release = meta_doc.getElementsByTagName("DistributionRelease")[0].firstChild.data
......@@ -162,6 +209,9 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
if not self.has_package(name, repo):
raise Exception(_('Package {} not found.').format(name))
if parser=="ciksemel":
pkg_doc = ciksemel.parseString(self.pdb.get_item(name, repo))
pkg_doc = minidom.parseString(self.pdb.get_item(name, repo)).documentElement
return self.__get_version(pkg_doc) + self.__get_distro_release(pkg_doc)
......@@ -169,6 +219,9 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
if not self.has_package(name, repo):
raise Exception(_('Package {} not found.').format(name))
if parser=="ciksemel":
pkg_doc = ciksemel.parseString(self.pdb.get_item(name, repo))
pkg_doc = minidom.parseString(self.pdb.get_item(name, repo)).documentElement
return self.__get_version(pkg_doc)
......@@ -188,6 +241,16 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
repodb = inary.db.repodb.RepoDB()
packages = set()
if parser=="ciksemel":
for repo in repodb.list_repos():
doc = repodb.get_repo_doc(repo)
for package in doc.tags("Package"):
if package.getTagData("IsA"):
for node in package.tags("IsA"):
if node.firstChild().data() == isa:
for repo in repodb.list_repos():
doc = repodb.get_repo_doc(repo)
for package in doc.getElementsByTagName("Package"):
......@@ -204,6 +267,18 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
return []
rev_deps = []
if parser=="ciksemel":
for pkg, dep in rvdb:
node = ciksemel.parseString(dep)
dependency = inary.analyzer.dependency.Dependency()
dependency.package = node.firstChild().data()
if node.attributes():
attr = node.attributes()[0]
dependency.__dict__[attr] = node.getAttribute(attr)
rev_deps.append((pkg, dependency))
for pkg, dep in rvdb:
node = minidom.parseString(dep).documentElement
dependency = inary.analyzer.dependency.Dependency()
......@@ -213,12 +288,27 @@ class PackageDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
attr = node.attributes[0]
dependency.__dict__[attr] = node.getAttribute(attr)
rev_deps.append((pkg, dependency))
return rev_deps
# replacesdb holds the info about the replaced packages (ex. gaim -> pidgin)
def get_replaces(self, repo=None):
pairs = {}
if parser=="ciksemel":
for pkg_name in self.rpdb.get_list_item():
xml = self.pdb.get_item(pkg_name, repo)
package = ciksemel.parseString(str(xml))
replaces_tag = package.getTag("Replaces")
if replaces_tag:
for node in replaces_tag.tags("Package"):
r = inary.data.relation.Relation()
# XXX Is there a better way to do this?
r.decode(node, [])
if inary.data.replace.installed_package_replaced(r):
pairs.setdefault(r.package, []).append(pkg_name)
for pkg_name in self.rpdb.get_list_item():
xml = self.pdb.get_item(pkg_name, repo)
package = minidom.parseString(xml)
......@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ _ = __trans.gettext
import os
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
import inary
import inary.uri
import inary.util
......@@ -30,6 +27,13 @@ import inary.db.lazydb as lazydb
from inary.file import File
import inary.sxml.xmlext as xmlext
import ciksemel
parser = "ciksemel"
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
parser = "minidom"
class RepoError(inary.Error):
......@@ -48,7 +52,29 @@ class RepoOrder:
self._doc = None
self.repos = self._get_repos()
def add(self, repo_name, repo_url, repo_type="remote"):
if parser == "ciksemel":
repo_doc = self._get_doc()
node = [x for x in repo_doc.tags("Repo")][-1]
repo_node = node.appendTag("Repo")
except IndexError:
