Kaydet (Commit) 2513150c authored tarafından Suleyman Poyraz's avatar Suleyman Poyraz

Biraz düzenledim ama iki sorun var. Birinci xmlext duzenlenmeli ki komut…

Biraz düzenledim ama iki sorun var. Birinci xmlext duzenlenmeli ki komut ciktilari duzgun ola. ikincisi ise itembyrepo sikintisi. Daha bu kadar çok dependencyden nasil kurtulacam onu soylemiyorum
üst 1852179a
2018-01-26 Suleyman POYRAZ <nipalensisaquila@gmail.com>
* inary/sxml/xmlext --- STATUS: NOT FIXED; FLAG: NOT CRITICAL ---:
xmlext modulunde bulunan getNodeText olayinda ciktilar utf-8 ile
decode edilmeli. Yoksa Localtext ve Text type veriler ile ilgili sorun
2018-01-22 Suleyman POYRAZ <nipalensisaquila@gmail.com>
* itembyrepo patladı --- STATUS: NOT FIXED; FLAG: CRITICAL ---:
itemby repo ile paketlerin getirilmesi sirasinda ters giden
......@@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ Gives a brief list of sources published in the repositories.
#if p in installed_list:
# p = util.colorize(p, 'cyan')
p = p + ' ' * max(0, 15 - lenp)
ctx.ui.info('{0} - {1}'.format(sf.source.name, str(sf.source.summary)))
ctx.ui.info('{0} - {1}'.format(sf.source.name, sf.source.summary))
......@@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ class Archive(metaclass= autoxml.autoxml):
return s
class Source(metaclass= autoxml.autoxml):
t_Name = [autoxml.String, autoxml.mandatory]
t_Homepage = [autoxml.String, autoxml.optional]
t_Packager = [Packager, autoxml.mandatory]
......@@ -172,8 +171,8 @@ class Source(metaclass= autoxml.autoxml):
t_License = [ [autoxml.String], autoxml.mandatory]
t_IsA = [ [autoxml.String], autoxml.optional]
t_PartOf = [autoxml.String, autoxml.optional]
t_Summary = [autoxml.LocalText, autoxml.mandatory]
t_Description = [autoxml.LocalText, autoxml.mandatory]
t_Summary = [autoxml.String, autoxml.mandatory] ## FIXME autoxml.LocalText should be typed with bytes
t_Description = [autoxml.String, autoxml.mandatory]
t_Icon = [ autoxml.String, autoxml.optional]
t_Archive = [ [Archive], autoxml.mandatory, "Archive" ]
t_AdditionalFiles = [ [AdditionalFile], autoxml.optional]
......@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ Integer = int
Long = int
Float = float
#class datatype(type):
# def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
# """entry point for metaclass code"""
# # standard initialization
# super(autoxml, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
class datatype(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
"""entry point for metaclass code"""
# standard initialization
super(autoxml, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
class LocalText(dict):
"""Handles XML tags with localized text"""
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