Kaydet (Commit) 86bb6fdf authored tarafından Noel Grandin's avatar Noel Grandin

update unusedmethods loplugin to update unused return values

Change-Id: I825d022d09282bc9b6cffd9178e40e4090d335da
üst f7c23897
......@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ const Stmt* Plugin::parentStmt( const Stmt* stmt )
if( parents.empty())
buildParents( compiler );
assert( parents.count( stmt ) == 1 );
//assert( parents.count( stmt ) == 1 );
return parents[ stmt ];
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Stmt* Plugin::parentStmt( Stmt* stmt )
if( parents.empty())
buildParents( compiler );
assert( parents.count( stmt ) == 1 );
//assert( parents.count( stmt ) == 1 );
return const_cast< Stmt* >( parents[ stmt ] );
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ struct MyFuncInfo
// try to limit the voluminous output a little
static std::set<MyFuncInfo> callSet;
static std::set<MyFuncInfo> usedReturnSet;
static std::set<MyFuncInfo> definitionSet;
......@@ -82,6 +83,8 @@ public:
std::string output;
for (const MyFuncInfo & s : callSet)
output += "call:\t" + s.returnType + "\t" + s.nameAndParams + "\n";
for (const MyFuncInfo & s : usedReturnSet)
output += "usedReturn:\t" + s.returnType + "\t" + s.nameAndParams + "\n";
for (const MyFuncInfo & s : definitionSet)
//treat all UNO interfaces as having been called, since they are part of our external ABI
......@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ public:
bool VisitFunctionDecl( const FunctionDecl* decl );
bool VisitDeclRefExpr( const DeclRefExpr* );
void logCallToRootMethods(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl);
void logCallToRootMethods(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl, std::set<MyFuncInfo>& funcSet);
MyFuncInfo niceName(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl);
std::string fullyQualifiedName(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl);
......@@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ std::string UnusedMethods::fullyQualifiedName(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl)
return ret;
void UnusedMethods::logCallToRootMethods(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl)
void UnusedMethods::logCallToRootMethods(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl, std::set<MyFuncInfo>& funcSet)
functionDecl = functionDecl->getCanonicalDecl();
bool bCalledSuperMethod = false;
......@@ -183,7 +186,7 @@ void UnusedMethods::logCallToRootMethods(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl)
for(CXXMethodDecl::method_iterator it = methodDecl->begin_overridden_methods();
it != methodDecl->end_overridden_methods(); ++it)
logCallToRootMethods(*it, funcSet);
bCalledSuperMethod = true;
......@@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ void UnusedMethods::logCallToRootMethods(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl)
while (functionDecl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern())
functionDecl = functionDecl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern();
......@@ -227,7 +230,29 @@ gotfunc:
if (traversedFunctionSet.insert(fullyQualifiedName(calleeFunctionDecl)).second)
logCallToRootMethods(calleeFunctionDecl, callSet);
if (calleeFunctionDecl->getReturnType()->isVoidType()) {
return true;
const Stmt* parent = parentStmt(expr);
if (!parent) {
return true;
if (isa<Expr>(parent) || isa<ReturnStmt>(parent) || isa<DeclStmt>(parent)
|| isa<IfStmt>(parent) || isa<SwitchStmt>(parent) || isa<ForStmt>(parent)
|| isa<WhileStmt>(parent) || isa<DoStmt>(parent)
|| isa<CXXForRangeStmt>(parent))
logCallToRootMethods(calleeFunctionDecl, usedReturnSet);
return true;
if (isa<CompoundStmt>(parent) || isa<DefaultStmt>(parent) || isa<CaseStmt>(parent)
|| isa<LabelStmt>(parent))
return true;
return true;
......@@ -267,7 +292,8 @@ bool UnusedMethods::VisitDeclRefExpr( const DeclRefExpr* declRefExpr )
if (!isa<FunctionDecl>(functionDecl)) {
return true;
logCallToRootMethods(dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(functionDecl)->getCanonicalDecl(), callSet);
logCallToRootMethods(dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(functionDecl)->getCanonicalDecl(), usedReturnSet);
return true;
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import io
definitionSet = set()
definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict()
callSet = set()
returnSet = set()
sourceLocationSet = set()
# things we need to exclude for reasons like :
# - it's a weird template thingy that confuses the plugin
......@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ with io.open(sys.argv[1], "rb", buffering=1024*1024) as txt:
elif line.startswith("call:\t"):
idx1 = line.find("\t",6)
callSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(line[6:idx1]), normalizeTypeParams(line[idx1+1:].strip())))
elif line.startswith("usedReturn:\t"):
idx1 = line.find("\t",12)
returnSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(line[12:idx1]), normalizeTypeParams(line[idx1+1:].strip())))
# Invert the definitionToSourceLocationMap
# If we see more than one method at the same sourceLocation, it's being autogenerated as part of a template
......@@ -138,6 +142,10 @@ for k, definitions in sourceLocationToDefinitionMap.iteritems():
for d in definitions:
# -------------------------------------------
# Do the "unused methods" part
# -------------------------------------------
tmp1set = set()
for d in definitionSet:
clazz = d[0] + " " + d[1]
......@@ -228,11 +236,44 @@ def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
tmp1list = sorted(tmp1set, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
# print out the results
for t in tmp1list:
print t[1]
print " ", t[0]
#for t in tmp1list:
# print t[1]
# print " ", t[0]
# -------------------------------------------
# Do the "unused return types" part
# -------------------------------------------
tmp2set = set()
for d in definitionSet:
clazz = d[0] + " " + d[1]
if clazz in exclusionSet:
if d in returnSet:
if d[0] == "void":
# ignore UNO constructor method entrypoints
if "_get_implementation" in d[1]:
# the plugin can't see calls to these
if "operator new" in d[1]:
# unused return type is not a problem here
if "operator=(" in d[1]:
# ignore external code
if definitionToSourceLocationMap[d].startswith("external/"):
tmp2set.add((clazz, definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]))
# sort results by name and line number
tmp2list = sorted(tmp2set, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
for t in tmp2list:
print t[1]
print " ", t[0]
# add an empty line at the end to make it easier for the unusedmethodsremove plugin to mmap() the output file
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