Kaydet (Commit) 646e9564 authored tarafından Eike Rathke's avatar Eike Rathke

Resolves: tdf#117093 sanitize the active grid window value

Don't know yet how that could had happened, but the sample
document has a bad ActiveSplitRange value that doesn't match
HorizontalSplitMode and VerticalSplitMode.

* sanitize the value when reading view settings
* prevent writing such value to help versions that don't sanitize

Change-Id: I1b450c7b8102148a24d545ff7568f725d7492a6a
üst ef714b73
......@@ -252,6 +252,18 @@ private:
void ReadUserDataSequence(
const css::uno::Sequence <css::beans::PropertyValue>& rSettings,
ScViewData& rViewData, SCTAB nTab, bool& rHasZoom);
/** Sanitize the active split range value to not point into a grid window
that would never be initialized due to non-matching split modes.
This is to be done when reading settings from file formats or
configurations that could have arbitrary values. The caller is
reponsible for actually assigning the new value to eWhichActive because
we want this function to be const to be able to call the check from
SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ScSplitPos SanitizeWhichActive() const;
......@@ -491,8 +491,12 @@ void ScViewDataTable::WriteUserDataSequence(uno::Sequence <beans::PropertyValue>
pSettings[SC_VERTICAL_SPLIT_POSITION].Value <<= sal_Int32(nFixPosY);
pSettings[SC_VERTICAL_SPLIT_POSITION].Value <<= sal_Int32(nVSplitPos);
// Prevent writing odd settings that would make crash versions that
// don't apply SanitizeWhichActive() when reading the settings.
// See tdf#117093
const ScSplitPos eActiveSplitRange = SanitizeWhichActive();
pSettings[SC_ACTIVE_SPLIT_RANGE].Value <<= sal_Int16(eWhichActive);
pSettings[SC_ACTIVE_SPLIT_RANGE].Value <<= sal_Int16(eActiveSplitRange);
pSettings[SC_POSITION_LEFT].Value <<= sal_Int32(nPosX[SC_SPLIT_LEFT]);
......@@ -649,6 +653,7 @@ void ScViewDataTable::ReadUserDataSequence(const uno::Sequence <beans::PropertyV
// Fallback to common SdrModel processing
else rViewData.GetDocument()->GetDrawLayer()->ReadUserDataSequenceValue(&aSettings[i]);
if (eHSplitMode == SC_SPLIT_FIX)
nFixPosX = SanitizeCol( static_cast<SCCOL>( bHasHSplitInTwips ? nTempPosHTw : nTempPosH ));
......@@ -658,6 +663,20 @@ void ScViewDataTable::ReadUserDataSequence(const uno::Sequence <beans::PropertyV
nFixPosY = SanitizeRow( static_cast<SCROW>( bHasVSplitInTwips ? nTempPosVTw : nTempPosV ));
nVSplitPos = bHasVSplitInTwips ? static_cast< long >( nTempPosVTw * rViewData.GetPPTY() ) : nTempPosV;
eWhichActive = SanitizeWhichActive();
ScSplitPos ScViewDataTable::SanitizeWhichActive() const
if ((WhichH(eWhichActive) == SC_SPLIT_RIGHT && eHSplitMode == SC_SPLIT_NONE) ||
(WhichV(eWhichActive) == SC_SPLIT_TOP && eVSplitMode == SC_SPLIT_NONE))
SAL_WARN("sc.ui","ScViewDataTable::SanitizeWhichActive - bad eWhichActive " << eWhichActive);
// The default always initialized grid window is SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMLEFT.
return eWhichActive;
ScViewData::ScViewData( ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScTabViewShell* pViewSh ) :
......@@ -2970,18 +2989,7 @@ void ScViewData::ReadUserData(const OUString& rData)
maTabData[nPos]->nPosY[0] = SanitizeRow( aTabOpt.getToken(9,cTabSep).toInt32());
maTabData[nPos]->nPosY[1] = SanitizeRow( aTabOpt.getToken(10,cTabSep).toInt32());
// test whether the active part according to SplitMode exists at all
// (Bug #44516#)
ScSplitPos eTest = maTabData[nPos]->eWhichActive;
if ( ( WhichH( eTest ) == SC_SPLIT_RIGHT &&
maTabData[nPos]->eHSplitMode == SC_SPLIT_NONE ) ||
( WhichV( eTest ) == SC_SPLIT_TOP &&
maTabData[nPos]->eVSplitMode == SC_SPLIT_NONE ) )
// then back to default again (bottom left)
maTabData[nPos]->eWhichActive = SC_SPLIT_BOTTOMLEFT;
OSL_FAIL("SplitPos had to be corrected");
maTabData[nPos]->eWhichActive = maTabData[nPos]->SanitizeWhichActive();
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