Kaydet (Commit) f041e8e6 authored tarafından Nils Fuhrmann's avatar Nils Fuhrmann

First implementation of CfgMerge. This supports localization of xml configuration files

üst ba02a2b8
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: cfgmerge.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.4 $
* $Revision: 1.5 $
* last change: $Author: nf $ $Date: 2000-11-22 12:57:00 $
* last change: $Author: nf $ $Date: 2000-11-22 13:56:02 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
......@@ -185,10 +185,9 @@ int InitCfgExport( char *pOutput )
pParser = new CfgParser();
/* if ( bMergeMode )
if ( bMergeMode )
pParser = new CfgMerge( sMergeSrc, sOutputFile, bErrorLog );
else */
if ( sOutputFile.Len()) {
else if ( sOutputFile.Len()) {
pParser = new CfgExport( sOutputFile, sPrj, sActFileName );
......@@ -332,14 +331,28 @@ BOOL CfgParser::IsTokenClosed( const ByteString &rToken )
void CfgParser::WorkOnText(
const ByteString &rText,
const ByteString &rIsoLang
ByteString &rText,
USHORT nLangIndex,
const ByteString &rResTyp
void CfgParser::AddText(
ByteString &rText,
const ByteString &rIsoLang,
const ByteString &rResTyp
USHORT nLang = Export::GetLangByIsoLang( rIsoLang );
if ( nLang ) {
pStackData->sText[ Export::GetLangIndex( nLang )] = rText;
USHORT nLangIndex = Export::GetLangIndex( nLang );
pStackData->sResTyp = rResTyp;
WorkOnText( rText, nLangIndex, rResTyp );
pStackData->sText[ nLangIndex ] = rText;
else {
ByteString sError( "Unknown language code: " );
......@@ -349,7 +362,7 @@ void CfgParser::WorkOnText(
void CfgParser::WorkOnRessourceEnd( const ByteString &rResTyp )
void CfgParser::WorkOnRessourceEnd()
......@@ -363,6 +376,8 @@ int CfgParser::ExecuteAnalyzedToken( int nToken, char *pToken )
ByteString sTokenName;
ByteString sTokenId;
BOOL bOutput = TRUE;
switch ( nToken ) {
......@@ -412,7 +427,7 @@ int CfgParser::ExecuteAnalyzedToken( int nToken, char *pToken )
sTokenName = sToken.GetToken( 1, '/' ).GetToken( 0, '>' ).GetToken( 0, ' ' );
if ( aStack.GetStackData() && ( aStack.GetStackData()->GetTagType() == sTokenName )) {
WorkOnRessourceEnd( sCurrentResTyp );
pStackData = aStack.GetStackData();
......@@ -425,18 +440,29 @@ int CfgParser::ExecuteAnalyzedToken( int nToken, char *pToken )
sCurrentText += sToken;
bOutput = FALSE;
if ( sCurrentText.Len() && nToken != CFG_TEXTCHAR ) {
WorkOnText( sCurrentText, sCurrentIsoLang );
AddText( sCurrentText, sCurrentIsoLang, sCurrentResTyp );
Output( sCurrentText );
sCurrentText = "";
pStackData->sEndTextTag = sToken;
if ( bOutput )
Output( sToken );
return 1;
void CfgParser::Output( const ByteString& rOutput )
int CfgParser::Execute( int nToken, char * pToken )
......@@ -524,7 +550,7 @@ CfgExport::~CfgExport()
void CfgExport::WorkOnRessourceEnd( const ByteString &rResTyp )
void CfgExport::WorkOnRessourceEnd()
if ( pOutputStream ) {
......@@ -564,18 +590,13 @@ void CfgExport::WorkOnRessourceEnd( const ByteString &rResTyp )
if ( !sText.Len())
sText = sFallback;
Export::UnquotHTML( sText );
USHORT nLangId = Export::LangId[ i ];
sText = UTF8Converter::ConvertFromUTF8(
