Verified Kaydet (Commit) 7712942b authored tarafından Erdem Ersoy's avatar Erdem Ersoy

Rewrite Flatpak GUI mess (5/X):

* Rename/refactor methods (3/X)
üst 110e8463
......@@ -330,10 +330,10 @@ class MainWindow(object):
def onInfo(self, menuitem):
Selection = self.TreeViewMain.get_selection()
TreeModel, TreeIter = Selection.get_selected()
if TreeIter is None:
def on_info(self, menu_item):
selection = self.TreeViewMain.get_selection()
tree_model, tree_iter = selection.get_selected()
if tree_iter is None:
_("<big><b>Selection Error</b></big>"))
......@@ -341,153 +341,170 @@ class MainWindow(object):
return None
TreePath = TreeModel.get_path(TreeIter)
SelectedRowIndex = TreePath.get_indices()[0]
self.FlatpakRefsList = self.FlatpakInstallation.list_installed_refs()
self.FlatpakInstallation = Flatpak.Installation.new_system()
self.InstalledRefsList = self.FlatpakInstallation.list_installed_refs()
self.FlatHubRefsList = self.FlatpakInstallation.list_remote_refs_sync(
self.NonInstalledRefsList = []
for item in self.FlatpakRefsList:
for item2 in self.FlatHubRefsList:
if item.get_name() == item2.get_name():
self.FlatpakRefsList = self.FlatpakRefsList + self.FlatHubRefsList
AppRealName = TreeModel.get_value(TreeIter, 0)
AppArch = TreeModel.get_value(TreeIter, 1)
AppBranch = TreeModel.get_value(TreeIter, 2)
for item in self.FlatHubRefsList:
for item_2 in self.InstalledRefsList:
if item.get_name() == item_2.get_name() and \
item.get_arch() == item_2.get_arch() and \
item.get_branch() == item_2.get_branch() and \
len(self.NonInstalledRefsList) != 0:
self.NonInstalledRefsList.pop(len(self.NonInstalledRefsList) - 1)
for item in self.FlatpakRefsList:
if item.get_name() == AppRealName:
App = item
self.AllRefsList = self.InstalledRefsList + self.NonInstalledRefsList
AppCollectionID = App.get_collection_id()
if AppCollectionID is None:
AppCollectionID = _("None")
AppCommit = App.get_commit()
real_name = tree_model.get_value(tree_iter, 0)
arch = tree_model.get_value(tree_iter, 1)
branch = tree_model.get_value(tree_iter, 2)
AppIsInstalledRef = isinstance(App, Flatpak.InstalledRef)
AppIsRemoteRef = isinstance(App, Flatpak.RemoteRef)
for item in self.AllRefsList:
if item.get_name() == real_name:
ref = item
_("<big><b>Invalid Flatpak Reference Error</b></big>"))
_("Invalid Flatpak reference is: ") + "app/" + real_name + "/" + arch + "/" + branch)
return None
if AppIsInstalledRef:
# AppContentRating = App.get_appdata_content_rating()
# if AppContentRating is None:
# AppContentRating = _("None")
collection_id = ref.get_collection_id()
if collection_id is None:
collection_id = _("None")
commit = ref.get_commit()
# AppContentRatingType = App.get_appdata_content_rating_type()
# if AppContentRatingType is None:
# AppContentRatingType = _("None")
if isinstance(item, Flatpak.RemoteRef):
is_installed = False
elif isinstance(item, Flatpak.InstalledRef):
is_installed = True
is_installed = None
AppLicense = App.get_appdata_license()
if AppLicense is None:
AppLicense = _("None")
if is_installed:
app_license = ref.get_appdata_license()
if app_license is None:
app_license = _("None")
AppName = App.get_appdata_name()
if AppName is None:
AppName = _("None")
name = ref.get_appdata_name()
if name is None:
name = _("None")
AppSummary = App.get_appdata_summary()
if AppSummary is None:
AppSummary = _("None")
summary = ref.get_appdata_summary()
if summary is None:
summary = _("None")
AppVersion = App.get_appdata_version()
if AppVersion is None:
