Kaydet (Commit) e77819f5 authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

coverity#738849 Uninitialized scalar field

Change-Id: I5374e4427f800c4500818b97bfe6e94b303a8974
üst bfd0e9b7
......@@ -75,20 +75,22 @@ class SmDocShell;
class SmCursor{
SmCursor(SmNode* tree, SmDocShell* pShell){
//Initialize members
pTree = tree;
anchor = NULL;
position = NULL;
pGraph = NULL;
pDocShell = pShell;
pClipboard = NULL;
nEditSections = 0;
SmCursor(SmNode* tree, SmDocShell* pShell)
: anchor(NULL)
, position(NULL)
, pTree(tree)
, pDocShell(pShell)
, pGraph(NULL)
, pClipboard(NULL)
, nEditSections(0)
, bIsEnabledSetModifiedSmDocShell(false)
//Build graph
delete pGraph;
pGraph = NULL;
......@@ -2336,13 +2336,14 @@ void SmRectangleNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &/*rForma
SmTextNode::SmTextNode( SmNodeType eNodeType, const SmToken &rNodeToken, sal_uInt16 nFontDescP ) :
SmVisibleNode(eNodeType, rNodeToken)
SmTextNode::SmTextNode( SmNodeType eNodeType, const SmToken &rNodeToken, sal_uInt16 nFontDescP )
: SmVisibleNode(eNodeType, rNodeToken)
, nFontDesc(nFontDescP)
, nSelectionStart(0)
, nSelectionEnd(0)
nFontDesc = nFontDescP;
SmTextNode::SmTextNode( const SmToken &rNodeToken, sal_uInt16 nFontDescP )
: SmVisibleNode(NTEXT, rNodeToken)
, nFontDesc(nFontDescP)
......@@ -2351,7 +2352,6 @@ SmTextNode::SmTextNode( const SmToken &rNodeToken, sal_uInt16 nFontDescP )
void SmTextNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat, const SmDocShell &rDocShell)
SmNode::Prepare(rFormat, rDocShell);
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