Kaydet (Commit) 311e7744 authored tarafından Daniel Robertson's avatar Daniel Robertson Kaydeden (comit) Thorsten Behrens

o3tl: add another unit test to cow_wrapper

Add unit tests to cow_wrapper for the move ctor and move assignment.

Change-Id: I82a5886ca7ae110985c7202125699cf95b6466d8
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/18108Reviewed-by: 's avatarThorsten Behrens <Thorsten.Behrens@CIB.de>
Tested-by: 's avatarThorsten Behrens <Thorsten.Behrens@CIB.de>
üst 77a0897e
......@@ -113,9 +113,11 @@ class cow_wrapper_client
cow_wrapper_client( const cow_wrapper_client& );
cow_wrapper_client( cow_wrapper_client&& );
cow_wrapper_client& operator=( const cow_wrapper_client& );
cow_wrapper_client& operator=( cow_wrapper_client&& );
void modify( int nVal );
int queryUnmodified() const;
......@@ -144,6 +146,10 @@ cow_wrapper_client::cow_wrapper_client( const cow_wrapper_client& rSrc ) :
maImpl( rSrc.maImpl )
cow_wrapper_client::cow_wrapper_client( cow_wrapper_client& rSrc ) :
maImpl( std::move( rSrc.maImpl ) )
......@@ -152,6 +158,11 @@ cow_wrapper_client& cow_wrapper_client::operator=( const cow_wrapper_client& rSr
maImpl = rSrc.maImpl;
return *this;
cow_wrapper_client& cow_wrapper_client::operator=( cow_wrapper_client&& rSrc )
maImpl = std::move( rSrc.maImpl );
return *this;
void cow_wrapper_client::modify( int nVal )
maImpl->setValue( nVal );
......@@ -272,13 +283,13 @@ int cow_wrapper_client::queryUnmodified() const
/// true, if not shared with any other cow_wrapper instance
bool is_unique() const // nothrow
return m_pimpl->m_ref_count == 1;
return m_pimpl ? m_pimpl->m_ref_count == 1 : true;
/// return number of shared instances (1 for unique object)
typename MTPolicy::ref_count_t use_count() const // nothrow
return m_pimpl->m_ref_count;
return m_pimpl ? m_pimpl->m_ref_count : 0;
void swap(cow_wrapper& r) // never throws
......@@ -219,6 +219,56 @@ bool cow_wrapper_client4::operator<( const cow_wrapper_client4& rRHS ) const
return maImpl < rRHS.maImpl;
bool BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldIncrement = 0;
bool BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement = 0;
sal_uInt32 BogusRefCountPolicy::s_nEndOfScope = 0;
cow_wrapper_client5::cow_wrapper_client5() :
cow_wrapper_client5::cow_wrapper_client5(int nX) :
cow_wrapper_client5::cow_wrapper_client5( const cow_wrapper_client5& rSrc ) :
maImpl( rSrc.maImpl )
cow_wrapper_client5::cow_wrapper_client5( cow_wrapper_client5&& rSrc ) :
maImpl( std::move( rSrc.maImpl ) )
cow_wrapper_client5& cow_wrapper_client5::operator=( const cow_wrapper_client5& rSrc )
maImpl = rSrc.maImpl;
return *this;
cow_wrapper_client5& cow_wrapper_client5::operator=( cow_wrapper_client5&& rSrc )
maImpl = std::move( rSrc.maImpl );
return *this;
bool cow_wrapper_client5::operator==( const cow_wrapper_client5& rSrc ) const {
return maImpl == rSrc.maImpl;
bool cow_wrapper_client5::operator!=( const cow_wrapper_client5& rSrc ) const {
return maImpl != rSrc.maImpl;
} // namespace o3tltests
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "o3tl/cow_wrapper.hxx"
#include "cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h"
/* Definition of Cow_Wrapper_Clients classes */
......@@ -139,6 +140,61 @@ private:
o3tl::cow_wrapper< int > maImpl;
// singleton ref-counting policy used to keep track of when
// incrementing and decrementing occurs
struct BogusRefCountPolicy
static bool s_bShouldIncrement;
static bool s_bShouldDecrement;
static sal_uInt32 s_nEndOfScope;
typedef sal_uInt32 ref_count_t;
static void incrementCount( ref_count_t& rCount ) {
s_bShouldIncrement = 0;
CPPUNIT_FAIL("Ref-counting policy incremented when it should not have.");
static bool decrementCount( ref_count_t& rCount ) {
return true;
s_bShouldDecrement = 0;
CPPUNIT_FAIL("Ref-counting policy decremented when it should not have.");
return true;
class cow_wrapper_client5
explicit cow_wrapper_client5(int);
cow_wrapper_client5( const cow_wrapper_client5& );
cow_wrapper_client5( cow_wrapper_client5&& );
cow_wrapper_client5& operator=( const cow_wrapper_client5& );
