Kaydet (Commit) 45b76559 authored tarafından Fatih Aşıcı's avatar Fatih Aşıcı

atomicops: Remove build number checks

üst 5617871d
......@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ class Install(AtomicOperation):
# Any package should remove the package it replaces before
ctx.ui.status(_('Installing %s, version %s, release %s, build %s') %
ctx.ui.status(_('Installing %s, version %s, release %s') %
(self.pkginfo.name, self.pkginfo.version,
self.pkginfo.release, self.pkginfo.build))
ctx.ui.notify(pisi.ui.installing, package=self.pkginfo, files=self.files)
self.ask_reinstall = ask_reinstall
......@@ -233,21 +233,10 @@ class Install(AtomicOperation):
if self.installdb.has_package(pkg.name): # is this a reinstallation?
ipkg = self.installdb.get_package(pkg.name)
repomismatch = ipkg.distribution != pkg.distribution
(iversion_s, irelease_s, ibuild) = self.installdb.get_version(pkg.name)
# determine if same version
self.same_ver = False
ignore_build = ctx.config.options and ctx.config.options.ignore_build_no
if repomismatch or (not ibuild) or (not pkg.build) or ignore_build:
# we don't look at builds to compare two package versions
if pkg.release == irelease_s:
self.same_ver = True
if pkg.build == ibuild:
self.same_ver = True
if self.same_ver:
if pkg.release == irelease_s:
if self.ask_reinstall:
if not ctx.ui.confirm(_('Re-install same version package?')):
raise Error(_('Package re-install declined'))
......@@ -260,17 +249,13 @@ class Install(AtomicOperation):
irelease = int(irelease_s)
# is this an upgrade?
# determine and report the kind of upgrade: version, release, build
# determine and report the kind of upgrade: version, release
if pkg_version > iversion:
ctx.ui.info(_('Upgrading to new upstream version'))
self.operation = UPGRADE
elif pkg_release > irelease:
ctx.ui.info(_('Upgrading to new distribution release'))
self.operation = UPGRADE
elif ((not ignore_build) and ibuild and pkg.build
and pkg.build > ibuild):
ctx.ui.info(_('Upgrading to new distribution build'))
self.operation = UPGRADE
# is this a downgrade? confirm this action.
if not self.operation == UPGRADE:
......@@ -280,7 +265,7 @@ class Install(AtomicOperation):
elif pkg_release < irelease:
x = _('Downgrade to old distribution release?')
x = _('Downgrade to old distribution build?')
x = None
if self.ask_reinstall and x and not ctx.ui.confirm(x):
raise Error(_('Package downgrade declined'))
self.operation = DOWNGRADE
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