Kaydet (Commit) 5243a9ef authored tarafından Matthias Huetsch [mhu]'s avatar Matthias Huetsch [mhu]

#i71568# #i108349# Remove unnecessary flush(), more cleanup.

üst d886d389
......@@ -231,19 +231,16 @@ struct OStoreSuperBlockPage
/** save.
storeError save (OStorePageBIOS &rBIOS)
storeError save (OStorePageBIOS & rBIOS)
// Guard.
// Write.
m_aSuperTwo = m_aSuperOne;
return rBIOS.write (0, this, theSize);
/** verify (with repair).
storeError verify (
OStorePageBIOS &rBIOS);
storeError verify (OStorePageBIOS & rBIOS);
} // namespace store
......@@ -254,17 +251,55 @@ struct OStoreSuperBlockPage
#if 0 /* NEW */
SuperBlockPage::unusedHead(PageData & rPageHead) // alloc page, step 1
* alloc page, step 1: get freelist head.
storeError SuperBlockPage::unusedHead(OStorePageBIOS & rBIOS, PageData & rPageHead)
L aListHead (m_aSuperTwo.unusedHead());
if (aListHead.location() == STORE_PAGE_NULL)
return store_E_NotExists;
// Check FreeList.
OStorePageLink const aListHead (m_aSuperOne.unusedHead());
if (aListHead.location() == 0) // @see SuperBlock::ctor()
rPageHead.location (STORE_PAGE_NULL);
return store_E_None;
// Load PageHead.
eErrCode = rBIOS.read (aListHead.location(), &rPageHead, PageData::theSize);
eErrCode = rPageHead.verify (aListHead.location());
rBIOS.read (aListHead.location(), &rPageHead, PageData::theSize);
// Verify page is unused.
sal_uInt32 const nAddr = rPageHead.m_aUnused.location();
OSL_POSTCOND(nAddr != STORE_PAGE_NULL, "store::SuperBlock::unusedHead(): page not free");
if (nAddr == STORE_PAGE_NULL)
// Page in use.
rPageHead.location (STORE_PAGE_NULL);
// Recovery: Reset FreeList.
return save (rBIOS);
return store_E_None;
SuperBlockPage::unusedPop(sal_uInt32 nAddr) // alloc page, step 2
* alloc page, step 2: pop freelist head.
SuperBlockPage::unusedPop (OStorePageBIOS & rBIOS, PageData const & rPageHead)
sal_uInt32 const nAddr = rPageHead.m_aUnused.location();
OSL_PRECOND(nAddr != STORE_PAGE_NULL, "store::SuperBlock::unusedPop(): page not free");
if (nAddr == STORE_PAGE_NULL)
return store_E_CantSeek;
// Pop from FreeList.
OStorePageLink const aListHead (nAddr);
m_aSuperOne.unusedRemove (aListHead);
return save (rBIOS);
storeError OStoreSuperBlockPage::unusedPush (OStorePageBIOS & rBIOS, sal_uInt32 nAddr)
PageData aPageHead (PageData::theSize);
......@@ -276,19 +311,16 @@ storeError OStoreSuperBlockPage::unusedPush (OStorePageBIOS & rBIOS, sal_uInt32
if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
return eErrCode;
aPageHead.m_aUnused = m_aSuperTwo.unusedHead();
aPageHead.m_aUnused = m_aSuperOne.unusedHead();
aPageHead.guard (nAddr);
eErrCode = rBIOS.write (nAddr, &aPageHead, PageData::theSize);
if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
return eErrCode;
OStorePageLink aListHead (nAddr);
m_aSuperOne = m_aSuperTwo;
return rBIOS.write (0, this, theSize);
OStorePageLink const aListHead (nAddr);
return save (rBIOS);
#endif /* NEW */
......@@ -785,7 +817,7 @@ storeError OStorePageBIOS::allocate (
if (eAlloc != ALLOCATE_EOF)
// Check FreeList.
OStorePageLink aListHead (m_pSuper->m_aSuperTwo.unusedHead());
OStorePageLink aListHead (m_pSuper->m_aSuperOne.unusedHead());
if (aListHead.location())
// Allocate from FreeList.
......@@ -803,8 +835,7 @@ storeError OStorePageBIOS::allocate (
if (aPageHead.m_aUnused.location() == STORE_PAGE_NULL)
// Recovery: Reset FreeList.
m_pSuper->m_aSuperOne = m_pSuper->m_aSuperTwo;
// Save SuperBlock page.
eErrCode = m_pSuper->save (*this);
......@@ -826,8 +857,7 @@ storeError OStorePageBIOS::allocate (
return eErrCode;
// Save SuperBlock page and finish.
m_pSuper->m_aSuperTwo.unusedRemove (aListHead);
m_pSuper->m_aSuperOne = m_pSuper->m_aSuperTwo;
m_pSuper->m_aSuperOne.unusedRemove (aListHead);
eErrCode = m_pSuper->save (*this);
......@@ -877,7 +907,9 @@ storeError OStorePageBIOS::free (OStorePageData & /* rData */, sal_uInt32 nAddr)
(void) m_xCache->removePageAt (nAddr);
// Push onto FreeList.
OStorePageLink aListHead (m_pSuper->m_aSuperTwo.unusedHead());
// return m_pSuper->unusedPush (*this, nAddr); // @@@ NEW @@@
OStorePageLink aListHead (m_pSuper->m_aSuperOne.unusedHead());
aPageHead.m_aUnused.m_nAddr = aListHead.m_nAddr;
aListHead.m_nAddr = aPageHead.m_aDescr.m_nAddr;
......@@ -888,8 +920,7 @@ storeError OStorePageBIOS::free (OStorePageData & /* rData */, sal_uInt32 nAddr)
return eErrCode;
// Save SuperBlock page and finish.
m_pSuper->m_aSuperTwo.unusedInsert (aListHead);
m_pSuper->m_aSuperOne = m_pSuper->m_aSuperTwo;
m_pSuper->m_aSuperOne.unusedInsert (aListHead);
eErrCode = m_pSuper->save (*this);
......@@ -120,11 +120,6 @@ storeError OStorePageManager::initialize (
// Save RootNode.
eErrCode = base::saveObjectAt (m_aRoot, rnPageSize);
if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
return eErrCode;
// Flush for robustness.
(void) base::flush();
// Done.
......@@ -410,13 +410,8 @@ storeError OStoreBTreeRootObject::change (
tmp.swap (m_xPage);
// Save this as new root.
// Save this as new root and finish.
eErrCode = rBIOS.saveObjectAt (*this, nRootAddr);
// Flush for robustness.
(void) rBIOS.flush();
// Done.
(void) testInvariant("OStoreBTreeRootObject::change(): leave");
return eErrCode;
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