Kaydet (Commit) 6ba08480 authored tarafından Eray Özkural's avatar Eray Özkural

* dependency: yeni ornek, conflicts/comardeps anlat.

* todo'yu duzenle
üst 07853c52
......@@ -38,49 +38,31 @@ Legend:
+ Package/Files
2. Alpha
- fix xml indentation (meren)
+ write specfile (eray)
+ file locking for database access [not tested!] (eray)
- incremental build
- generate binary release number by comparing MD5s (MEREN)
- keep track of successfully completed configure, make, install
steps (necessary for large-scale builds?) (MEREN)
/ multi-package dependency analysis (eray)
+ design a package operation planner
- install operation
- upgrade operation
+ command line interface:
/ multi-package installation
+ pisi remove
- pisi upgrade
- pisi upgrade (baris)
+ svn-like CLI
- non-interactive use
/ configuration file
+ define the format of the configuration file
+ extend Config module (config.py) accordingly
- define configuration keys
+ implement file uri
+ extend the modules dealing with files accordingly
/ multi-package dependency analysis (eray)
+ design a package operation planner
- install operation
- upgrade operation
+ ui module improvements
+ methods for interaction (yes, no questions, etc.)
+ implement source database (eray)
- non-interactive use
/ query
+ list of installed packages (eray)
- comar OM information (Provides) (eray)
+ easy package preparation
+ convert ebuild to pisi
+ COMAR interface
+ what do we need to specify in a package.
+ package install: register config script
+ package remove: unregister config script
+ internet installation
+ support URI's whereever a filename is supported
+ http server
+ pisi updatedb over internet
/ component/category
+ requirements
- xml format
- usage
/ query
+ list of installed packages (eray)
- comar OM information (Provides) (baris)
- refactor actionsAPI
- actionsAPI documentation
- versioning information document
......@@ -93,9 +75,28 @@ Legend:
+ sourcedb
- package
- configuration file
+ fix xml indentation (meren)
+ write specfile (eray)
+ file locking for database access [not tested!] (eray)
+ implement file uri
+ extend the modules dealing with files accordingly
+ ui module improvements
+ methods for interaction (yes, no questions, etc.)
+ implement source database (eray)
+ easy package preparation
+ convert ebuild to pisi
+ COMAR interface
+ what do we need to specify in a package.
+ package install: register config script
+ package remove: unregister config script
+ internet installation
+ support URI's whereever a filename is supported
+ http server
+ pisi updatedb over internet
3. Beta
- system-wide upgrade (upgrade-all) komutu (eray)
- multiple package repository
/ decide how to implement
- make a package and sourcedb for each repo
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......@@ -38,8 +35,6 @@
Dependency resolution in package management systems have a
......@@ -86,11 +81,14 @@ $S_0$ and by following allowable system transitions $t_i: S -> S$,
arrive at a desired system state $S_f$.
A system state $S_i$ is defined as the set of installed packages on the
system together with their versions, i.e. $S_i = \{ (x,v) : x is
installed, v=version(x)\} $. An atomic system transition $t_i$ chains one
system together with their versions, i.e. $S_i = \{ (x,v) : x \text{ is
installed}, v=version(x)\} $. An atomic system transition $t_i$ chains one
system state into another, making one ACID change on the system. The
usual atomic transitions are the single package install, remove and
upgrade operations found in low-level package management code.
usual atomic transitions are the single package install and remove
operations found in low-level package management code of PISI. Note
that in PISI, an upgrade operation is identical to a remove operation
followed by an install operation (which sets it apart from some other
packaging systems).
A package operation plan is thus naturally conceived of as a sequence
of atomic system transitions. Given an initial state and a final
......@@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ state, the job of the package operation planner is to determine
whether there is a plan, and if so find the "best" one.
Where there are no versions involved (e.g. upgrade/downgrade), we will
replace the pair $(x,v)$ with $x$.
replace the pair $(x,v)$ with $x$ in the definitions for simplicity.
\subsection{System consistency}
......@@ -109,12 +107,13 @@ composed of two conditions for the current set of installed packages.
\item All package dependencies are satisfied (we may call this a
closed system)
\item No package conflicts are present.
\item No packag conflicts are present.
Therefore, by atomic transition we also mean one that does not corrupt
system consistency. The system is thus never in an inconsistent state.
system consistency. The system is thus never in an inconsistent
state. We will explain the conflicts later, for the present let us
look at the dependency condition.
\subsection{Solving the simplest case with topological sorting}
......@@ -170,15 +169,41 @@ accesses to $G$ and construct a dependency graph in memory. If the
$G_A$'s fringe has vertices with non 'i'-labels, then $A$ cannot be
installed. Otherwise, we find a topological sort $L$ of $G_A$, and in
the reverse order, install packages for vertices labelled with
'a' or 'd'.
\section{Complex cases}
\subsection{A complex upgrade}
'a' or 'd'. Observe that, by definition of a topological sort,
installing packages in the reverse order of a topological sort
guarantees that no package is installed before all of its dependencies
are installed. Thus, this yields a consistency-preserving plan.
\subsection{Conflicts and COMAR dependencies}
The tags \texttt{Conflicts} and \texttt{Provides} are inherited from
Debian distribution. A conflict between two packages ($a$ conflicts
with $b$) is a symmetric relation that prevents the packages ($a,b$)
from being installed simultaneously. (It is sufficient that only one
direction of the relation is declared, the other direction is
inferred) Provision in the form of $a$ provides $A$ denotes that $a$
implements a virtual package abstraction $A$.
In PISI, a package can provide an object of a COMAR Object Model (OM),
and is currently the only model of a ``virtual package''. In the
following example, let $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n$ provide the OM $A$. A package
can depend on another package's OM, for instance $b$ comar-depends on
$A$ (or in short form $bDA$). In this case, it is sufficient that only
one of the $a_i$ are installed. To resolve this, the user is asked to
choose from a list of alternatives immediately, since otherwise there
is unavoidable combinatorial explosion (in the form of having to
consider $\Pi_{bDA}num(A)$ graphs in the worst case where $num(A)$ is
the number of alternatives for comar OM $A$; the problem is that there
seems to be no simple solution to solve satisfiability with arbitrary
disjunctions in package dependency, short of a $SAT$ solver).
\subsection{A single package upgrade}
plan: upgrade $(a,1)$ to $(a,2)$\\
$(a,1)$ depends on $(b,1), (c,1)$ \\
$(a,1)$ conflicts with $(d,1)$\\
$(a,2)$ depends on $(c,3), (d,2)$\\
......@@ -189,9 +214,28 @@ initial state:\\
remove $(b,1)$\\
upgrade $(c,1) -> (c,3)$\\
remove $(c,1)$\\
remove $(a,1)$\\
install $(c,3)$\\
install $(d,2)$\\
upgrade $(a,1) -> (a,2)$\\
install $(a,2)$\\
\subsection{A multi package remove}
plan: remove $(a,2), (b,3), (c,2)$\\
$(c,2)$ depends $(a,2)$\\
$(d,2)$ depends on $(b,3), (c,2)$\\
$(e,1)$ depends on $(a,2)$\\
$(f,2)$ depends on $(e,1)$\\
$(g,2)$ depends on $(e,1)$\\\\
remove $(f,2)$\\
remove $(g,2)$\\
remove $(e,1)$\\
remove $(d,2)$\\
remove $(b,3)$\\
remove $(c,2)$\\
remove $(a,2)$\\
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