Kaydet (Commit) 396f0856 authored tarafından Michael Stahl's avatar Michael Stahl

solenv: installer's -m parameter & globals::minor & PRODUCTMINOR unused

Change-Id: I2f550ca5b02551b84d3631e0101918af49924fe2
üst 36b23fdd
......@@ -458,9 +458,6 @@ sub run {
@installer::globals::logfileinfo = (); # new logfile array and new logfile name
my $logminor = "";
$logminor = $installer::globals::minor;
my $loglanguagestring = $$languagestringref;
my $loglanguagestring_orig = $loglanguagestring;
if (length($loglanguagestring) > $installer::globals::max_lang_length)
......@@ -474,7 +471,6 @@ sub run {
$installer::globals::logfilename = "log_" . $installer::globals::build;
if ( $logminor ne "" ) { $installer::globals::logfilename .= "_" . $logminor; }
$installer::globals::logfilename .= "_" . $loglanguagestring;
$installer::globals::logfilename .= ".log";
$loggingdir = $loggingdir . $loglanguagestring . $installer::globals::separator;
......@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ BEGIN
@languageproducts = ();
$build = "";
$minor = "";
$os = "";
$cpuname = "";
$com = "";
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ The following parameter are needed:
-p: Product from product list to be created (required)
-l: Language of the product (comma and hash) (optional, defined in productlist)
-b: Build, e.g. srx645 (optional)
-m: Minor, e.g. m10 (optional)
-simple: Path to do a simple install to
-u: Path, in which zipfiles are unpacked (optional)
-msitemplate: Source of the msi file templates (Windows compiler only)
......@@ -114,7 +113,6 @@ sub getparameter
elsif ($param eq "-p") { $installer::globals::product = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-l") { $installer::globals::languagelist = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-b") { $installer::globals::build = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-m") { $installer::globals::minor = shift(@ARGV); }
elsif ($param eq "-dontunzip") { $installer::globals::dounzip = 0; }
elsif ($param eq "-pro") { $installer::globals::pro = 1; }
elsif ($param eq "-format") { $installer::globals::packageformat = shift(@ARGV); }
......@@ -521,8 +519,6 @@ sub outputparameter
push(@output, "Product: $installer::globals::product\n");
push(@output, "BuildID: $installer::globals::buildid\n");
push(@output, "Build: $installer::globals::build\n");
if ( $installer::globals::minor ) { push(@output, "Minor: $installer::globals::minor\n"); }
else { push(@output, "No minor set\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::pro ) { push(@output, "Product version\n"); }
else { push(@output, "Non-Product version\n"); }
if ( $installer::globals::rootpath eq "" ) { push(@output, "Using default installpath\n"); }
......@@ -638,20 +638,15 @@ sub replace_setup_variables
# string $buildid, which is used to replace the setup variable <buildid>
my $localminor = "flat";
if ( $installer::globals::minor ne "" ) { $localminor = $installer::globals::minor; }
my $localbuild = $installer::globals::build;
if ( $localbuild =~ /^\s*(\w+?)(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $localbuild = $2; } # using "680" instead of "src680"
my $buildidstring = `cd $ENV{'SRCDIR'} 2>&1 >/dev/null && git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"`;
if ($? || !$buildidstring) {
$buildidstring = $localbuild . $localminor . "(Build:" . $installer::globals::buildid . ")";
$buildidstring = $localbuild . "(Build:" . $installer::globals::buildid . ")";
if ( $localminor =~ /^\s*\w(\d+)\w*\s*$/ ) { $localminor = $1; }
my $updateid = $productname . "_" . $libo_version_major . "_" . $$languagestringref;
$updateid =~ s/ /_/g;
......@@ -221,12 +221,6 @@ sub set_important_properties
push(@{$propertyfile}, $onepropertyline);
if ( $allvariables->{'PRODUCTMINOR'} )
my $onepropertyline = "PRODUCTMINOR" . "\t" . $allvariables->{'PRODUCTMINOR'} . "\n";
push(@{$propertyfile}, $onepropertyline);
if ( $allvariables->{'PRODUCTBUILDID'} )
my $onepropertyline = "PRODUCTBUILDID" . "\t" . $allvariables->{'PRODUCTBUILDID'} . "\n";
......@@ -768,14 +768,10 @@ sub replace_variables_in_ziplist_variables
my ($blockref) = @_;
my $localminor = "";
if ( $installer::globals::minor ) { $localminor = $installer::globals::minor; }
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$blockref}; $i++ )
${$blockref}[$i] =~ s/\{milestone\}//;
if ( $localminor ) { ${$blockref}[$i] =~ s/\{minor\}/$localminor/; }
else { ${$blockref}[$i] =~ s/\{minor\}//; }
${$blockref}[$i] =~ s/\{minor\}//;
if ( $installer::globals::buildid ) { ${$blockref}[$i] =~ s/\{buildid\}/$installer::globals::buildid/; }
else { ${$blockref}[$i] =~ s/\{buildid\}//; }
if ( $installer::globals::build ) { ${$blockref}[$i] =~ s/\{buildsource\}/$installer::globals::build/; }
......@@ -826,11 +822,6 @@ sub add_variables_to_allvariableshashref
if ( $localbuild =~ /^\s*(\w+?)(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $localbuild = $2; } # using "680" instead of "src680"
$variableshashref->{'PRODUCTMAJOR'} = $localbuild;
my $localminor = "";
if ( $installer::globals::minor ne "" ) { $localminor = $installer::globals::minor; }
if ( $localminor =~ /^\s*\w(\d+)\w*\s*$/ ) { $localminor = $1; }
$variableshashref->{'PRODUCTMINOR'} = $localminor;
$variableshashref->{'PRODUCTBUILDID'} = $installer::globals::buildid;
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