• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    fdo#67725 unoidl::AggregatingCursor must wrap modules for aggregation, too · bdd55e28
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    Otherwise cppuhelper::TypeManager::createTypeDescriptionEnumeration, sitting on
    top such an AggregatingCursor, will miss any entities from provider P' in module
    M if any previous provider P contains the same module M.
    That happened when climaker generates cli_oootypes.dll, where the enumeration
    missed everything from offapi in top-level module "com" because it had already
    seen udkapi's "com", and only reported the handful of entities under offapi's
    other top-level module "org" (which does not appear in udkapi).
    Change-Id: If538391bde22bcc346417b5988cf12023f0d4172
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