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......@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
\title{ Dependency Resolution in PISI}
......@@ -68,26 +66,30 @@ system that are not modelled well with the SAT problem.
We use a graph theoretic approach instead. A directed graph (digraph)
$G=(V,E)$ is formally a set of vertices $V$ and a set of edges $E$
where each edge $(u,v)$ represents an edge from a vertex to
another. Topological sort of a graph gives a total ordering of the
vertices in which there are only forward edges.
where each edge $(u,v)$ represents an edge from a vertex to another.
Accessor functions $V(G)$ and $E(G)$ yield the vertex and edge set of
the graph $G$. Topological sort of a graph gives a total ordering of
the vertices in which there are only forward edges. A vertex induced
subgraph of $G$ by vertex set $A$ contains only the vertex set $A$ and
edges incident to members of $A$.
\section{Package operation planning}
The dependency resolution problem may be viewed as a simple forward
chaining problem, where we would like to begin from an initial state
$S_0$ and by following allowable system transitions $t_i: S -> S$,
$S_0$ and by following allowable system transitions $t_i: S \to S$,
arrive at a desired system state $S_f$ (where $S$ is the set of all states).
A system state $S_i$ is defined as the set of installed packages on the
system together with their versions, i.e. $S_i = \{ (x,v) : x \text{ is
installed}, v=version(x)\} $. An atomic system transition $t_i$ chains one
system state into another, making one ACID change on the system. The
usual atomic transitions are the single package install and remove
operations found in low-level package management code of PISI. Note
that in PISI, an upgrade operation is identical to a remove operation
followed by an install operation (which sets it apart from some other
packaging systems).
A system state $S_i$ is defined as the set of installed packages on
the system together with their versions, i.e. $S_i = \{ (x,v) : x
\text{ is installed}, v=version(x)\} $. An atomic system transition
$t_i$ chains one system state into another, making one ACID change on
the system. The usual atomic transitions are the single package
install, remove and reinstall (upgrade or downgrade) operations found
in low-level package management code of PISI. Note that in PISI, an
upgrade operation is identical to a remove operation followed by an
install operation (which sets it apart from some other packaging
A package operation plan is thus naturally conceived of as a sequence
of atomic system transitions. Given an initial state and a final
......@@ -116,39 +118,39 @@ look at the dependency condition.
\subsection{Solving the simplest case with topological sorting}
We will now concentrate on a simple form of the problem which can
be solved with topological sorting. This form is not concerned with
versions. From initial set of packages $S_0$, we would like to
We will now concentrate on a simple form of the problem which can be
solved with topological sorting. This form is not concerned with
versions. From an initial set of packages $S_0$, we would like to
install in addition a new set $A$ of packages obtaining $S_f = S_0 \cup
The only relations considered are of the form: $a$ Depends on $b$, or more
briefly $aDb$.
The graph of all such simple dependency relations is a directed graph
(digraph) $G$. For each dependency relation $aDB$, there is an edge $a
\to b$ in $G$. Accessing graph $G$ usually requires a database operation and
is therefore expensive.
The graph of all such simple dependency relations is a digraph $G$.
For each dependency relation $aDb$, there is an edge $a \to b$ in $G$.
Accessing graph $G$ usually requires a database operation and is
therefore expensive.
