Kaydet (Commit) 18b199ad authored tarafından Suleyman Poyraz's avatar Suleyman Poyraz

Python3 ile ilgili çok dağinik bir kullanım var. bir standartımız olmalı

üst 61bb24e4
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def handle_exception(exception, value, tb):
elif isinstance(value, inary.Exception):
show_traceback = True
ui.error(_("Unhandled internal exception.\n"
"Please file a bug report to <http://bugs.pardus.org.tr>."))
"Please file a bug report to <http://bugs.sulin.org>."))
elif isinstance(value, IOError) and value.errno == errno.EPIPE:
# Ignore broken pipe errors
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ from inary.actionsapi.shelltools import system, export
cd %s
java%s-jar %s%s
cd {0}
java{1}-jar {2}{3}
......@@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ def _dodoc(*source_files, **kw):
for source_file in source_files:
sources = glob(source_file)
if not sources:
raise DoJavadocError(_('No any file/directory matched '
'to regex expression "%s".' % source_file))
raise DoJavadocError(_('No any file/directory matched to regex expression "{}".'.format(source_file)))
for source in sources:
if os.path.isfile(source):
......@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ def _generate_classpath_file(classpath):
prefix = ':'
cp_file = open(env_file, 'a')
cp_file.write('%s%s' % (prefix, ':'.join(classpath)))
cp_file.write('{0}{1}'.format(prefix, ':'.join(classpath)))
......@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ def _generate_exec_file(dest_dir, exe, java_args, exe_args):
exec_file = os.open(util.join_path(exec_dir, get.srcNAME()),
os.write(exec_file, EXEC_TEMPLATE % (util.join_path('/', dest_dir),
os.write(exec_file, EXEC_TEMPLATE.format(util.join_path('/', dest_dir),
......@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ def installExe(exe='', java_args='', exe_args='', dest_dir=''):
dest_dir: Installation dir of executable jar'''
if not dest_dir:
dest_dir = 'usr/share/java/%s' % get.srcNAME()
dest_dir = 'usr/share/java/{}'.format(get.srcNAME())
destination = util.join_path(get.installDIR(), dest_dir)
if not os.access(destination, os.F_OK):
......@@ -170,10 +169,10 @@ def installExe(exe='', java_args='', exe_args='', dest_dir=''):
copy(exe, destination)
' %s ' % java_args if java_args else ' ',
' %s' % exe_args if exe_args else '')
' {} '.format(java_args) if java_args else ' ',
' {}'.format(exe_args) if exe_args else '')
except IOError:
raise InstallError(_('Installing file "%s" failed.' % exe))
raise InstallError(_('Installing file "{}" failed.'.format(exe)))
def installLib(src='*.jar', dest='/usr/share/java'):
......@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ def installLib(src='*.jar', dest='/usr/share/java'):
# If no source matched, then no need to create destination dir
if not sources:
raise InstallError(_('No any file/directory matched '
'to regex expression "%s".' % src))
'to regex expression "{}".'.format(src)))
if not os.access(destination, os.F_OK):
......@@ -202,8 +201,7 @@ def installLib(src='*.jar', dest='/usr/share/java'):
copy(source, destination)
except IOError:
raise InstallError(_('Installing file "%s" '
'failed.' % source))
raise InstallError(_('Installing file "{}" failed.'.format(source)))
if source.endswith('.jar'):
......@@ -213,8 +211,7 @@ def installLib(src='*.jar', dest='/usr/share/java'):
copytree(source, target)
except IOError:
raise InstallError(_('Installing directory "%s" '
'failed.' % source))
raise InstallError(_('Installing directory "{}" failed.'.format(source)))
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(target):
for f in files:
if f.endswith('.jar'):
......@@ -258,5 +255,5 @@ def run(argument='', parameters='', build_tool='ant'):
# Otherwise, javadoc might be completed with errors
export('LC_ALL', 'en_US.UTF-8')
if system('%s %s %s' % (build_tool, parameters, argument)):
if system('{0} {1} {2}'.format(build_tool, parameters, argument)):
raise RunTimeError(_('Run failed.'))
