• Michael Stahl's avatar
    sw: change pool default of RES_FOLLOW_TEXT_FLOW to "false" · d278cc76
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    For a new document the default is already effectively "false" due to
    SwDocShell::InitNew() and the ODF and WW8 filters set it explicitly to
    false... which is also the appropriate value for RTF and DOCX.
    But only OOoXML and (perhaps) HTML (not sure) want "true" as the
    It is also mysteriously reset to "true" in
    SwDoc::RemoveAllFmtLanguageDependencies() (which is called after loading
    a template) for no apparent reason.
    Change-Id: If5ad33c99f97412cb3ad4f9cec32f47825ed6f6b
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