repo_node = repo_doc.insertTag("Repo")
name_node = repo_node.insertTag("Name")
url_node = repo_node.insertTag("Url")
name_node = repo_node.insertTag("Status")
media_node = repo_node.insertTag("Media")
repo_doc = self._get_doc().ownerDocument
repo_node = repo_doc.createElement("Repo")
......@@ -75,6 +101,19 @@ class RepoOrder:
def set_status(self, repo_name, status):
repo_doc = self._get_doc()
if parser=="ciksemel":
for r in repo_doc.tags("Repo"):
if r.getTagData("Name") == repo_name:
status_node = r.getTag("Status")
if status_node:
status_node = r.insertTag("Status")
for r in repo_doc.childNodes:
if r.nodeType == r.ELEMENT_NODE and r.tagName == "Repo":
if r.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data == repo_name:
......@@ -86,10 +125,21 @@ class RepoOrder:
def get_status(self, repo_name):
repo_doc = self._get_doc()
if parser=="ciksemel":
for r in repo_doc.tags("Repo"):
if r.getTagData("Name") == repo_name:
status_node = r.getTag("Status")
if status_node:
status = status_node.firstChild().data()
if status in ["active", "inactive"]:
return status
for r in repo_doc.childNodes:
if r.nodeType == r.ELEMENT_NODE and r.tagName == "Repo":
if r.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data == repo_name:
......@@ -98,11 +148,17 @@ class RepoOrder:
status = status_node[0].childNodes[0].data
if status in ["active", "inactive"]:
return status
return "inactive"
def remove(self, repo_name):
repo_doc = self._get_doc()
if parser=="ciksemel":
for r in repo_doc.tags("Repo"):
if r.getTagData("Name") == repo_name:
for r in repo_doc.getElementsByTagName("Repo"):
if r.getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data == repo_name:
......@@ -121,7 +177,12 @@ class RepoOrder:
def _update(self, doc):
repos_file = os.path.join(ctx.config.info_dir(), ctx.const.repos)
if parser=="ciksemel":
open(repos_file, "w").write("{}\n".format(doc.toPrettyString()))
open(repos_file, "w").write("{}\n".format(doc.toprettyxml().strip()))
self._doc = None
self.repos = self._get_repos()
......@@ -129,7 +190,13 @@ class RepoOrder:
if self._doc is None:
repos_file = os.path.join(ctx.config.info_dir(), ctx.const.repos)
if os.path.exists(repos_file):
if parser=="ciksemel":
self._doc = ciksemel.parse(repos_file)
self._doc = minidom.parse(repos_file).documentElement
if parser=="ciksemel":
self._doc = ciksemel.newDocument("REPOS")
impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
dom = impl.createDocument(None, "REPOS", None)
......@@ -141,6 +208,14 @@ class RepoOrder:
repo_doc = self._get_doc()
order = {}
if parser=="ciksemel":
for r in repo_doc.tags("Repo"):
media = r.getTagData("Media")
name = r.getTagData("Name")
status = r.getTagData("Status")
order.setdefault(media, []).append(name)
for r in repo_doc.childNodes:
if r.nodeType == r.ELEMENT_NODE and r.tagName == "Repo":
media = r.getElementsByTagName("Media")[0].firstChild.data
......@@ -177,14 +252,20 @@ class RepoDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
if not os.path.exists(index_path):
ctx.ui.warning(_("{} repository needs to be updated").format(repo_name))
if parser=="ciksemel":
return ciksemel.newDocument("INARY")
impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
dom = impl.createDocument(None, "INARY", None)
return dom.documentElement
if parser=="ciksemel":
return ciksemel.parse(index_path)
return minidom.parse(index_path).documentElement
except ExpatError as e:
raise RepoError(_("Error parsing repository index information. Index file does not exist or is malformed."))
