Kaydet (Commit) ea1e3b77 authored tarafından Takeshi Abe's avatar Takeshi Abe

sal_Bool to bool

Change-Id: I16ddbcf100e21d6c05fccbe24faca2932a605902
üst 111a2b94
......@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ namespace basic
SotStorageRef xDummyStor = new SotStorage( OUString() );
_out_rpBasicManager = new BasicManager( *xDummyStor, OUString() /* TODO/LATER: xStorage */,
&aAppBasicDir, sal_True );
&aAppBasicDir, true );
if ( !_out_rpBasicManager->GetErrors().empty() )
// handle errors
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ namespace basic
// create new BASIC-manager
StarBASIC* pBasic = new StarBASIC( pAppBasic );
pBasic->SetFlag( SBX_EXTSEARCH );
_out_rpBasicManager = new BasicManager( pBasic, NULL, sal_True );
_out_rpBasicManager = new BasicManager( pBasic, NULL, true );
// knit the containers with the BasicManager
......@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ void BasicManager::LoadBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage, const OUString& rBase
INetURLObject aObj( aRealStorageName, INET_PROT_FILE );
bool bWasAbsolute = sal_False;
bool bWasAbsolute = false;
aObj = aObj.smartRel2Abs( pInfo->GetRelStorageName(), bWasAbsolute );
//*** TODO: Replace if still necessary
......@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ void BasicManager::LoadOldBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage )
INetURLObject aLibRelStorage( aStorName );
bool bWasAbsolute = sal_False;
bool bWasAbsolute = false;
aLibRelStorage = aLibRelStorage.smartRel2Abs( aLibRelStorageName, bWasAbsolute);
DBG_ASSERT(!bWasAbsolute, "RelStorageName was absolute!" );
......@@ -971,11 +971,11 @@ void BasicManager::LoadOldBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage )
xStorageRef = new SotStorage( sal_False, aLibAbsStorage.GetMainURL
( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), eStorageReadMode, sal_True );
xStorageRef = new SotStorage( false, aLibAbsStorage.GetMainURL
( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), eStorageReadMode, true );
if ( xStorageRef->GetError() != ERRCODE_NONE )
xStorageRef = new SotStorage( sal_False, aLibRelStorage.
GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), eStorageReadMode, sal_True );
xStorageRef = new SotStorage( false, aLibRelStorage.
GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), eStorageReadMode, true );
if ( xStorageRef.Is() )
......@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ sal_Bool BasicManager::ImpLoadLibrary( BasicLibInfo* pLibInfo, SotStorage* pCurS
if ( !xStorage.Is() )
xStorage = new SotStorage( sal_False, aStorageName, eStorageReadMode );
xStorage = new SotStorage( false, aStorageName, eStorageReadMode );
SotStorageRef xBasicStorage = xStorage->OpenSotStorage( OUString(szBasicStorage), eStorageReadMode, sal_False );
......@@ -1328,11 +1328,11 @@ sal_Bool BasicManager::RemoveLib( sal_uInt16 nLib, sal_Bool bDelBasicFromStorage
SotStorageRef xStorage;
if ( !pLibInfo->IsExtern() )
xStorage = new SotStorage( sal_False, GetStorageName() );
xStorage = new SotStorage( false, GetStorageName() );
xStorage = new SotStorage( sal_False, pLibInfo->GetStorageName() );
xStorage = new SotStorage( false, pLibInfo->GetStorageName() );
if ( xStorage->IsStorage( OUString(szBasicStorage) ) )
......@@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ StarBASIC* BasicManager::CreateLib( const OUString& rLibName, const OUString& Pa
if( !LinkTargetURL.isEmpty())
SotStorageRef xStorage = new SotStorage( sal_False, LinkTargetURL, STREAM_READ | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE );
SotStorageRef xStorage = new SotStorage( false, LinkTargetURL, STREAM_READ | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE );
if( !xStorage->GetError() )
pLib = AddLib( *xStorage, rLibName, sal_True );
......@@ -1483,15 +1483,15 @@ Any sbxToUnoValue( const SbxValue* pVar, const Type& rType, Property* pUnoProper
case TypeClass_BYTE:
sal_Int16 nVal = pVar->GetInteger();
sal_Bool bOverflow = sal_False;
bool bOverflow = false;
if( nVal < -128 )
bOverflow = sal_True;
bOverflow = true;
nVal = -128;
else if( nVal > 127 )
bOverflow = sal_True;
bOverflow = true;
nVal = 127;
if( bOverflow )
......@@ -1936,7 +1936,7 @@ OUString Impl_DumpProperties( SbUnoObject* pUnoObj )
// Is it in Uno a sequence?
