• Michael Stahl's avatar
    gbuild: remove executables from OUTDIR and WORKDIR · f2899508
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    Call and link executables directly in INSTDIR.
    - gb_Library_get_target is now same as the gb_LinkTarget_get_target
    - disable gb_Library_add_auxtarget, no auxtargets need to be copied
    - adjust paths of all external executables to OUTDIR_FOR_BUILD for now
    - use lazy assignment instead of := in AllLangResTarget because it's
      read before Executable
    - link.exe generates an import library for lots of executables
      because they export symbols, especially since commit
      "force 'main' to always be DLLPUBLIC."
    Change-Id: I3e1ee7425dd430bb83c7cd59e265869a0541b38d
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