• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Revert "pyuno: set up fake command line in getComponentContext()" · 2ad716f4
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    This reverts commit 2386a92c and its follow-ups
    1acaa577 "sal: add special handling of argc==0
    to osl_setCommandArgs()" and 01f27b5e "sal: fix
    osl_setCommandArgs() on WNT."
    The situation that osl_getCommandArgCount is called without a prior call to
    osl_setCommandArgs should be considered as harmless and can legitimately not
    only happen in the pyuno case discussed in the reverted commits, but also in
    case binary UNO is bootstrapped from within a Java process, as happens in
    test-javanative in ure/source/uretest/Makefile.
    Change-Id: I2829db390e37dfe5daeda33a4c0659b7d35e565a
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