AppVersion = _("None")
version = ref.get_appdata_version()
if version is None:
version = _("None")
AppDeployDir = App.get_deploy_dir()
if AppDeployDir is None:
AppDeployDir = _("None")
deploy_dir = ref.get_deploy_dir()
if deploy_dir is None:
deploy_dir = _("None")
AppEOLReason = App.get_eol()
if AppEOLReason is None:
AppEOLReason = _("None")
eol_reason = ref.get_eol()
if eol_reason is None:
eol_reason = _("None")
AppEOLRebased = App.get_eol_rebase()
if AppEOLRebased is None:
AppEOLRebased = _("None")
eol_rebased = ref.get_eol_rebase()
if eol_rebased is None:
eol_rebased = _("None")
AppInstalledSize = App.get_installed_size()
AppInstalledSizeMiB = AppInstalledSize / 1048576
AppInstalledSizeMiBAsString = f"{AppInstalledSizeMiB:.2f}" + " MiB"
installed_size = ref.get_installed_size()
installed_size_mib = installed_size / 1048576
installed_size_mib_as_string = f"{installed_size_mib:.2f}" + " MiB"
AppIsCurrent = App.get_is_current()
if AppIsCurrent:
AppIsCurrentString = _("Yes")
is_current = ref.get_is_current()
if is_current:
is_current_str = _("Yes")
AppIsCurrentString = _("No")
is_current_str = _("No")
AppLatestCommit = App.get_latest_commit()
if AppLatestCommit is None:
AppLatestCommit = _("None")
latest_commit = ref.get_latest_commit()
if latest_commit is None:
latest_commit = _("None")
AppOrigin = App.get_origin()
if AppOrigin is None:
AppOrigin = _("None")
origin = ref.get_origin()
if origin is None:
origin = _("None")
AppSubpaths = App.get_subpaths()
if AppSubpaths is None or not AppSubpaths:
AppSubpathsAsString = _("None")
sub_paths = ref.get_subpaths()
if sub_paths is None or not sub_paths:
sub_paths_str = _("None")
AppSubpathsAsString = ""
for item in AppSubpaths:
AppSubpathsAsString = AppSubpathsAsString + item + ", "
AppSubpathsAsString = AppSubpathsAsString[:-2]
InfoString = _("Real Name: ") + AppRealName + "\n" + \
_("Arch: ") + AppArch + "\n" + \
_("Branch: ") + AppBranch + "\n" + \
_("Collection ID: ") + AppCollectionID + "\n" + \
_("Commit: ") + AppCommit + "\n" + \
_("Is Installed: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" + \
_("License: ") + AppLicense + "\n" + \
_("Name: ") + AppName + "\n" + \
_("Summary: ") + AppSummary + "\n" + \
_("Version: ") + AppVersion + "\n" + \
_("Deploy Dir: ") + AppDeployDir + "\n" + \
_("EOL Reason: ") + AppEOLReason + "\n" + \
_("EOL Rebased: ") + AppEOLRebased + "\n" + \
_("Installed Size: ") + AppInstalledSizeMiBAsString + "\n" + \
_("Is Current: ") + AppIsCurrentString + "\n" + \
_("Latest Commit: ") + AppLatestCommit + "\n" + \
_("Origin: ") + AppOrigin + "\n" + \
_("Subpaths: ") + AppSubpathsAsString + "\n"
elif AppIsRemoteRef:
AppDownloadSize = App.get_download_size()
AppDownloadSizeMiB = AppDownloadSize / 1048576
AppDownloadSizeMiBAsString = f"{AppDownloadSizeMiB:.2f}" + " MiB"
AppEOLReason = App.get_eol()
if AppEOLReason is None:
AppEOLReason = _("None")
AppEOLRebased = App.get_eol_rebase()
if AppEOLRebased is None:
AppEOLRebased = _("None")
AppInstalledSize = App.get_installed_size()
AppInstalledSizeMiB = AppInstalledSize / 1048576
AppInstalledSizeMiBAsString = f"{AppInstalledSizeMiB:.2f}" + " MiB"
AppRemoteName = App.get_remote_name()
if AppRemoteName is None:
AppRemoteName = _("None")
InfoString = _("Real Name: ") + AppRealName + "\n" + \
_("Arch: ") + AppArch + "\n" + \
_("Branch: ") + AppBranch + "\n" + \
_("Collection ID: ") + AppCollectionID + "\n" + \
_("Commit: ") + AppCommit + "\n" + \
