Kaydet (Commit) c3d8711a authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

add script to update translations for gettext

Change-Id: I1ec48a71103aad50e8a303a5356a25f3a168d6bd
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/39867Reviewed-by: 's avatarCaolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>
Tested-by: 's avatarCaolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>
üst 57ffece4
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import binascii
import polib
from os import listdir, walk, remove
from os.path import isdir, join
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(" Syntax: update-for-gettext path/to/dir/of/languages")
langs = [f for f in listdir(sys.argv[1]) if isdir(join(sys.argv[1], f))]
uiline = False
for lang in langs:
path = join(sys.argv[1],lang)
modules = [f for f in listdir(path) if isdir(join(path, f))]
for module in modules:
subpath = join(path, module)
print >> sys.stderr, "module is", subpath, lang, module
messages = None
npos = 0
for dirpath, dirname, filenames in walk(subpath):
for filename in filenames:
ipath = join(dirpath, filename)
print >> sys.stderr, "file is", ipath
po = polib.pofile(ipath)
if len(po) != 0:
samplefile = po[0].occurrences[0][0]
if samplefile.endswith(".src") or samplefile.endswith(".ui"):
if npos == 0:
messages = po
for entry in po:
npos = npos + 1
if npos > 0:
middle = 0
for entry in messages:
if not len(entry.occurrences):
location = entry.occurrences[0][0]
if location.endswith(".ui"):
uiline = True
uiline = False
lines = entry.msgctxt.split('\n')
if uiline:
widgetid = lines[1]
typeid = lines[2]
entry.msgctxt = location[:-3] + "|" + widgetid
if typeid == "tooltip_text":
entry.msgctxt = entry.msgctxt + "|" + typeid
if entry.msgctxt == 'calloutpage|position' and entry.msgid == 'Middle':
middle = middle + 1
if middle == 2:
entry.msgid = "Center"
ctxline = lines[1]
if (ctxline.endswith("+RID_SC_FUNC_DESCRIPTIONS_START")):
ctxline = ctxline[:-len("+RID_SC_FUNC_DESCRIPTIONS_START")]
elif (ctxline.endswith("+RID_GLOBSTR_OFFSET")):
ctxline = ctxline[:-len("+RID_GLOBSTR_OFFSET")]
entry.msgctxt = ctxline
comments = entry.comment.split('\n')
keyid = entry.msgctxt + '|' + entry.msgid
comments[-1] = polib.genKeyId(keyid.encode('utf-8'))
entry.comment = "\n".join(comments)
if lang != "templates":
messages.save(join(subpath, "messages.po"))
messages.save(join(subpath, "messages.pot"))
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