sText, Export::GetCharSet( nLangId ));
ByteString sOutput( sPrj ); sOutput += "\t";
sOutput += sPath;
sOutput += "\t0\t";
sOutput += rResTyp; sOutput += "\t";
sOutput += pStackData->sResTyp; sOutput += "\t";
sOutput += sGroupId; sOutput += "\t";
sOutput += sLocalId; sOutput += "\t\t\t0\t";
sOutput += ByteString::CreateFromInt64( nLangId );
sOutput += ByteString::CreateFromInt64( Export::LangId[ i ]);
sOutput += "\t";
sOutput += sText; sOutput += "\t\t\t\t";
sOutput += sTimeStamp;
......@@ -586,3 +607,133 @@ void CfgExport::WorkOnRessourceEnd( const ByteString &rResTyp )
void CfgExport::WorkOnText(
ByteString &rText,
USHORT nLangIndex,
const ByteString &rResTyp
Export::UnquotHTML( rText );
USHORT nLangId = Export::LangId[ nLangIndex ];
rText = UTF8Converter::ConvertFromUTF8(
rText, Export::GetCharSet( nLangId ));
// class CfgMerge
const ByteString &rMergeSource, const ByteString &rOutputFile,
BOOL bErrorLog )
: CfgOutputParser( rOutputFile ),
pMergeDataFile( NULL ),
pResData( NULL )
if ( rMergeSource.Len())
pMergeDataFile = new MergeDataFile(
rMergeSource, bErrorLog, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
delete pMergeDataFile;
delete pResData;
void CfgMerge::WorkOnText(
ByteString &rText,
USHORT nLangIndex,
const ByteString &rResTyp
if ( pMergeDataFile ) {
if ( !pResData ) {
ByteString sLocalId = pStackData->sIdentifier;
ByteString sGroupId;
if ( aStack.Count() == 1 ) {
sGroupId = sLocalId;
sLocalId = "";
else {
sGroupId = aStack.GetAccessPath( aStack.Count() - 2 );
ByteString sPlatform( "" );
pResData = new ResData( sPlatform, sGroupId );
pResData->sId = sLocalId;
pResData->sResTyp = pStackData->sResTyp;
PFormEntrys *pEntrys = pMergeDataFile->GetPFormEntrys( pResData );
if ( pEntrys ) {
ByteString sContent;
if (( nLangIndex != GERMAN_INDEX ) &&
( nLangIndex != ENGLISH_INDEX ) &&
( pEntrys->GetText(
sContent, STRING_TYP_TEXT, nLangIndex )))
rText = UTF8Converter::ConvertToUTF8(
sContent, Export::GetCharSet( Export::LangId[ nLangIndex ]));
Export::QuotHTML( rText );
void CfgMerge::Output( const ByteString& rOutput )
if ( pOutputStream )
pOutputStream->Write( rOutput.GetBuffer(), rOutput.Len());
void CfgMerge::WorkOnRessourceEnd()
if ( pMergeDataFile && pResData ) {
PFormEntrys *pEntrys = pMergeDataFile->GetPFormEntrys( pResData );
if ( pEntrys ) {
for ( ULONG nIndex = 0; nIndex < LANGUAGES; nIndex++ ) {
ByteString sContent;
if (( nIndex != GERMAN_INDEX ) &&
( nIndex != ENGLISH_INDEX ) &&
( LANGUAGE_ALLOWED( nIndex )) &&
( pEntrys->GetText(
sContent, STRING_TYP_TEXT, nIndex, TRUE )) &&
( sContent != "-" ) && ( sContent.Len()))
ByteString sText = UTF8Converter::ConvertToUTF8(
sContent, Export::GetCharSet( Export::LangId[ nIndex ]));
Export::QuotHTML( sText );
ByteString sAdditionalLine;
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < aStack.Count() - 1; i++ )
sAdditionalLine += "\t";
sAdditionalLine += pStackData->sTextTag;
sAdditionalLine += sText;
sAdditionalLine += pStackData->sEndTextTag;
Output( sAdditionalLine );
delete pResData;
pResData = NULL;
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