SbxDataType eType = pVar->GetFullType();
sal_Bool bMaybeVoid = sal_False;
bool bMaybeVoid = false;
if( i < nUnoPropCount )
const Property& rProp = pUnoProps[ i ];
......@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ OUString Impl_DumpProperties( SbUnoObject* pUnoObj )
if( rProp.Attributes & PropertyAttribute::MAYBEVOID )
eType = unoToSbxType( rProp.Type.getTypeClass() );
bMaybeVoid = sal_True;
bMaybeVoid = true;
if( eType == SbxOBJECT )
......@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ sal_uInt16 SbModule::Run( SbMethod* pMeth )
// Launcher problem
// i80726 The Find below will genarate an error in Testtool so we reset it unless there was one before already
sal_Bool bWasError = SbxBase::GetError() != 0;
bool bWasError = SbxBase::GetError() != 0;
SbxVariable* pMSOMacroRuntimeLibVar = Find( "Launcher", SbxCLASS_OBJECT );
if ( !bWasError && (SbxBase::GetError() == SbxERR_PROC_UNDEFINED) )
......@@ -2277,9 +2277,9 @@ class FormObjEventListenerImpl : public FormObjEventListener_BASE
uno::Reference< lang::XComponent > mxComponent;
uno::Reference< frame::XModel > mxModel;
bool mbDisposed;
sal_Bool mbOpened;
sal_Bool mbActivated;
sal_Bool mbShowing;
bool mbOpened;
bool mbActivated;
bool mbShowing;
FormObjEventListenerImpl(const FormObjEventListenerImpl&); // not defined
FormObjEventListenerImpl& operator=(const FormObjEventListenerImpl&); // not defined
......@@ -2287,7 +2287,7 @@ class FormObjEventListenerImpl : public FormObjEventListener_BASE
FormObjEventListenerImpl( SbUserFormModule* pUserForm, const uno::Reference< lang::XComponent >& xComponent, const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xModel ) :
mpUserForm( pUserForm ), mxComponent( xComponent), mxModel( xModel ),
mbDisposed( false ), mbOpened( sal_False ), mbActivated( sal_False ), mbShowing( sal_False )
mbDisposed( false ), mbOpened( false ), mbActivated( false ), mbShowing( false )
if ( mxComponent.is() )
......@@ -2319,7 +2319,7 @@ public:
sal_Bool isShowing() const { return mbShowing; }
bool isShowing() const { return mbShowing; }
void removeListener()
......@@ -2354,11 +2354,11 @@ public:
if ( mpUserForm )
mbOpened = sal_True;
mbShowing = sal_True;
mbOpened = true;
mbShowing = true;
if ( mbActivated )
mbOpened = mbActivated = sal_False;
mbOpened = mbActivated = false;
......@@ -2399,8 +2399,8 @@ public:
virtual void SAL_CALL windowClosed( const lang::EventObject& /*e*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
mbOpened = sal_False;
mbShowing = sal_False;
mbOpened = false;
mbShowing = false;
virtual void SAL_CALL windowMinimized( const lang::EventObject& /*e*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
