Kaydet (Commit) c569a546 authored tarafından Suleyman Poyraz's avatar Suleyman Poyraz

Güncel yol haritası

Şu xml dosyaları için minidom kullanıp tüm gereksiz bağımlılıkları da
atınca içim rahat edecek
* Bir fikir: Scom kullanmak yerine bu betikleri düzenli bir şekilde
tutan bir python kodu yazarak işleri daha da kolaylaştırsak???
üst 5e380e89
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Legend:
+ Ruby Language Tools
+ Perl Language Tools
+ CMake Tools
/ unit test
+ source building
- Detailed build log file
+ package module
+ extraction
+ add file / compression
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Legend:
+ single repository index
+ simple dependency checking
+ Package/Files
- Detailed inary logs into /var/lib/inary
2. Alpha
+ multi-package dependency analysis (eray)
......@@ -88,9 +89,9 @@ Legend:
+ basic types
+ list type
+ class type
? localtext/text types (localtext.... Ummm?.... )
/ localtext/text types (localtext.... Ummm?.... )
+ write meaningful localtext datas (Zaryob)
- return meaningful localtext summaries and descriptions (Hak getire)
- return meaningful localtext summaries and descriptions (Hak getire, inşallah xml.dom ile)
+ revised interface
/ Error handling
+ improved error handling, check routines, hooks, format/print routines
......@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ Legend:
+ decide how to implement
+ support repo order
+ refactor xml support and implement multiple backends
+ ciksemel rewrite and adding python3 support (aquila)
/ ciksemel based modules rewrite with xml.dom.minidom (Zaryob)
/ partial caching and automatic resume for file download (meren)
+ use a '.part' extension
- resume file downloading (Darara.... fetcher will rewrite with httplib) (Zaryob)
......@@ -156,7 +157,23 @@ Legend:
+ translations and correct language for summary, description (packagers)
+ make inary messages translatable (eray)
+ .pot support for dist script (gurer)
/ translate messages mesajların çevirisinin yapılması (inary tr.po) (eray)
/ translate messages mesajların çevirisinin yapılması (inary tr.po)
- az
+ de
+ en
+ es
+ fr
- hr
+ hu
+ it
- nl
- pl
- pt_BR
+ ru
- sv
+ tr
- uk
+ proper unicode handling in code - tons of fixes (eray - baris)
/ configure-pending (eray) (should return which packages configured)
- report scom scripts problems to developers
......@@ -224,12 +241,9 @@ Legend:
+ design decisions
+ extend XML specs to support that
- cross-platform building support
- incremental build/fetch for repository index (inary-index.xml)
+ incremental build/fetch for repository index (inary-index.xml)
/ xdelta support (caglar)
- diffsets
/ a useful distupdate command
+ distupdate planner
- distupdate maker
- a command (check-repo) to check if repos are consistent wrt dep relations
- component improvements (optional)
- maintain a list of components each component has
......@@ -251,7 +265,7 @@ Legend:
- enum type
- make autoxml dependent on only xmlext and xmlfile interfaces
- search command: (eray)
- search components
+ search components
- english stemming
- turkish stemming
- phonetic/syntactic fault tolerance (whichever works!)
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