• Michael Stahl's avatar
    adapt all externals to build against MSVC debug runtime · 4811c2dc
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    Add patches and/or tweaks to the following modules:
    curl, cppunit, icu, lcms2, libxml2, libxslt, libxmlsec,
    lpsolve, nss, openssl, python3
    lcms2 has an inconsistency where the .lib and the .dll don't agree on
    the .dll name.
    openssl gets a honorable mention because apparently it's undocumented
    custom build system can build with /MDd if one picks the right
    configuration but i couldn't figure out how to do that in an hour of
    trying, and just patched the release config instead.
    Change-Id: I7854a0fc85247e398d561b4f513d09fe2d1ebb3c
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