except Exception as e:
raise RepoError(_("Error parsing repository index information: {} \n Index file does not exist or is malformed.").format(e))
def get_repo(self, repo):
return Repo(inary.uri.URI(self.get_repo_url(repo)))
......@@ -214,6 +295,13 @@ class RepoDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def get_source_repos(self, only_active=True):
repos = []
if parser=="ciksemel":
for r in self.list_repos(only_active):
if self.get_repo_doc(r).getTag("SpecFile"):
for r in self.list_repos(only_active):
if self.get_repo_doc(r).getElementsByTagName("SpecFile")[0]:
......@@ -221,6 +309,13 @@ class RepoDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def get_binary_repos(self, only_active=True):
repos = []
if parser=="ciksemel":
for r in self.list_repos(only_active):
if self.get_repo_doc(r).getTag("SpecFile"):
for r in self.list_repos(only_active):
if not self.get_repo_doc(r).getElementsByTagName("SpecFile")[0]:
......@@ -260,14 +355,27 @@ class RepoDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def get_distribution(self, name):
doc = self.get_repo_doc(name)
if parser=="ciksemel":
distro = doc.getTag("Distribution")
return distro and distro.getTagData("SourceName")
distro = doc.getElementsByTagName("Distribution")[0]
return distro.firstChild.data and distro.getElementsByTagName("SourceName")[0].firstChild.data
def get_distribution_release(self, name):
doc = self.get_repo_doc(name)
if parser=="ciksemel":
distro = doc.getTag("Distribution")
return distro and distro.getTagData("Version")
distro = doc.getElementsByTagName("Distribution")[0]
return distro.firstChild.data and distro.getElementsByTagName("Version")[0].firstChild.data
def check_distribution(self, name):
if ctx.get_option('ignore_check'):
......@@ -13,12 +13,22 @@
import re
import gzip
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
import inary
import inary.context as ctx
import inary.data.specfile as Specfile
import inary.db.lazydb as lazydb
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import ciksemel
parser = "ciksemel"
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
parser = "minidom"
class SourceDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -44,6 +54,14 @@ class SourceDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
sources = {}
pkgstosrc = {}
if parser=="ciksemel":
for spec in doc.tags("SpecFile"):
src_name = spec.getTag("Source").getTagData("Name")
sources[src_name] = gzip.zlib.compress(spec.toString().encode('utf-8'))
for package in spec.tags("Package"):
pkgstosrc[package.getTagData("Name")] = src_name
for spec in doc.childNodes:
if spec.nodeType == spec.ELEMENT_NODE and spec.tagName == "SpecFile":
src_name = spec.getElementsByTagName("Source")[0].getElementsByTagName("Name")[0].firstChild.data
......@@ -56,6 +74,15 @@ class SourceDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
def __generate_revdeps(self, doc):
revdeps = {}
if parser=="ciksemel":
for spec in doc.tags("SpecFile"):
name = spec.getTag("Source").getTagData("Name")
deps = spec.getTag("Source").getTag("BuildDependencies")
if deps:
for dep in deps.tags("Dependency"):
revdeps.setdefault(dep.firstChild().data(), set()).add((name, dep.toString()))
for spec in doc.childNodes:
if spec.nodeType == spec.ELEMENT_NODE and spec.tagName == "SpecFile":
source = spec.getElementsByTagName("Source")[0]
......@@ -128,6 +155,18 @@ class SourceDB(lazydb.LazyDB):
return []
rev_deps = []
if parser=="ciksemel":
for pkg, dep in rvdb:
node = ciksemel.parseString(dep)
dependency = inary.analyzer.dependency.Dependency()
dependency.package = node.firstChild().data()
if node.attributes():
attr = node.attributes()[0]
dependency.__dict__[attr] = node.getAttribute(attr)
rev_deps.append((pkg, dependency))
for pkg, dep in rvdb:
node = minidom.parseString(dep).documentElement
dependency = inary.analyzer.dependency.Dependency()
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
# Please read the COPYING file.
import inary
import inary.context as ctx
import inary.db
def search_package(terms, lang=None, repo=None):
......@@ -21,13 +21,11 @@
# System
import locale
import types
import formatter
import sys
import io
import inspect
import re
import codecs
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
......@@ -528,7 +526,10 @@ class autoxml(oo.autosuper, oo.autoprop):
tag_type = spec[0]
assert type(tag_type) == type(type)
def readtext(node, blah):
node.normalize() # minidom have this :D
node.normalize() # ciksemel doesn't have this
return xmlext.getNodeText(node)
def writetext(node, blah, text):
xmlext.addText(node, "", text)
......@@ -704,6 +705,7 @@ class autoxml(oo.autosuper, oo.autoprop):
def encode(node, obj, errs):
if node and obj:
#FIXME: this doesn't look pretty
classnode = xmlext.newNode(node, tag)
obj.encode(classnode, errs)
xmlext.addNode(node, '', classnode)
......@@ -823,6 +825,7 @@ class autoxml(oo.autosuper, oo.autoprop):
def encode(node, obj, errs):
if node and obj:
#FIXME: this doesn't look pretty
obj.encode(node, errs)
except Error:
if req == mandatory:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# Copyright (C) 2018, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
......@@ -10,176 +10,8 @@
# Please read the COPYING file.
xmlext is a helper module for accessing XML files using
xml.dom.minidom . It is a convenient wrapper for some
DOM functions, and provides path based get/add functions
as in KDE API.