We now consider the digraph $G_A$ of the minimal set of simple
dependency relations which contains all information required to
construct a plan to install packages $A$. $G_A$ is a vertex induced graph
such that the fringe of $A$, e.g. vertices with out-degree $0$ are
already installed. Vertices of $G_A$ are taken from $S_f$. First, let us
explain the labelling scheme. Already installed vertices are labelled
with 'i'. Packages to be added are labelled with 'a', and packages to
be installed due to dependencies are labelled with 'd'. We
construct the graph as follows
construct a plan to install packages $A$. $G_A$ is a vertex induced
graph such that the fringe of $A$, e.g. vertices with out-degree $0$
depend only on packages that are already installed (or none). Vertices
of $G_A$ are taken from $S_f$. First, let us explain the labelling
scheme. Already installed vertices are labelled with 'i'. Packages to
be added are labelled with 'a', and packages to be installed due to
dependencies are labelled with 'd'. We construct the graph as follows
%\caption{$\textsc{Par-Freq}(T_i, \epsilon, \textsc{Mine-Freq} )$}
\caption{$\textsc{Make-}G_A(G, A)$}
\STATE $G_A \gets$ isolated vertex set $A$ labelled with 'a'
\STATE $G_A \gets$ vertex induced subgraph of $G$ by $A$ labelled with 'a'
\STATE done $\gets$ true
\FOR{each $u \in V_A$ with out-degree $0$}
\FOR{each $u \in V(G_A)$ with out-degree $0$}
\FOR{ $v \in adj(u) $ of $G$}
\IF{$v \notin V_A$}
\IF{$v \notin V(G_A)$}
\STATE done $\gets$ false
\IF{$v$ is installed}
\STATE label $v$ with 'i'
......@@ -281,24 +283,29 @@ multi-package upgrade, the exact details of the goal state depend on
the graph $G_f$ of the repository. Thus, we construct a graph
$G_{A,f}$ that is a vertex-induced subgraph of $G_f$ such that it
contains all information relevant to upgrading packages $A$. We begin
by a vertex induced graph by $A$. These are the packages that will be
upgraded in any case. Then, we make a pass on the vertices, and look
at all the outgoing edges, we compare whether this edge has changed in
any substantial way from the previous version. In particular, we are
interested in whether the predicate of the edge is valid for the
version of the same package in our current system. Every compared
vertex in this manner is marked done, and the edges not valid for the
current system pull new unmarked vertices into $G_f$, this continues
until there are no unmarked vertices left. Hence, the vertices of
$G_f$ are the packages that must be upgraded.
To actually carry out the upgrade a strategy is to upgrade one by one
all the packages in some order. A good order is again the reverse
topological order order, in fact, the operation is merely a special case of a
multi-package installation code that can install from a remote
repository. However, in case no package depends on the packages to be
upgraded, then we can carry out a completely consistency-preserving
plan as discussed above.
by a vertex induced subgraph of $G_f$ by $A$. These are the packages
that will be upgraded in any case. Then, we make a pass on the
vertices, and look at all the outgoing edges, we compare whether this
edge has changed in any substantial way from the previous version. In
particular, we are interested in whether the predicate of the edge is
valid for the version of the same package in our current system. Every
compared vertex in this manner is marked done, and the edges not valid
for the current system pull new unmarked vertices into $G_f$, this
continues until there are no unmarked vertices left. Hence, the
vertices of $G_f$ are the packages that must be upgraded.
To actually carry out the upgrade a strategy is to upgrade all the
packages in $G_{A,f}$ in some order. A good order is again the reverse
topological order order, in fact, the upgrade operation is merely a
special case of a multi-package installation code that can install
from a remote repository, since a multi-package installation can
contain upgrades in addition to new packages. However, in case no
package depends on the packages to be upgraded, then we can carry out
a completely consistency-preserving plan as discussed above. The
conflicts are resolved in the usual fashion, by removing those
packages in conflict with new packages that are installed. This can be
accomplished by invoking a remove operation prior to the upgrade
......@@ -317,7 +324,6 @@ initial state:\\
In this case, we can find a consistency-preserving plan in terms of
install and remove operations.
remove $(a,1)$\\
......@@ -339,10 +345,10 @@ chain. In fact, here there is no consistency-preserving plan in terms
of atomic single package transitions: install, remove, upgrade. In
these cases, it seems best to resort to upgrade in place, and in the
reverse topological order of dependencies.
upgrade $(c,1) \to (c,2)$
upgrade $(b,1) \to (b,2)$
upgrade $(c,1) \to (c,2)$\\
upgrade $(b,1) \to (b,2)$\\
\subsection{A multi package remove}
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