......@@ -2415,10 +2415,10 @@ public:
if ( mpUserForm )
mbActivated = sal_True;
mbActivated = true;
if ( mbOpened )
mbOpened = mbActivated = sal_False;
mbOpened = mbActivated = false;
......@@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ void SbiExprNode::FoldConstants()
|| eTok == IDIV || eTok == MOD )
// Integer operations
sal_Bool err = sal_False;
if( nl > SbxMAXLNG ) err = sal_True, nl = SbxMAXLNG;
else if( nl < SbxMINLNG ) err = sal_True, nl = SbxMINLNG;
if( nr > SbxMAXLNG ) err = sal_True, nr = SbxMAXLNG;
else if( nr < SbxMINLNG ) err = sal_True, nr = SbxMINLNG;
bool err = false;
if( nl > SbxMAXLNG ) err = true, nl = SbxMAXLNG;
else if( nl < SbxMINLNG ) err = true, nl = SbxMINLNG;
if( nr > SbxMAXLNG ) err = true, nr = SbxMAXLNG;
else if( nr < SbxMINLNG ) err = true, nr = SbxMINLNG;
ll = (long) nl; lr = (long) nr;
llMod = (long) (nl < 0 ? nl - 0.5 : nl + 0.5);
lrMod = (long) (nr < 0 ? nr - 0.5 : nr + 0.5);
......@@ -325,20 +325,20 @@ void SbiExprNode::FoldConstants()
bError = true;
sal_Bool bBothInt = sal_Bool( pLeft->eType < SbxSINGLE
bool bBothInt = ( pLeft->eType < SbxSINGLE
&& pRight->eType < SbxSINGLE );
delete pLeft; pLeft = NULL;
delete pRight; pRight = NULL;
nVal = 0;
eType = SbxDOUBLE;
eNodeType = SbxNUMVAL;
sal_Bool bCheckType = sal_False;
bool bCheckType = false;
switch( eTok )
case EXPON:
nVal = pow( nl, nr ); break;
case MUL:
bCheckType = sal_True;
bCheckType = true;
nVal = nl * nr; break;
case DIV:
if( !nr )
......@@ -348,10 +348,10 @@ void SbiExprNode::FoldConstants()
} else nVal = nl / nr;
case PLUS:
bCheckType = sal_True;
bCheckType = true;
nVal = nl + nr; break;
case MINUS:
bCheckType = sal_True;
bCheckType = true;
nVal = nl - nr; break;
case EQ:
nVal = ( nl == nr ) ? SbxTRUE : SbxFALSE;
......@@ -427,9 +427,9 @@ void SbiExprNode::FoldConstants()
nVal = -nVal; break;
case NOT: {
// Integer operation!
sal_Bool err = sal_False;
if( nVal > SbxMAXLNG ) err = sal_True, nVal = SbxMAXLNG;
else if( nVal < SbxMINLNG ) err = sal_True, nVal = SbxMINLNG;
bool err = false;
if( nVal > SbxMAXLNG ) err = true, nVal = SbxMAXLNG;
else if( nVal < SbxMINLNG ) err = true, nVal = SbxMINLNG;
if( err )
pGen->GetParser()->Error( SbERR_MATH_OVERFLOW );
......@@ -85,21 +85,21 @@ SbiExpression::~SbiExpression()
// Are there parameters without brackets following? This may be a number,
// a string, a symbol or also a comma (if the 1st parameter is missing)
static sal_Bool DoParametersFollow( SbiParser* p, SbiExprType eCurExpr, SbiToken eTok )
static bool DoParametersFollow( SbiParser* p, SbiExprType eCurExpr, SbiToken eTok )
if( eTok == LPAREN )
return sal_True;
return true;
// but only if similar to CALL!