from .xmlext_iks import *
function names are mixedCase for compatibility with minidom,
an 'old library'
this implementation uses pciksemel
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import inary
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
def newDocument(tag):
impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
dom = impl.createDocument(None, tag, None)
return dom.documentElement
def parse(fileName):
dom = minidom.parse(fileName)
return dom.documentElement
except ExpatError as inst:
raise Error(_("File '{}' has invalid XML: {}\n").format(fileName,
def getAllNodes(node, tagPath):
"""retrieve all nodes that match a given tag path."""
tags = tagPath.split('/')
if len(tags) == 0:
return []
nodeList = [node] # basis case
for tag in tags:
results = [getTagByName(x, tag) for x in nodeList]
nodeList = []
for x in results:
pass # emacs indentation error, keep it here
if len(nodeList) == 0:
return []
return nodeList
def getNodeAttribute(node, attrname):
"""get named attribute from DOM node"""
if not node.hasAttribute(attrname):
return None
return node.getAttribute(attrname)
def setNodeAttribute(node, attrname, value):
"""get named attribute from DOM node"""
return node.setAttribute(attrname, value)
def getChildElts(parent):
"""get only child elements"""
return [x for x in parent.childNodes if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE]
def getTagByName(parent, childName):
return [x for x in parent.childNodes
if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE and x.tagName == childName]
def getNodeText(node, tagpath = ""):
"""get the first child and expect it to be text!"""
if tagpath!="":
node = getNode(node, tagpath)
child = node.childNodes[0]
except IndexError:
return None
except AttributeError: # no node by that name
return None
if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
#print('child_data=', child_data.strip())
return child.data.strip() # in any case, strip whitespaces...
raise XmlError(_("getNodeText: Expected text node, got something else!"))
def getChildText(node_s, tagpath):
"""get the text of a child at the end of a tag path"""
node = getNode(node_s, tagpath)
if not node:
return None
return getNodeText(node)
def getNode(node, tagpath):
"""returns the *first* matching node for given tag path."""
if tagpath == "":
return node
assert type(tagpath)==str
tags = tagpath.split('/')
assert len(tags)>0
# iterative code to search for the path
for tag in tags:
currentNode = None
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and child.tagName == tag:
currentNode = child
if not currentNode:
return None
node = currentNode
return currentNode
def createTagPath(node, tags):
"""create new child at the end of a tag chain starting from node
no matter what"""
if len(tags)==0:
return node
dom = node.ownerDocument
for tag in tags:
node = node.appendChild(dom.createElement(tag))
return node
def addTagPath(node, tags, newnode=None):
"""add newnode at the end of a tag chain, smart one"""
node = createTagPath(node, tags)
if newnode: # node to add specified
return node
def addNode(node, tagpath, newnode = None, branch=True):
"""add a new node at the end of the tree and returns it
if newnode is given adds that node, too."""
assert type(tagpath)==str
tags = []
if tagpath != "":
tags = tagpath.split('/') # tag chain
addTagPath(node, [], newnode)
return node
assert len(tags)>0 # we want a chain
# iterative code to search for the path
if branch:
rem = 1
rem = 0
while len(tags) > rem:
tag = tags.pop(0)
nodeList = getTagByName(node, tag)
if len(nodeList) == 0: # couldn't find
tags.insert(0, tag) # put it back in
return addTagPath(node, tags, newnode)
node = nodeList[len(nodeList)-1] # discard other matches
# had only one tag..
return addTagPath(node, tags, newnode)
return node
def addText(node, tagPath, text, branch = True):
newnode = node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text)
return addNode(node, tagPath, newnode, branch = branch)
def newNode(node, tag):
return node.ownerDocument.createElement(tag)
from .xmlext_minidom import *
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Please read the COPYING file.
xmlext is a helper module for accessing XML files using
xml.dom.minidom . It is a convenient wrapper for some
DOM functions, and provides path based get/add functions
as in KDE API.