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def configure(projectfile='', parameters='', installPrefix=prefix):
profiles = glob.glob("*.pro")
if len(profiles) > 1 and projectfile == '':
raise ConfigureError(_("It seems there are more than one .pro file, you must specify one. (Possible .pro files: %s)") % ", ".join(profiles))
raise ConfigureError(_("It seems there are more than one .pro file, you must specify one. (Possible .pro files: {})").format(", ".join(profiles)))
shelltools.system("{0} -makefile {1} PREFIX='{2}' QMAKE_CFLAGS+='{3.CFLAGS()}' QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+='{3.CXXFLAGS()}' {5}".format(qmake, projectfile, installPrefix, get, parameters))
......@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ class Build(command.Command, metaclass=command.autocommand):
ctx.ui.info(_("Supported package formats:"))
for format in inary.package.Package.formats:
if format == inary.package.Package.default_format:
ctx.ui.info(_(" %s (default)") % format)
ctx.ui.info(_(" {} (default)") % format)
ctx.ui.info(" %s" % format)
ctx.ui.info(" {}" % format)
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ You can also give the name of a component.
if ctx.get_option('output_dir'):
ctx.ui.info(_('Output directory: %s') % ctx.config.options.output_dir)
ctx.ui.info(_('Output directory: {}').format(ctx.config.options.output_dir))
ctx.ui.info(_('Outputting binary packages in the package cache.'))
ctx.config.options.output_dir = ctx.config.cached_packages_dir()
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class Index(xmlfile.XmlFile, metaclass=autoxml.autoxml):
pkgpath = os.path.join(repo_uri,
if not os.path.isdir(pkgpath): os.makedirs(pkgpath)
ctx.ui.info("%-80.80s\r" % (_('Sorting: %s').format(fn)),
ctx.ui.info("%-80.80s\r" % (_('Sorting: {}').format(fn)),
noln = False if ctx.config.get_option("verbose") else True)
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(repo_uri, fn), pkgpath)
os.remove(os.path.join(repo_uri, fn))
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ WorkDir = "skeleton"
def install():
inarytools.rename("/usr/bin/skeleton.py", "%s")
inarytools.rename("/usr/bin/skeleton.py", "{}")
def __init__(self, name, filepath):
......@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ def install():
self.filepath = filepath
def write(self):
open(self.filepath, "w").write(self.template % self.name)
open(self.filepath, "w").write(self.template.format(self.name))
......@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ class _constant:
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self.__dict__:
raise self.ConstError("Can't rebind constant: %s" % name)
raise self.ConstError("Can't rebind constant: {}".format(name))
# Binding an attribute once to a const is available
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __delattr__(self, name):
if name in self.__dict__:
raise self.ConstError("Can't unbind constant: %s" % name)
raise self.ConstError("Can't unbind constant: {}".format(name))
# we don't have an attribute by this name
raise NameError(name)
......@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ consts.packager_name = "Faik Uygur"
consts.packager_email = "faik@pardus.org.tr"
consts.homepage = "http://cekirdek.uludag.org.tr/~faik/inary"
consts.summary = "%s is a good application"
consts.description = "%s is a free software that can do anything it wants"
consts.summary = "{} is a good application"
consts.description = "{} is a free software that can do anything it wants"
consts.license = ["GPL-2"]
consts.skel_sha1sum = "cc64dfa6e068fe1f6fb68a635878b1ea21acfac7"
......@@ -17,25 +17,25 @@ from inary.scenarioapi.constants import *
def inary_upgraded(*args):
packages = util.strlist(args).rstrip()
os.system("inary -D%s upgrade %s" % (consts.inary_db, packages))
os.system("inary -D{0} upgrade {1}".format(consts.inary_db, packages))
def inary_info(package):
os.system("inary -D%s info %s" % (consts.inary_db, package))
os.system("inary -D{0} info {1}".format(consts.inary_db, package))
def inary_removed(*args):
packages = util.strlist(args).rstrip()
os.system("inary -D%s remove %s" % (consts.inary_db, packages))
os.system("inary -D{0} remove {1}".format(consts.inary_db, packages))
def inary_added_repo(name, url):
os.system("inary -D%s add-repo -y %s %s" % (consts.inary_db, name, url))
os.system("inary -D{0} add-repo -y {1} {2}".format(consts.inary_db, name, url))
def inary_updated_repo():
os.system("inary -D%s update-repo" % consts.inary_db)
os.system("inary -D{0} update-repo".fotmat(consts.inary_db))
def inary_installed(*args):
packages = util.strlist(args).rstrip()
os.system("inary -D%s install %s" % (consts.inary_db, packages))
os.system("inary -D{0} install {1}".format(consts.inary_db, packages))
