Kaydet (Commit) 1a6655d0 authored tarafından Eray Özkural's avatar Eray Özkural

* fix: determine source component when indexing

* fix: add sources to componentdb correctly, enabling 
  emerge <component> :)
üst a7fdd88f
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# Please read the COPYING file.
# Author: Eray Ozkural <eray@pardus.org.tr>
# Author: Eray Ozkural <eray at pardus.org.tr>
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('pisi', fallback=True)
......@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ class ComponentDB(object):
def add_package(self, component_name, package, repo, txn = None):
def proc(txn):
assert component_name
if self.has_component(component_name, repo, txn):
component = self.get_component(component_name, repo, txn)
......@@ -171,6 +172,31 @@ class ComponentDB(object):
ctx.txn_proc(lambda x: proc(txn, repo), txn)
def add_spec(self, component_name, spec, repo, txn = None):
def proc(txn):
assert component_name
if self.has_component(component_name, repo, txn):
component = self.get_component(component_name, repo, txn)
component = Component( name = component_name )
if not spec in component.sources:
self.d.add_item(component_name, component, repo, txn) # update
self.d.txn_proc(proc, txn)
def remove_spec(self, component_name, spec, repo = None, txn = None):
def proc(txn, repo):
if not self.has_component(component_name, repo, txn):
raise Error(_('Information for component %s not available') % component_name)
if not repo:
repo = self.d.which_repo(component_name, txn=txn) # get default repo then
component = self.get_component(component_name, repo, txn)
if spec in component.sources:
self.d.add_item(component_name, component, repo, txn) # update
ctx.txn_proc(lambda x: proc(txn, repo), txn)
def clear(self, txn = None):
......@@ -156,16 +156,20 @@ class Index(XmlFile):
def add_spec(self, path, repo_uri):
import pisi.build
ctx.ui.info(_('Adding %s to source index') % path)
sf = specfile.SpecFile()
errs = sf.errors()
if sf.errors():
ctx.ui.error(_('SpecFile in %s is corrupt, skipping...') % path)
builder = pisi.build.Builder(path)
#sf = specfile.SpecFile()
#errs = sf.errors()
#if sf.errors():
#ctx.ui.error(_('SpecFile in %s is corrupt, skipping...') % path)
sf = builder.spec
if ctx.config.options and ctx.config.options.absolute_uris:
sf.source.sourceURI = os.path.realpath(path)
else: # create relative path by default
sf.source.sourceURI = util.removepathprefix(repo_uri, path)
# check component
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ class SourceDB(object):
self.d.add_item(name, spec, repo, txn)
for pkg in spec.packages:
self.dpkgtosrc.add_item(pkg.name, name, repo, txn)
ctx.componentdb.add_spec(spec.source.partOf, spec.source.name, repo, txn)
self.d.txn_proc(proc, txn)
def remove_spec(self, name, repo, txn = None):
......@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ class SourceDB(object):
self.d.remove_item(name, txn=txn)
for pkg in spec.packages:
self.dpkgtosrc.remove_item_repo(pkg.name, repo, txn)
ctx.componentdb.remove_spec(spec.source.partOf, spec.source.name, repo, txn)
self.d.txn_proc(proc, txn)
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