Kaydet (Commit) 62fb1958 authored tarafından Caolán McNamara's avatar Caolán McNamara

make building help not crash

a) subStr is not ours to delete, belongs to the OString
b) and anyway subStr points to the buffer of the out-of-scope temporary OString

Change-Id: I1689c6626c52ae9d94e0cfa5de4235be3c1f3262
üst 2bdea3b8
......@@ -143,17 +143,14 @@ void BasicCodeTagger::tagParagraph( xmlNodePtr paragraph )
m_Highlighter.notifyChange ( 0, 0, &strLine, 1 );
HighlightPortions portions;
m_Highlighter.getHighlightPortions( 0, strLine, portions );
xmlChar* subStr;
xmlChar* typeStr;
xmlNodePtr text;
for ( size_t i=0; i<portions.size(); i++ )
HighlightPortion& r = portions[i];
subStr = (xmlChar*) OUStringToOString( strLine.copy( r.nBegin, r.nEnd-r.nBegin ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr();
text = xmlNewText( subStr );
OString sToken(OUStringToOString(strLine.copy(r.nBegin, r.nEnd-r.nBegin), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
xmlNodePtr text = xmlNewText((const xmlChar*)sToken.getStr());
if ( r.tokenType != TT_WHITESPACE )
typeStr = getTypeString( r.tokenType );
xmlChar* typeStr = getTypeString( r.tokenType );
curNode = xmlNewTextChild( paragraph, 0, (xmlChar*)"item", 0 );
xmlNewProp( curNode, (xmlChar*)"type", typeStr );
xmlAddChild( curNode, text );
......@@ -161,7 +158,6 @@ void BasicCodeTagger::tagParagraph( xmlNodePtr paragraph )
xmlAddChild( paragraph, text );
xmlFree( subStr );
xmlFree( codeSnippet );
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