def inary_reinstalled(package):
os.system("inary -D%s install --reinstall %s" % (consts.inary_db, package))
os.system("inary -D{0} install --reinstall {1}".format(consts.inary_db, package))
......@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ class Package:
def create_inary(self):
os.system("inary build %s -O %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % (consts.pspec_path, consts.repo_path))
os.system("inary build {0} -O {1} > /dev/null 2>&1".format(consts.pspec_path, consts.repo_path))
def create_package(self):
pspec = Pspec(self.name, consts.pspec_path)
pspec.set_source(consts.homepage, consts.summary % self.name,
consts.description % self.name, consts.license, self.partOf)
pspec.set_source(consts.homepage, consts.summary.format(self.name),
consts.description.format(self.name), consts.license, self.partOf)
pspec.set_packager(consts.packager_name, consts.packager_email)
pspec.add_archive(consts.skel_sha1sum, consts.skel_type, consts.skel_uri)
pspec.set_package(self.dependencies, self.conflicts)
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class Package:
found = glob.glob(pkg + consts.glob_inarys)
if not found:
raise Exception(_("No inary package: %s* found.") % pkg)
raise Exception(_("No inary package: {}* found.").format(pkg))
return os.path.basename(found[0])
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ repodb = {}
def repo_added_package(package, *args):
if package in repodb:
raise Exception(_("Repo already has package named %s.") % package)
raise Exception(_("Repo already has package named {}.").format(package))
version = "1.0"
partOf = "None"
......@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ def repo_added_package(package, *args):
def repo_removed_package(package):
if package not in repodb:
raise Exception(_("Repo does not have package named %s.") % package)
raise Exception(_("Repo does not have package named {}.").format(package))
os.unlink(os.path.join(consts.repo_path, repodb[package].get_file_name()))
del repodb[package]
def repo_version_bumped(package, *args):
if package not in repodb:
raise Exception(_("Repo does not have package named %s.") % package)
raise Exception(_("Repo does not have package named {}.").format(package))
old_file = repodb[package].get_file_name()
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def repo_updated_index():
cur = os.getcwd()
path = os.path.join(cur, consts.repo_path)
os.system("inary index --skip-signing %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % path)
os.system("inary index --skip-signing {} >/dev/null 2>&1".format(path))
def repo_get_url():
......@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ def let_inary_had(*args):
url = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), consts.repo_url)
inary_added_repo(consts.repo_name, url)
packages = util.strlist(args).rstrip()
os.system("inary -D%s install --ignore-dependency %s" % (consts.inary_db, packages))
os.system("inary -D{0} install --ignore-dependency {1}".format(consts.inary_db, packages))
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......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: INARYLinux\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-20 18:21++03\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-26 10:48++03\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-26 16:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: obsoleteman <tulliana@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/"
......@@ -62,25 +62,25 @@ msgstr ""
"Anexar o config.log ao seu relatório de erro, Por faver:\n"
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:82 inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:92
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:83 inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:93
#: inary/actionsapi/cmaketools.py:66 inary/actionsapi/kde.py:65
#: inary/actionsapi/perlmodules.py:55 inary/actionsapi/perlmodules.py:58
msgid "Configure failed."
msgstr "Configurar falhou."
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:84 inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:94
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:85 inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:95
#: inary/actionsapi/kde.py:67
msgid "No configure script found."
msgstr "Nenhum script configure encontrado."
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:102 inary/actionsapi/cmaketools.py:78
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:103 inary/actionsapi/cmaketools.py:78
#: inary/actionsapi/kde.py:72 inary/actionsapi/perlmodules.py:64
#: inary/actionsapi/perlmodules.py:73 inary/actionsapi/pythonmodules.py:62
#: inary/actionsapi/scons.py:39
msgid "Make failed."
msgstr "Make falhou."