_("Is Installed: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" + \
_("Download Size: ") + AppDownloadSizeMiBAsString + "\n" + \
_("EOL Reason: ") + AppEOLReason + "\n" + \
_("EOL Rebased: ") + AppEOLRebased + "\n" + \
_("Installed Size: ") + AppInstalledSizeMiBAsString + "\n" + \
_("Remote Name: ") + AppRemoteName + "\n"
InfoWindow(self.Application, InfoString, App)
sub_paths_str = ""
for item in sub_paths:
sub_paths_str = sub_paths_str + item + ", "
sub_paths_str = sub_paths_str[:-2]
info_str = _("Real Name: ") + real_name + "\n" + \
_("Arch: ") + arch + "\n" + \
_("Branch: ") + branch + "\n" + \
_("Collection ID: ") + collection_id + "\n" + \
_("Commit: ") + commit + "\n" + \
_("Is Installed: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" + \
_("License: ") + app_license + "\n" + \
_("Name: ") + name + "\n" + \
_("Summary: ") + summary + "\n" + \
_("Version: ") + version + "\n" + \
_("Deploy Dir: ") + deploy_dir + "\n" + \
_("EOL Reason: ") + eol_reason + "\n" + \
_("EOL Rebased: ") + eol_rebased + "\n" + \
_("Installed Size: ") + installed_size_mib_as_string + "\n" + \
_("Is Current: ") + is_current_str + "\n" + \
_("Latest Commit: ") + latest_commit + "\n" + \
_("Origin: ") + origin + "\n" + \
_("Subpaths: ") + sub_paths_str + "\n"
elif not is_installed:
download_size = ref.get_download_size()
download_size_mib = download_size / 1048576
download_size_mib_str = f"{download_size_mib:.2f}" + " MiB"
eol_reason = ref.get_eol()
if eol_reason is None:
eol_reason = _("None")
eol_rebased = ref.get_eol_rebase()
if eol_rebased is None:
eol_rebased = _("None")
installed_size = ref.get_installed_size()
installed_size_mib = installed_size / 1048576
installed_size_mib_as_string = f"{installed_size_mib:.2f}" + " MiB"
remote = ref.get_remote_name()
if remote is None:
remote = _("None")
info_str = _("Real Name: ") + real_name + "\n" + \
_("Arch: ") + arch + "\n" + \
_("Branch: ") + branch + "\n" + \
_("Collection ID: ") + collection_id + "\n" + \
_("Commit: ") + commit + "\n" + \
_("Is Installed: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" + \
_("Download Size: ") + download_size_mib_str + "\n" + \
_("EOL Reason: ") + eol_reason + "\n" + \
_("EOL Rebased: ") + eol_rebased + "\n" + \
_("Installed Size: ") + installed_size_mib_as_string + "\n" + \
_("Remote Name: ") + remote + "\n"
_("<big><b>Invalid Flatpak Reference Error</b></big>"))
_("Invalid Flatpak reference is: ") + "app/" + real_name + "/" + arch + "/" + branch)
return None
InfoWindow(self.Application, info_str, ref)
def onUninstall(self, menuitem):
Selection = self.TreeViewMain.get_selection()
......@@ -564,6 +581,6 @@ class MainWindow(object):
UpdateAllWindow(self.Application, self.FlatpakInstallation,
def onAbout(self, menuitem):
def on_about(self, menu_item):
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Author: Erdem Ersoy
<property name="use_underline">True</property>
<property name="image">InfoImage</property>
<property name="use_stock">False</property>
<signal name="activate" handler="onInfo" swapped="no"/>
<signal name="activate" handler="on_info" swapped="no"/>
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Author: Erdem Ersoy
<property name="use_underline">True</property>
<property name="image">AboutImage</property>
<property name="use_stock">False</property>
<signal name="activate" handler="onAbout" swapped="no"/>
<signal name="activate" handler="on_about" swapped="no"/>
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