if( !p->WhiteSpace() || eCurExpr != SbSYMBOL )
return sal_False;
return false;
if ( eTok == NUMBER || eTok == MINUS || eTok == FIXSTRING ||
eTok == SYMBOL || eTok == COMMA || eTok == DOT || eTok == NOT || eTok == BYVAL )
return sal_True;
return true;
else // check for default params with reserved names ( e.g. names of tokens )
......@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ static sal_Bool DoParametersFollow( SbiParser* p, SbiExprType eCurExpr, SbiToken
if ( tokens.Peek() == ASSIGN )
return sal_True;
return true;
return sal_False;
return false;
// definition of a new symbol
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ static SbiSymDef* AddSym ( SbiToken eTok, SbiSymPool& rPool, SbiExprType eCurExp
SbiSymDef* pDef;
// A= is not a procedure
sal_Bool bHasType = sal_Bool( eTok == EQ || eTok == DOT );
bool bHasType = ( eTok == EQ || eTok == DOT );
if( ( !bHasType && eCurExpr == SbSYMBOL ) || pPar )
// so this is a procedure
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static SbiSymDef* AddSym ( SbiToken eTok, SbiSymPool& rPool, SbiExprType eCurExp
// special treatment for Colls like Documents(1)
if( eCurExpr == SbSTDEXPR )
bHasType = sal_True;
bHasType = true;
pDef = pProc;
pDef->SetType( bHasType ? eType : SbxEMPTY );
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ SbiExprNode* SbiExpression::Term( const KeywordSymbolInfo* pKeywordSymbolInfo )
// It might be an object part, if . or ! is following.
// In case of . the variable must already be defined;
// it's an object, if pDef is NULL after the search.
sal_Bool bObj = sal_Bool( ( eTok == DOT || eTok == EXCLAM )
bool bObj = ( ( eTok == DOT || eTok == EXCLAM )
&& !pParser->WhiteSpace() );
if( bObj )
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ SbiExprNode* SbiExpression::ObjTerm( SbiSymDef& rObj )
eTok = pParser->Peek();
sal_Bool bObj = sal_Bool( ( eTok == DOT || eTok == EXCLAM ) && !pParser->WhiteSpace() );
bool bObj = ( ( eTok == DOT || eTok == EXCLAM ) && !pParser->WhiteSpace() );
if( bObj )
if( eType == SbxVARIANT )
......@@ -846,22 +846,22 @@ SbiConstExpression::SbiConstExpression( SbiParser* p ) : SbiExpression( p )
// #40204 special treatment for sal_Bool-constants
sal_Bool bIsBool = sal_False;
bool bIsBool = false;
if( pExpr->eNodeType == SbxVARVAL )
SbiSymDef* pVarDef = pExpr->GetVar();
sal_Bool bBoolVal = sal_False;
bool bBoolVal = false;
if( pVarDef->GetName().equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "true" ) )
bIsBool = sal_True;
bBoolVal = sal_True;
bIsBool = true;
bBoolVal = true;
else if( pVarDef->GetName().equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "false" ) )
//else if( pVarDef->GetName().ICompare( "false" ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
bIsBool = sal_True;
bBoolVal = sal_False;
bIsBool = true;
bBoolVal = false;
if( bIsBool )
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ void SbiParser::Select()
sal_uInt32 nNextTarget = 0;
sal_uInt32 nDoneTarget = 0;
sal_Bool bElse = sal_False;
bool bElse = false;
while( !bAbort )
......@@ -369,13 +369,13 @@ void SbiParser::Select()
aGen.BackChain( nNextTarget ), nNextTarget = 0;
sal_Bool bDone = sal_False;
bool bDone = false;
sal_uInt32 nTrueTarget = 0;
if( Peek() == ELSE )
bElse = sal_True;
bElse = true;
else while( !bDone )
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ void SbiParser::Select()
if( Peek() == COMMA ) Next();
else TestEoln(), bDone = sal_True;
else TestEoln(), bDone = true;
if( !bElse )
......@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ struct SbiParseStack { // "Stack" for statement-blocks
struct SbiStatement {
SbiToken eTok;
void( SbiParser::*Func )();
sal_Bool bMain; // sal_True: OK outside the SUB
sal_Bool bSubr; // sal_True: OK inside the SUB
bool bMain; // true: OK outside the SUB
bool bSubr; // true: OK inside the SUB
#define Y sal_True
#define N sal_False
#define Y true
#define N false
static const SbiStatement StmntTable [] = {
{ ATTRIBUTE, &SbiParser::Attribute, Y, Y, }, // ATTRIBUTE
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