cow_wrapper_client5& operator=( cow_wrapper_client5&& );
sal_uInt32 use_count() const { return maImpl.use_count(); }
bool operator==( const cow_wrapper_client5& rRHS ) const;
bool operator!=( const cow_wrapper_client5& rRHS ) const;
o3tl::cow_wrapper< int, BogusRefCountPolicy > maImpl;
} // namespace o3tltests
......@@ -161,6 +161,89 @@ public:
!aTestObj1.is_default() );
void testRefCounting()
// add scope to ensure appropriate number of calls to
// the reference counting policy have been made
// if any incrementing/decrementing occurs a failure
// will occur
cow_wrapper_client5 aTestObj1(1);
cow_wrapper_client5 aTestObj2( std::move( aTestObj1 ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj2.use_count() == 1",
aTestObj2.use_count() == 1 );
// the following should increment
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldIncrement = 1;
cow_wrapper_client5 aTestObj3( aTestObj2 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("s_bShouldIncrement == 0",
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldIncrement == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj3.use_count() == 2",
aTestObj3.use_count() == 2 );
cow_wrapper_client5 aTestObj4;
// the following should decrement the lvalue and then increment the rvalue
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldIncrement = 1;
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement = 1;
aTestObj4 = aTestObj2;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("s_bShouldIncrement == 0",
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldIncrement == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("s_bShouldDecrement == 0",
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj2.use_count() == 3",
aTestObj2.use_count() == 3 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj3.use_count() == 3",
aTestObj3.use_count() == 3 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj4.use_count() == 3",
aTestObj4.use_count() == 3 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj2 == aTestObj3",
aTestObj2 == aTestObj3 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj3 == aTestObj4",
aTestObj3 == aTestObj4 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj2 == aTestObj4",
aTestObj2 == aTestObj4 );
// only decrement the lvalue before assignment
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement = 1;
aTestObj4 = cow_wrapper_client5( 4 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("s_bShouldIncrement == 0",
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldIncrement == 0 );
// only one call should be made to the ref counting policy's
// decrementing function at the end of the scope
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement = 1;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("s_bShouldDecrement == 0",
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement == 0 );
// self assignment
// aTestObj2 is defunct afterwards, one decrement happens
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement = 1;
aTestObj3 = std::move( aTestObj2 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj2.use_count() == 0",
aTestObj2.use_count() == 0 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("aTestObj3.use_count() == 1",
aTestObj3.use_count() == 1 );
cow_wrapper_client5 aTestObj5;
// only decrement the lvalue before assignment
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement = 1;
aTestObj3 = std::move( aTestObj5 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("s_bShouldDecrement == 0",
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_bShouldDecrement == 0);
// one call should be made to the ref-counting policy's
// decrementing function at the end of the scope. Only
// aTestObj3 still holds a valid instance
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_nEndOfScope = 1;
BogusRefCountPolicy::s_nEndOfScope == 0 );
// Change the following lines only, if you add, remove or rename
// member functions of the current class,
// because these macros are need by auto register mechanism.
......@@ -168,6 +251,7 @@ public:
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