• Michael Stahl's avatar
    gbuild: incremental builds with --enable-pch are unsound · 475cf23e
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    The problem is that the precompiled headers' dependency files are not
    run through concat-deps, hence they directly refer to headers of
    external libraries' headers, which are not targets in the build system;
    therefore re-building an external library does not cause the dependent
    PCH to re-build and (at least with MSVC) the object files don't depend
    on headers included via PCH anyway, so we get the recent link failure
    in comphelper with MSVC, which wasn't rebuilt for icu's ABI change.
    To fix that just use concat-deps, which re-writes header dependencies to
    UnpackedTarball target dependencies.
    Change-Id: Ic7555822925aaa1ff09b29bb73801fb83923bfab
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