Kaydet (Commit) b8da61ac authored tarafından Tor Lillqvist's avatar Tor Lillqvist

Fix scan for central directory end signature in ODF in Spotlight importer

Once this was fixed it seems to work nicely. Add keywords in
File:Properties and they show up in Finder's Properties, and Spotlight
finds text from the document contents.

Change-Id: I203576a5a7e53ca3485b0a82f0c6d06122f361d1
üst bf46dfdb
......@@ -208,21 +208,32 @@ static bool areHeadersConsistent(const LocalFileHeader *header, const CentralDir
static bool findCentralDirectoryEnd(NSFileHandle *file)
// Assume the cdir end is in the last 1024 bytes
// Scan backward from end of file for the end signature
[file seekToEndOfFile];
unsigned long long fileLength = [file offsetInFile];
[file seekToFileOffset: 0];
while ([file offsetInFile] < fileLength)
if (fileLength < 10)
return false;
[file seekToFileOffset: (fileLength - 4)];
unsigned long long offset;
while ((offset = [file offsetInFile]) > 0 && offset >= fileLength - 1024)
unsigned long long offset = [file offsetInFile];
unsigned signature = readInt(file);
if (signature == CDIR_END_SIG)
[file seekToFileOffset: (offset - 4)];
// Seek back over the CDIR_END_SIG
[file seekToFileOffset: offset];
return true;
[file seekToFileOffset: (offset - 3)];
// Seek one byte back
[file seekToFileOffset: (offset - 1)];
return false;
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