• Noel Grandin's avatar
    improve empty tools::Rectangle (width) · a46a2577
    Noel Grandin yazdı
    This is the width part, the height part will come next.
    Instead of storing "empty" as a special value (which is easy to get
    wrong, eg. some image filters pass in that special value, expecting it
    to be a valid width), just use separate boolean values for width and
    height empty.
    Also lots of code was calling GetBottom() or GetRight() on an
    empty rectangle, getting back that magic value and doing calculations
    on it, resulting in completely bogus data.
    (1) make the various Rectangle methods do something reasonable
        when the empty flags are set
    (2) fix various other code to handle empty better
    (3) assert when code accesses Bottom or Right and the empty flag
        is set.
    Change-Id: I1163378cd2773dd8b386210f83400bb6b4701069
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/73564
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarNoel Grandin <noel.grandin@collabora.co.uk>
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