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:138 inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:149
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:139 inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:150
#: inary/actionsapi/cmaketools.py:98 inary/actionsapi/cmaketools.py:106
#: inary/actionsapi/kde.py:79 inary/actionsapi/pythonmodules.py:67
#: inary/actionsapi/rubymodules.py:92 inary/actionsapi/rubymodules.py:99
......@@ -88,23 +88,23 @@ msgstr "Make falhou."
msgid "Install failed."
msgstr "Instale falhou."
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:160
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:161
msgid "Running aclocal failed."
msgstr "Execução de aclocal falhou."
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:165
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:166
msgid "Running autoconf failed."
msgstr "Execução de autoconf falhou."
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:170
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:171
msgid "Running autoreconf failed."
msgstr "Execução de autoreconf falhou."
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:175
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:176
msgid "Running automake failed."
msgstr "Execução de automake falhou."
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:180
#: inary/actionsapi/autotools.py:181
msgid "Running autoheader failed."
msgstr "Execução de autoheader falhou."
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/inarytools.py:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "ActionsAPI [rename]: {}: {}"
msgid "ActionsAPI [rename]: {0}: {1}"
msgstr "ActionsAPI [rename]: {}: {}"
#: inary/actionsapi/inarytools.py:230
......@@ -263,7 +263,11 @@ msgstr "perl Instalaçao falhou."
#: inary/actionsapi/pkgconfig.py:40 inary/actionsapi/pkgconfig.py:59
#: inary/actionsapi/pkgconfig.py:79 inary/actionsapi/pkgconfig.py:99
#: inary/actionsapi/pkgconfig.py:118 inary/actionsapi/pkgconfig.py:136
#: inary/actionsapi/pkgconfig.py:118
msgid "pkg-config is not installed on your system."
msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/pkgconfig.py:136
msgid "Package pkgconfig is not installed on your system."
msgstr ""
......@@ -281,13 +285,7 @@ msgstr "Execução {} falhou."
msgid "Project file '{}' not found."
msgstr "Ficheiro de projeto {} nao foi encontrado. "
#: inary/actionsapi/qt4.py:56
msgid ""
"It seems there are more than one .pro file, you must specify one. (Possible ."
"pro files: {})"
msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/qt5.py:64
#: inary/actionsapi/qt4.py:56 inary/actionsapi/qt5.py:64
msgid ""
"It seems there are more than one .pro file, you must specify one. (Possible ."
"pro files: {})"
......@@ -313,7 +311,7 @@ msgid "ActionsAPI [chmod]: No file matched pattern \"{}\"."
msgstr "Nenhum ficheiro corresponde padrão \"{}\""
#: inary/actionsapi/shelltools.py:70
msgid "ActionsAPI [chmod]: Operation not permitted: {0} (mode: 0{1})"
msgid "ActionsAPI [chmod]: Operation not permitted: %s (mode: 0%o)"
msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/shelltools.py:72
......@@ -465,19 +463,19 @@ msgid "Building format file {}"
msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/texlivemodules.py:263
msgid "Map {0} is added to {1.curDIR()}/{1.srcNAME()}.cfg"
msgid "Map {0} is added to {1}/{2}.cfg"
msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/texlivemodules.py:266
msgid "MixedMap {0} is added to {1.curDIR()}/{1.srcNAME()}.cfg"
msgid "MixedMap {0} is added to {1}/{2}.cfg"
msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/texlivemodules.py:269
msgid "p +{0} is added to {1.curDIR()}/{1.srcNAME()}-config.ps"
msgid "p +{0} is added to {1}/{2}-config.ps"
msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/texlivemodules.py:272
msgid "f {0} is added to {1.curDIR()}/{1.srcNAME()}-config"
msgid "f {0} is added to {1}/{2}-config"
msgstr ""
#: inary/actionsapi/texlivemodules.py:279
......@@ -518,6 +516,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid " release "
msgstr ""
#: inary/analyzer/ctypes.py:28
msgid "Module \"ctypes\" can not import"
msgstr ""
#: inary/archive.py:523
msgid "Problem occured while uncompressing {}.Z file"
msgstr ""
......@@ -542,7 +544,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Installing {0.name}, version {0.version}, release {0.release}"
msgstr ""
#: inary/atomicoperations.py:192
#: inary/atomicoperations.py:192 inary/operations/build.py:789
msgid "{0}-{1} is not a valid INARY version format"
msgstr ""
......@@ -719,7 +721,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Blame for all of the releases"
msgstr ""
#: inary/cli/blame.py:66 inary/data/specfile.py:369
#: inary/cli/blame.py:66 inary/data/specfile.py:369 inary/data/specfile.py:453
msgid "Name: {0}, version: {1}, release: {2}\n"
msgstr ""
......@@ -832,7 +834,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Supported package formats:"
msgstr ""
#: inary/cli/build.py:167
#: inary/cli/build.py:167 inary/cli/delta.py:74
msgid " {} (default)"
msgstr ""
......@@ -907,7 +909,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: inary/cli/check.py:138
msgid ""
"Inary was unable to check the integrity of packages which contain files that "
"Pisi was unable to check the integrity of packages which contain files that "
"you don't have read access.\n"
"Running the check under a privileged user may help fixing this problem."