function names are mixedCase for compatibility with minidom,
an 'old library'
this implementation uses ciksemel
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import inary
import ciksemel as iks
parse = iks.parse
newDocument = iks.newDocument
def getAllNodes(node, tagPath):
"""retrieve all nodes that match a given tag path."""
tags = tagPath.split('/')
if len(tags) == 0:
return []
nodeList = [node] # basis case
for tag in tags:
results = [getTagByName(x, tag) for x in nodeList]
nodeList = []
for x in results:
pass # emacs indentation error, keep it here
if len(nodeList) == 0:
return []
return nodeList
def getNodeAttribute(node, attrname):
"""get named attribute from DOM node"""
return node.getAttribute(attrname)
def setNodeAttribute(node, attrname, value):
"""get named attribute from DOM node"""
return node.setAttribute(attrname, value)
def getChildElts(parent):
"""get only child elements"""
return [x for x in parent.tags()]
def getTagByName(parent, childName):
return [x for x in parent.tags(childName)]
def getNodeText(node, tagpath = ""):
"""get the first child and expect it to be text!"""
if tagpath!="":
node = getNode(node, tagpath)
if not node:
return None
child = node.firstChild()
if not child:
return None
if child.type() == iks.DATA:
# KLUDGE: FIXME: python 2.x bug: force decoding as UTF-8
child_data = child.data()
#print('child_data=', child_data.strip())
return child_data.strip() # in any case, strip whitespaces...
raise XmlError(_("getNodeText: Expected text node, got something else!"))
def getChildText(node_s, tagpath):
"""get the text of a child at the end of a tag path"""
node = getNode(node_s, tagpath)
if not node:
return None
return getNodeText(node)
def getNode(node, tagpath):
"""returns the *first* matching node for given tag path."""
if tagpath == "":
return node
assert type(tagpath)==str
tags = tagpath.split('/')
assert len(tags)>0
# iterative code to search for the path
for tag in tags:
currentNode = None
for child in node.tags():
if child.name() == tag:
currentNode = child
if not currentNode:
return None
node = currentNode
return currentNode
def createTagPath(node, tags):
"""create new child at the end of a tag chain starting from node
no matter what"""
if len(tags)==0:
return node
for tag in tags:
node = node.insertTag(tag)
return node
def addTagPath(node, tags, newnode=None):
"""add newnode at the end of a tag chain, smart one"""
node = createTagPath(node, tags)
if newnode: # node to add specified
return node
def addNode(node, tagpath, newnode = None, branch=True):
"""add a new node at the end of the tree and returns it
if newnode is given adds that node, too."""
assert type(tagpath)==str
tags = []
if tagpath != "":
tags = tagpath.split('/') # tag chain
addTagPath(node, [], newnode)
return node #FIXME: is this correct!?!?
assert len(tags)>0 # we want a chain
# iterative code to search for the path
if branch:
rem = 1
rem = 0
while len(tags) > rem:
tag = tags.pop(0)
nodeList = getTagByName(node, tag)
if len(nodeList) == 0: # couldn't find
tags.insert(0, tag) # put it back in
return addTagPath(node, tags, newnode)
node = nodeList[len(nodeList)-1] # discard other matches
# had only one tag..
return addTagPath(node, tags, newnode)
return node
def addText(node, tagpath, text):
node = addNode(node, tagpath)
def newNode(node, tag):
return iks.newDocument(tag)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Please read the COPYING file.
xmlext is a helper module for accessing XML files using
xml.dom.minidom . It is a convenient wrapper for some
DOM functions, and provides path based get/add functions
as in KDE API.
function names are mixedCase for compatibility with minidom,
an 'old library'
this implementation uses pciksemel
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import inary
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
def newDocument(tag):
impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
dom = impl.createDocument(None, tag, None)
return dom.documentElement
def parse(fileName):
dom = minidom.parse(fileName)
return dom.documentElement
except ExpatError as inst:
raise Error(_("File '{}' has invalid XML: {}\n").format(fileName,
def getAllNodes(node, tagPath):
"""retrieve all nodes that match a given tag path."""
