Kaydet (Commit) 352fd156 authored tarafından Nils Fuhrmann's avatar Nils Fuhrmann

First implementation configuration parser

üst 086367df
......@@ -48,24 +48,19 @@ int bText=0;
WorkOnTokenSet( ANYTOKEN, yytext );
\<[^\>]*"package-id="\".*\"[^\<]*\> {
bText = 0;
WorkOnTokenSet( CFG_TAG, yytext );
\<[^\>]*"xml:lang="\".*\"[^\<]*\> {
bText = 1;
WorkOnTokenSet( CFG_TEXT_START, yytext );
\<[^\>]*"="\".*\"[^\<]*\> {
"<!--"[^\>]*\> {
bText = 0;
WorkOnTokenSet( CFG_TAG, yytext );
WorkOnTokenSet( COMMEND, yytext );
"<!--"[^\>]*\> {
\<[^\/][^\>]*\> {
bText = 0;
WorkOnTokenSet( COMMEND, yytext );
WorkOnTokenSet( CFG_TAG, yytext );
"<!--" {
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