msgstr ""
......@@ -1040,10 +1042,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Output directory for produced packages."
msgstr ""
#: inary/cli/delta.py:74
msgid " {} (default)"
msgstr ""
#: inary/cli/disablerepo.py:22
msgid ""
"Disable repository\n"
......@@ -1154,7 +1152,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Emerge available packages under given component"
msgstr ""
#: inary/cli/emerge.py:70
#: inary/cli/emerge.py:70 inary/cli/emergeup.py:74
msgid "Output directory: {}"
msgstr ""
......@@ -1179,10 +1177,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "emergeup options"
msgstr "%prog [optçaos]"
#: inary/cli/emergeup.py:74
msgid "Output directory: {}"
msgstr ""
#: inary/cli/enablerepo.py:22
msgid ""
"Enable repository\n"
......@@ -2111,10 +2105,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File '{}' has invalid XML"
msgstr ""
#: inary/data/specfile.py:453
msgid "Name: {0}, version: {¹}, release: {2}\n"
msgstr ""
#: inary/data/specfile.py:459
msgid "Build Dependencies: "
msgstr ""
......@@ -2123,26 +2113,38 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Component {} not found"
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/filesldb.py:29
msgid "LevelDB not found! Please install LevelDB and plyvel!"
#: inary/db/filesdb.py:46 inary/db/filesldb.py:40
msgid "Creating files database..."
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/filesldb.py:40
msgid "Creating files database..."
#: inary/db/filesdb.py:50
msgid " ---> Adding '{}' to db... "
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/filesldb.py:47
#: inary/db/filesdb.py:53
msgid "OK."
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/filesdb.py:54 inary/db/filesldb.py:47
msgid "Added files database..."
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/filesldb.py:77
#: inary/db/filesdb.py:84
msgid "Cleaning files database folder... "
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/filesldb.py:79
#: inary/db/filesdb.py:87 inary/db/filesldb.py:79
msgid "done."
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/filesldb.py:29
msgid "LevelDB not found! Please install LevelDB and plyvel!"
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/filesldb.py:77
msgid "Cleaning files database folder... "
msgstr ""
#: inary/db/groupdb.py:66 inary/db/groupdb.py:75
msgid "Group {} not found"
msgstr ""
......@@ -2460,10 +2462,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Source package '{0}' defines multiple 'Path' tags for {1}"
msgstr ""
#: inary/operations/build.py:789
msgid "{0}-{1} is not a valid INARY version format"
msgstr ""
#: inary/operations/build.py:807
msgid ""
"Safety switch: following extra packages in system.devel will be installed: "
......@@ -2612,7 +2610,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: inary/operations/downgrade.py:180 inary/operations/install.py:76
#: inary/operations/upgrade.py:181
msgid "Total size of package(s): %.2f {}"
msgid "Total size of package(s): %.2f %s"
msgstr ""
#: inary/operations/downgrade.py:186 inary/operations/upgrade.py:187
......@@ -3290,6 +3288,10 @@ msgstr "Ucraniano"
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vietnamita"
#: inary/system_literals/sysutils.py:117
msgid "Module: \"subprocess\" can not import"
msgstr ""
#: inary/uri.py:78
msgid "setAuthInfo needs a tuple (user, pass)"
msgstr ""
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