Kaydet (Commit) 7a0f3d16 authored tarafından Johnny_M's avatar Johnny_M Kaydeden (comit) Michael Stahl

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Change-Id: I1a4e41ccd3e3eb829419c45edd0417776a73c3ae
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/59285
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: 's avatarMichael Stahl <Michael.Stahl@cib.de>
üst b2f52f43
......@@ -231,11 +231,11 @@ SbiRuntime::pStep2 SbiRuntime::aStep2[] = {// all opcodes with two operands
&SbiRuntime::StepFIND, // load (+StringID+Typ)
&SbiRuntime::StepELEM, // load element (+StringID+Typ)
&SbiRuntime::StepPARAM, // Parameter (+Offset+Typ)
// Verzweigen
// branches
&SbiRuntime::StepCALL, // Declare-Call (+StringID+Typ)
&SbiRuntime::StepCALLC, // CDecl-Declare-Call (+StringID+Typ)
&SbiRuntime::StepCASEIS, // Case-Test (+Test-Opcode+False-Target)
// Verwaltung
// management
&SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT, // beginning of a statement (+Line+Col)
// E/A
&SbiRuntime::StepOPEN, // (+StreamMode+Flags)
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void OSortIndex::AddKeyValue(std::unique_ptr<OKeyValue> pKeyValue)
void OSortIndex::Freeze()
OSL_ENSURE(! m_bFrozen,"OSortIndex::Freeze: already frozen!");
// Sortierung:
// sorting:
if (m_aKeyType[0] != OKeyType::NONE)
// we will sort ourself when the first keyType say so
......@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ OUString SwDocInfoFieldType::Expand( sal_uInt16 nSub, sal_uInt32 nFormat,
// Numberformatter anwerfen!
// start the number formatter
double fVal = SwDateTimeField::GetDateTime( GetDoc(),
aStr = ExpandValue(fVal, nFormat, nLang);
......@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ OUString SwDocInfoFieldType::Expand( sal_uInt16 nSub, sal_uInt32 nFormat,
// Numberformatter anwerfen!
// start the number formatter
double fVal = SwDateTimeField::GetDateTime( GetDoc(),
aStr = ExpandValue(fVal, nFormat, nLang);
......@@ -4738,7 +4738,7 @@ void SwWW8Shade::SetShade(Color nFore, Color nBack, sal_uInt16 nIndex)
if (nFore == COL_AUTO)
nFore = COL_BLACK;
//NO auto for shading so background: Auto = Weiss
//NO auto for shading so background: Auto = White
Color nUseBack = nBack;
if (nUseBack == COL_AUTO)
nUseBack = COL_WHITE;
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