Kaydet (Commit) 700b7941 authored tarafından Josh Heidenreich's avatar Josh Heidenreich Kaydeden (comit) David Tardon

Added and improved READMEs for modules which used to be in filter

üst 223cca46
Filter registration and some simple filters (also descriptions).
Filter for a word processor file format popular in Korea (Hangul Word Processor).
Filter for file format of Lotus Word Pro.
Support for Office Open XML, the office XML-format designed by Microsoft.
See also:
UNO wrappers for XML services.
The writerfilter module contains import filters for Writer, using its
The writerfilter module contains import filters for Writer, using its UNO API.
- inc: global headers (can be included by other modules)
- prj: information for dmake
- qa: unittests and subsequenttests
- source: the filters themselves
Import filter for docx, doc and rtf.
* dmapper: the domain mapper, hiding UNO from the tokenizers
* doctok: incomplete ww8 (.doc) tokenizer
* filter: the uno filter service implementations
* ooxml: the docx tokenizer
* rtftok: the rtf tokenizer
== Module contents ==
* inc: global headers (can be included by other modules)
* prj: information for dmake
* qa: unittests and subsequenttests
* source: the filters themselves
== Source contents ==
* dmapper: the domain mapper, hiding UNO from the tokenizers
* doctok: incomplete ww8 (.doc) tokenizer
* filter: the uno filter service implementations
* ooxml: the docx tokenizer
* rtftok: the rtf tokenizer
Word Perfect filter, wrapper for [[libwpd]].
For converting documents among from and into formats and also for merging them.
Uses Java and plug-in architecture.
See also:
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