Kaydet (Commit) 3d0618db authored tarafından Stephan Bergmann's avatar Stephan Bergmann

Clean up ~SwXAutoTextEntry

The "DocShell must be cleared..." comment was a leftover from
2613afee "INTEGRATION: CWS sw008", pertained to
code that had been moved into implFlushDocument.  The extra code block and
accompanying "Thus, an own block..." comment are just nonsense.

Change-Id: I7e60b488c609796d86bedf518218b06c612e494d
üst bde8054e
......@@ -728,17 +728,10 @@ SwXAutoTextEntry::SwXAutoTextEntry(SwGlossaries* pGlss, const OUString& rGroupNa
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
// ensure that any pending modifications are written
implFlushDocument( true );
//! Bug #96559
// DocShell must be cleared before mutex is lost.
// Needs to be done explicitly since xDocSh is a class member.
// Thus, an own block here, guarded by the SolarMutex
void SwXAutoTextEntry::implFlushDocument( bool _bCloseDoc )
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