tags = tagPath.split('/')
if len(tags) == 0:
return []
nodeList = [node] # basis case
for tag in tags:
results = [getTagByName(x, tag) for x in nodeList]
nodeList = []
for x in results:
pass # emacs indentation error, keep it here
if len(nodeList) == 0:
return []
return nodeList
def getNodeAttribute(node, attrname):
"""get named attribute from DOM node"""
if not node.hasAttribute(attrname):
return None
return node.getAttribute(attrname)
def setNodeAttribute(node, attrname, value):
"""get named attribute from DOM node"""
return node.setAttribute(attrname, value)
def getChildElts(parent):
"""get only child elements"""
return [x for x in parent.childNodes if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE]
def getTagByName(parent, childName):
return [x for x in parent.childNodes
if x.nodeType == x.ELEMENT_NODE and x.tagName == childName]
def getNodeText(node, tagpath = ""):
"""get the first child and expect it to be text!"""
if tagpath!="":
node = getNode(node, tagpath)
child = node.childNodes[0]
except IndexError:
return None
except AttributeError: # no node by that name
return None
if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
#print('child_data=', child_data.strip())
return child.data.strip() # in any case, strip whitespaces...
raise XmlError(_("getNodeText: Expected text node, got something else!"))
def getChildText(node_s, tagpath):
"""get the text of a child at the end of a tag path"""
node = getNode(node_s, tagpath)
if not node:
return None
return getNodeText(node)
def getNode(node, tagpath):
"""returns the *first* matching node for given tag path."""
if tagpath == "":
return node
assert type(tagpath)==str
tags = tagpath.split('/')
assert len(tags)>0
# iterative code to search for the path
for tag in tags:
currentNode = None
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and child.tagName == tag:
currentNode = child
if not currentNode:
return None
node = currentNode
return currentNode
def createTagPath(node, tags):
"""create new child at the end of a tag chain starting from node
no matter what"""
if len(tags)==0:
return node
dom = node.ownerDocument
for tag in tags:
node = node.appendChild(dom.createElement(tag))
return node
def addTagPath(node, tags, newnode=None):
"""add newnode at the end of a tag chain, smart one"""
node = createTagPath(node, tags)
if newnode: # node to add specified
return node
def addNode(node, tagpath, newnode = None, branch=True):
"""add a new node at the end of the tree and returns it
if newnode is given adds that node, too."""
assert type(tagpath)==str
tags = []
if tagpath != "":
tags = tagpath.split('/') # tag chain
addTagPath(node, [], newnode)
return node
assert len(tags)>0 # we want a chain
# iterative code to search for the path
if branch:
rem = 1
rem = 0
while len(tags) > rem:
tag = tags.pop(0)
nodeList = getTagByName(node, tag)
if len(nodeList) == 0: # couldn't find
tags.insert(0, tag) # put it back in
return addTagPath(node, tags, newnode)
node = nodeList[len(nodeList)-1] # discard other matches
# had only one tag..
return addTagPath(node, tags, newnode)
return node
def addText(node, tagPath, text, branch = True):
newnode = node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text)
return addNode(node, tagPath, newnode, branch = branch)
def newNode(node, tag):
return node.ownerDocument.createElement(tag)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# Copyright (C) 2018, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
......@@ -10,88 +10,8 @@
# Please read the COPYING file.
from .xmlfile_iks import *
XmlFile class further abstracts a dom object using the
high-level dom functions provided in xmlext module (and sorely lacking
in xml.dom :( )
function names are mixedCase for compatibility with minidom,
an 'old library'
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import io
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
import inary
from inary.file import File
from inary.util import join_path as join
class Error(inary.Error):
class XmlFile(object):
"""A class to help reading and writing an XML file"""
def __init__(self, tag):
self.rootTag = tag
def newDocument(self):
"""clear DOM"""
impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
self.doc = impl.createDocument(None, self.rootTag, None)
def unlink(self):
"""deallocate DOM structure"""
del self.doc
def rootNode(self):
"""returns root document element"""
return self.doc.documentElement
def parsexml(self, file):
self.doc = minidom.parseString(file)
return self.doc.documentElement
except Exception as e:
raise Error(_("File '{}' has invalid XML").format(file) )
def readxml(self, uri, tmpDir='/tmp', sha1sum=False,
compress=None, sign=None, copylocal = False):
uri = File.make_uri(uri)
localpath = File.download(uri, tmpDir, sha1sum=sha1sum,
compress=compress,sign=sign, copylocal=copylocal)
except IOError as e:
raise Error(_("Cannot read URI {0}: {1}").format(uri, str(e)) )
st = io.StringIO()
from preprocess import preprocess, PreprocessError
st = open(localpath,'r')
self.doc = minidom.parse(localpath)
return self.doc.documentElement
except ExpatError as err:
raise Error(_("File '{}' has invalid XML: {}\n").format(localpath,
def writexml(self, uri, tmpDir = '/tmp', sha1sum=False, compress=None, sign=None):
f = inary.file.File(uri, inary.file.File.write, sha1sum=sha1sum, compress=compress, sign=sign)
def writexmlfile(self, f):
from .xmlfile_minidom import *
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Please read the COPYING file.
