Kaydet (Commit) 5b6b0bb4 authored tarafından Stephan Bergmann's avatar Stephan Bergmann

Remove support for cross-building .msi on Linux

...which is no longer needed after 8646ab97
"Remove MinGW support".  This effectively removes the commits
8251cd19 "Call uuidgen without -n when cross-
compiling", e8ddf693 "Cross-compiling-msi-
related changes; not finished", 60865562 "We
have to add the path to solver for the msi* tools when cross-compiling", and
61b1c246 "More full paths for cross msi* tools"
(while 8429bd67 "Make the relativisation of the
path working even on Linux" from amidst them is probably "harmless").

Change-Id: I0b9be32babdf6db83e2093eafd556c875910d92b
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/36471Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarStephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>
üst d2e0f12a
......@@ -70,12 +70,6 @@ sub check_system_path
# All platforms: zip
# Windows only: "msiinfo.exe", "msidb.exe", "uuidgen.exe", "makecab.exe", "msitran.exe", "expand.exe" for msi database and packaging
# we build our own msi* etc. tools when cross-compiling
$ENV{'PATH'} .= $installer::globals::pathseparator . $ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'} . '/LinkTarget/Executable';
my $onefile;
my $error = 0;
my $pathvariable = $ENV{'PATH'};
......@@ -100,10 +94,6 @@ sub check_system_path
@needed_files_in_path = ("zip.exe", "msiinfo.exe", "msidb.exe", "uuidgen", "makecab.exe", "msitran.exe", "expand.exe");
elsif ($installer::globals::isunix && $installer::globals::packageformat eq 'msi')
@needed_files_in_path = ("zip", "msiinfo.exe", "msidb.exe", "uuidgen", "makecab.exe", "msitran.exe", "cabextract");
elsif ($installer::globals::iswin)
@needed_files_in_path = ("zip.exe");
......@@ -167,10 +157,6 @@ sub get_makecab_version
my $makecabversion = -1;
my $systemcall = "makecab.exe |";
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$systemcall = "$ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/LinkTarget/Executable/makecab.exe |";
my @makecaboutput = ();
open (CAB, $systemcall);
......@@ -39,11 +39,6 @@ sub unpack_cabinet_file
push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
my $expandfile = "expand.exe"; # Has to be in the path
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$infoline = "ERROR: We need to change this to use cabextract instead of expand.exe\n";
push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
# expand.exe has to be located in the system directory.
# Cygwin has another tool expand.exe, that converts tabs to spaces. This cannot be used of course.
......@@ -100,10 +95,6 @@ sub extract_tables_from_pcpfile
my ($fullmsidatabasepath, $workdir, $tablelist) = @_;
my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$msidb = "$ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/LinkTarget/Executable/msidb.exe";
my $infoline = "";
my $systemcall = "";
my $returnvalue = "";
......@@ -405,10 +396,6 @@ sub write_sis_info
if ( ! -f $msidatabase ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Cannot find file $msidatabase", "write_sis_info"); }
my $msiinfo = "msiinfo.exe"; # Has to be in the path
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$msiinfo = "$ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/LinkTarget/Executable/msiinfo.exe";
my $infoline = "";
my $systemcall = "";
my $returnvalue = "";
......@@ -249,10 +249,6 @@ sub generate_cab_file_list
# Writing the makecab system call
my $oneline = "makecab.exe /V3 /F " . $ddffilename . " 2\>\&1 |" . "\n";
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$oneline = "$ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/LinkTarget/Executable/makecab.exe /V3 /F " . $ddffilename . " 2\>\&1 |" . "\n";
push(@cabfilelist, $oneline);
......@@ -329,10 +325,6 @@ sub generate_cab_file_list
# Writing the makecab system call
my $oneline = "makecab.exe /V3 /F " . $ddffilename . " 2\>\&1 |" . "\n";
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$oneline = "$ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/LinkTarget/Executable/makecab.exe /V3 /F " . $ddffilename . " 2\>\&1 |" . "\n";
push(@cabfilelist, $oneline);
......@@ -458,10 +450,6 @@ sub create_msi_database
# -i : include the following tables ("*" includes all available tables)
my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$msidb = "$ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/LinkTarget/Executable/msidb.exe";
my $extraslash = ""; # Has to be set for non-ActiveState perl
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating msi database");
......@@ -613,10 +601,6 @@ sub write_summary_into_msi_database
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Writing summary information stream");
my $msiinfo = "msiinfo.exe"; # Has to be in the path
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$msiinfo = "$ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/LinkTarget/Executable/msiinfo.exe";
my $msiversion = get_msiversion_for_sis();
my $codepage = 0; # PID_CODEPAGE summary property in a signed short, therefore it is impossible to set 65001 here.
......@@ -669,11 +653,6 @@ sub create_transforms
my $cscript = "cscript.exe"; # Has to be in the path
my $msitran = "msitran.exe"; # Has to be in the path
my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$infoline = "ERROR: We cannot create transformations yet (we cannot use cscript.exe when cross-compiling)\n";
push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
my $wilangid = $ENV{WINDOWS_SDK_WILANGID};
my $from = cwd();
......@@ -909,11 +888,6 @@ sub get_guid_list
# "-c" for uppercase output
my $systemcall = "$uuidgen -n$number |";
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
# -n is not present in the non-windows uuidgen
$systemcall = "for I in `seq 1 $number` ; do uuidgen ; done |";
open (UUIDGEN, "$systemcall" ) or die("uuidgen is missing.");
my @uuidlist = <UUIDGEN>;
close (UUIDGEN);
......@@ -1149,10 +1123,6 @@ sub include_cabs_into_msi
push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path
if ( $installer::globals::isunix )
$msidb = "$ENV{'WORKDIR_FOR_BUILD'}/LinkTarget/Executable/msidb.exe";
my $extraslash = ""; # Has to be set for non-ActiveState perl
my $msifilename = $installer::globals::msidatabasename;
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