XmlFile class further abstracts a dom object using the
high-level dom functions provided in xmlext module (and sorely lacking
in xml.dom :( )
function names are mixedCase for compatibility with minidom,
an 'old library'
this implementation uses ciksemel
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import io
import ciksemel as iks
import inary
from inary.file import File
from inary.util import join_path as join
class Error(inary.Error):
class XmlFile(object):
"""A class to help reading and writing an XML file"""
def __init__(self, tag):
self.rootTag = tag
def newDocument(self):
"""clear DOM"""
self.doc = iks.newDocument(self.rootTag)
def unlink(self):
"""deallocate DOM structure"""
del self.doc
def rootNode(self):
"""returns root document element"""
return self.doc
def parsexml(self, file):
self.doc = iks.parseString(str(file))
return self.doc
#except Exception as e:
#raise Error(_("File '{}' has invalid XML").format(file) )
def readxml(self, uri, tmpDir='/tmp', sha1sum=False,
compress=None, sign=None, copylocal = False):
uri = File.make_uri(uri)
localpath = File.download(uri, tmpDir, sha1sum=sha1sum,
compress=compress,sign=sign, copylocal=copylocal)
except IOError as e:
raise Error(_("Cannot read URI {0}: {1}").format(uri, str(e)) )
st = io.StringIO()
from preprocess import preprocess, PreprocessError
st = open(localpath,'r')
self.doc = iks.parse(localpath)
return self.doc
except Exception as e:
raise Error(_("File '{}' has invalid XML").format(localpath) )
def writexml(self, uri, tmpDir = '/tmp', sha1sum=False, compress=None, sign=None):
f = inary.file.File(uri, inary.file.File.write, sha1sum=sha1sum, compress=compress, sign=sign)
def writexmlfile(self, f):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Please read the COPYING file.
XmlFile class further abstracts a dom object using the
high-level dom functions provided in xmlext module (and sorely lacking
in xml.dom :( )
function names are mixedCase for compatibility with minidom,
an 'old library'
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
import io
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
import inary
from inary.file import File
from inary.util import join_path as join
class Error(inary.Error):
class XmlFile(object):
"""A class to help reading and writing an XML file"""
def __init__(self, tag):
self.rootTag = tag
def newDocument(self):
"""clear DOM"""
impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
self.doc = impl.createDocument(None, self.rootTag, None)
def unlink(self):
"""deallocate DOM structure"""
del self.doc
def rootNode(self):
"""returns root document element"""
return self.doc.documentElement
def parsexml(self, file):
self.doc = minidom.parseString(file)
return self.doc.documentElement
except Exception as e:
raise Error(_("File '{}' has invalid XML").format(file) )
def readxml(self, uri, tmpDir='/tmp', sha1sum=False,
compress=None, sign=None, copylocal = False):
uri = File.make_uri(uri)
localpath = File.download(uri, tmpDir, sha1sum=sha1sum,
compress=compress,sign=sign, copylocal=copylocal)
except IOError as e:
raise Error(_("Cannot read URI {0}: {1}").format(uri, str(e)) )
st = io.StringIO()
from preprocess import preprocess, PreprocessError
st = open(localpath,'r')
self.doc = minidom.parse(localpath)
return self.doc.documentElement
except ExpatError as err:
raise Error(_("File '{}' has invalid XML: {}\n").format(localpath,
def writexml(self, uri, tmpDir = '/tmp', sha1sum=False, compress=None, sign=None):
f = inary.file.File(uri, inary.file.File.write, sha1sum=sha1sum, compress=compress, sign=sign)
def writexmlfile(self, f):
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